NBA super point guard

Chapter 312 is patience

The Lakers starting lineup: Kobe Bryant, Sister-in-Law, Bynum, Artest and Fisher Fisher, the starting lineup consists of veterans and defensive champions.

Jiasao's defense is not weak, but his playing is relatively soft. The real defensive player is Artest, who came to hold Kobe's thigh to win the championship.

After joining the Lakers, Artest became the starter, which is related to the ratio of the lineup. Artest is not used for offense. Zen master has always attached great importance to the strength of perimeter defense in the starting lineup.

The Lakers won the opening ball by Bynum jumping the ball.

The Thunder's starting lineup has also been changed: Durant, Westbrook, Green, Krstic, Ibaka, using the inside twin towers to ensure rebounds.

Lakers offense.

Fisher entered the frontcourt with the ball and handed it directly to Kobe, Durant defended against him.

Generally speaking, as long as the Thunder is not on the court, basically anyone can defend against Kobe, and they can't defend anyway.

After receiving the ball, Kobe leaned directly on Durant. Facing the tall and long-armed Durant, it was not easy for Kobe to turn around and shoot a jumper.

After pulling away halfway, Bryant stepped back for a jumper.

In the NBA, there are only two people who really evade the block with a fadeaway jumper, one is Jordan and the other is Kobe.

The pose is picturesque.
In fact, no matter whether it is Durant or not, facing two people or three people, as long as there is no room for a layup after accelerating the breakthrough, Kobe will generally choose a fadeaway jumper.

Anyway, there is no one to guard against it, and several people are the same.


Hollow hits.

The first ball was hit, which shows that Kobe's hand feeling is quite good today.

Kalamanda found Li Muhua and whispered:
"LI, if you're defending Kobe, you must find a way to force him to take more fadeaways!"

Li Muhua almost spit out the Gatorade from his mouth.

Of the 60 billion people in the world, at least 5 million people know that Kobe's fadeaway jumper is very inefficient, but Kobe is very persistent and likes to use this method to score.

Iron tetroxide is this kind of cheating shooting method.

Kobe's post-up technique at the basket is quite skilled, but he is too lazy to use it. In fact, this is Kobe's most efficient style of play.

Zen Master often said that he couldn't stand Kobe because this singles style was too pitiful, and he could pass it to other teammates after attracting defense, but Kobe was not happy.

When it comes to the playoffs, Zen master generally won't say it. After all, Kobe is angered, and he will definitely go undercover directly. Then there will be fun to watch.

Had it not been for Jenny Buss, Zen Master would have quit.

It has to be said that when Kobe's movements are stretched, it is not only as simple as picturesque, but also as difficult as Thomas's 360-degree mid-air rotation.

It can be seen how terrifying Kobe's physical strength is, he can maintain difficult movements in a game, and he keeps shooting.

The first condition for becoming a superstar is endurance.

The Lakers scored the first goal easily, and Kalamanda's face became ugly. Sometimes shooting is so magical, the bad touch can kill the team, and the explosive touch can kill the game.

Kobe even leaned back, and he went in so badly, I really couldn't guard against it.

Li Muhua was watching off the court for a while. Kobe took the right to fire in the first quarter without hesitation. In the first quarter, Kobe made 10 of 7 shots and scored 14 points, 2 assists and 2 rebounds. Calculated according to this efficiency, this game I am afraid that Kobe will be super god in the game.

Although Kobe has a good shooting percentage, but facing Durant, he played many shots very reluctantly.

Physical exertion is naturally more than usual.

Durant is not bad either. Apart from defending against Kobe Bryant, he didn't spend too much time on the perimeter. Instead, he continued to attack 8-of-5 under the basket and scored 12 points, 1 assist and 4 rebounds. His performance was very comprehensive.

At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers led by 15 points.

Artest hit two three-pointers, his sister-in-law was 3 of 2 in the paint, and Bynum was 3 of 1. Generally speaking, except for the old fish Fisher paddling on the court, the other teammates completed the task well. , In the first quarter, the game was spent.

Although they knew the strength of the Lakers' defense, the players of the Thunder team were helpless to be able to play like this in the first quarter.

Brooks has been standing on the sidelines, frowning.

During the break in the first quarter, Brooks picked up the tactical board: "LI, we need to play offense in this quarter, and you should be in charge of the ball. Use the outside line as the starting point, try to open up the situation, and adopt a style of play that guarantees efficiency!"

There were too many strikes in the first quarter, and the Thunder must hit the success rate if they want to chase points.

Li Muhua nodded after seeing the area Brooks drew on the tactical board.

The second quarter started soon.

Li Muhua attacked with the ball and came to the frontcourt to observe the movement of his teammates. The Lakers were very densely positioned and it was difficult to find space to attack.

Farmar defended against the position and adopted a close defense.

It seems that Zen master explained before the game that normally Farmar would not follow so closely.

Li Muhua worshiped Buddha, accelerated his breakthrough, and rushed directly into the middle.

Bynum came up to help defend.

The defense in the middle changed instantly, and Farmar ran to the basket to dislocate the defense.

After the defense was changed, no one was missed.

Li Muhua didn't stop, turned around and threw the ball with Bynum.

Green ran out from the corner to catch the ball and made a direct shot from mid-range.


Hollow hits.

Green came up and gave Li Muhua a high five to celebrate.

Durant stretched out his thumb when retreating. The ball was played very dangerously, and the instantaneous movement change in the bottom corner could not be seen with normal vision.

It's still 13 points away.

For the Thunder, it is not easy to chase points. First, they must reduce the Lakers' shooting percentage on the defensive end.

Lakers offense.

Li Muhua and Harden switched defenses and faced Kobe directly.

There is no way, the person Harden really wants to fight is Odom, but Odom is very deep, if Harden defends Kobe, it is unimaginable.

"James, if Kobe wants to break through, try to double-team him, and Farmar doesn't need to worry about it!" Seeing that Kobe was about to attack, Li Muhua hurriedly told him.

Regardless of whether Harden's defense is good or not, at least he is very obedient. Harden also knows that his defense is a bit nonsense, and it is important to rely on the strength of his teammates.

Harden patted Li Muhua on the back, and ran directly to Farmar.

From a certain point of view, Harden, who looks slightly fat, still put some psychological pressure on Farmar, and he will not be so presumptuous.

The Thunder's backcourt defense is mediocre. Farmar is capable of three-pointers and Kobe is the main scorer.

The Lakers' offense and defense are integrated, and there is no way to choose a zone defense. They can only rely on switching defenses for man-to-man.

Players of the defending champion team have the possibility of killing the game.

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