NBA super point guard

Chapter 287 The World of Brushes

Westbrook made another zombie jumper and hit the iron directly.

Nowitzki grabbed the rebound and handed it to Kidd, and the Mavericks' offensive rhythm slowed down again.

Li Muhua was very helpless.

Westbrook played too impatiently, and he can play slowly to ensure the success rate.

Many teams habitually win or lose in the third quarter, so that they can make timely judgments on winning or losing. The same is true for the Thunder. Westbrook obviously wants to have more performance on the stage of the playoffs.

Especially in the third quarter, Westbrook played the second position.

It seems to have forgotten that this is the playoffs, and the confrontation level, including the style of play, is completely different from the regular season.

Facing a powerful team, the most worrying thing is impatience. Whether it is leading or lagging, whoever has an unstable mentality is likely to cause a collapse. Under this intensity, it is generally impossible to quickly decide the outcome of the game of.

Westbrook epitomizes the mindset of most of the Thunder's players.

The Mavericks hit steadily and the Thunder attacked.

Ibaka didn't find a chance to play hard with the ball at the basket, and threw it back to the outside again. Westbrook continued to break through.

What the hell!

Nowitzki is still sitting near the free throw line, and even rushed to the middle.

Li Muhua couldn't bear to watch it.

Although many media say that Nowitzki is a softie, there is no final conclusion on whether it is an All-Star or a superstar, but it is undeniable that even an All-Star defense is enough for Westbrook to drink a pot.

In this case, Westbrook wanted to make people vomit blood.

Durant wanted the ball, but he didn't call out, and Westbrook couldn't see anyone at all.

The more you don't score, the more Westbrook has to hit, hit the iron, shoot again, hit the iron again and hit five goals in a row. The posture of going down.

Brooks on the sidelines couldn't stand it any longer, and directly pushed Westbrook down.

However, before Li Muhua could heave a sigh of relief, Harden stepped up to play the second position, and hit three again, which was so good that he cheated the team.

Li Muhua wanted to remind him, but then he thought about it. During this period of time, Brooks sent Harden on a mission, but the poor hand feeling didn't stop for a moment, and he was still trying to kill the team. I don't know these people What's going on in your head.

The management of the Thunder team is very strict. For example, everyone's right to shoot is restricted. Moreover, Barea is crazy about Li Muhua, and Terry is watching from the sidelines.

Durant quickly became an invisible man on the court, and no one noticed at all.

Only 8% of the shots were made, and this was based on the team's data in the first half of the quarter. The Thunder fell into a scoring drought. At the end of the third quarter, the Mavericks took an [-]-point lead over the Thunder with little effort.

Instead of expanding its advantages, it lags behind.

During the break, Durant blamed Westbrook, and Westbrook blamed Ibaka.

You push me, I push you, anyway, in a word, it's not that I'm incompetent, the teammates are all CBA.

Li Muhua covered the towel and sat there panting non-stop. He didn't want to talk to these people. He could do whatever he wanted when he had the right to shoot. He didn't think about other players at all. They were all cancerous. When they fought, they only had the basket in their eyes.

"The next quarter is very important, I don't want to see the scene just now, understand? LI, you control the ball, Russell, you cover the offense, Kevin, find an opportunity to find an open cut! "

Brooks stopped the players' prevarication and rearranged the players on the field.

Put Harden on the bench again.

Westbrook returned to play the second position.

It is necessary to ensure that the core players are on the field to the greatest extent. In fact, Brooks is helpless to make this adjustment.

The biggest disadvantage of the Thunder team is the lack of rotation players and the large number of young players. Under normal circumstances, Durant, Green, and Westbrook play nearly 10 minutes, Li Muhua almost 25 minutes, Ibaka and Krstic has two 10 minutes or so, as for Maynor, Harden and Collison, from 5 minutes to 10 minutes or so.

Weaver, Thomas almost sat out the bench.

The average is only about 3 minutes per game, and he doesn't play much in the regular season, let alone the playoffs.

The Thunder didn’t have so many possessions to support rookies, so they could only fight for their talents. This is why Presti was hesitant to sign Li Muhua at the beginning. Without physical talent, it is just a waste to put it bluntly.

Of course, the Thunder's three young players have already occupied a lot of ball possessions. As Harden's later, the ball possessions are actually running out.

The current Thunder team can only pay for the madness at the beginning. A group of rookies can’t tell who is good and who is not. Even Krstic has become a slot machine.

This is the sadness of the small ball market, there is not so much money to support the stars.

"LI, pay attention to the rhythm after playing, I believe you will be fine, be reasonable, we must play reasonably, as long as we can hold the score, we can still play!"

Kalamanda grabbed Li Muhua and gave instructions in a low voice before going on stage.

In all fairness, Kalamanda, as an assistant coach, cannot criticize players at will at this time.

The coaches know exactly how to play this game until now, but the status of the core players is unquestionable. It can be seen from the tactical arrangement that no matter how hard the core is, the team still has to use it. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the rotation of other players.

The assistant coaches are the most embarrassing, taking a fraction of the players' salaries, and have to point out these big guys.

In normal times, Kalamanda can be more casual, but in the playoffs, no one dares to take responsibility. No matter the players or the coaches, there is no salary in the playoffs, only the game ticket revenue is shared.

If you play a few more games, your income will be many times better than your annual salary.

Li Muhua immediately understood the reasonable meaning, Kalamanda really took great pains.

Kalamanda can't say many things to the core, but he can communicate with Li Muhua, because Li Muhua is the only one in the team who can reach the field control level.

Westbrook's temper is too straightforward, and he can talk to you with just a few words. In case of a stalemate, the next game will not be able to be played at all.

There is absolutely no problem with his personality. He is a good brother. He usually chats with his teammates very well. It’s just that XJBD’s six relatives don’t recognize him on the court. He doesn’t know how many times he yelled at Ibaka just to collect rebound data.

Normal people will never understand the world of brushes.

Whether it is a brush or an All-Star, no one can tell.

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