NBA super point guard

Chapter 285 Hungry Ghost in Color

"Yes, I discussed this issue with LI. The Mavericks' tactics are initiated from the outside, and the core position of the horn area is the place where the most shots are taken. It is similar to the 1-2-2 pyramid position of the bombardment!"

Kalamanda took over and continued to explain:
"Not only do we need to strengthen the defense at the top of the arc, but we also need to continue to attack, respond from the waist, and cover the offensive players to break through from the middle!"

The players were not surprised by the tactical change.

Carlisle is a master tactician, and the set positions are not always the same. The Thunder can only see the tricks.

Brooks is good at directing on the spot.

"Pay attention to the defense of each position, but if you want to strangle Dirk, Terry and the others can't make any waves!" Brooks finally warned.

At the beginning of taking office, Brooks, who took over the pot, often fed chicken soup to the players, and then began to make a series of changes in tactics. If the Thunder can play to this point, it is inseparable from Brooks' training.

Li Muhua felt that Brooks was a little inferior to the Thunder, and that he was able to bring the new team to this level, which was beyond the comparison of ordinary coaches.

After all, Brooks is only in his forties, knowledgeable and good-natured, giving Li Muhua the feeling that he should go to Wall Street instead of the NBA.

A lot of people had gathered outside the arena long ago, and the shouts of the fans could be heard inside the arena.

Oklahoma City had never seen this kind of scene before the Thunder moved in. The city government mobilized many police officers to stand guard everywhere, worried that fans would make trouble due to various problems in the game.

With this mentality, it is more difficult for the visiting team.

"I really didn't expect that we have so many fans!"

Harden started babbling as soon as he entered the locker room.

Collison laughed and patted Harden on the shoulder: "James, this is your first year. Don't worry. When the time comes, you will be worth it. The fans will pick you up. It's nothing!"

Just Harden's touch is really enough.Li Muhua almost burst out laughing, he didn't believe in Collison's chicken soup at all.

Until six o'clock in the evening, the fans began to enter, and the tense atmosphere enveloped the locker room. Brooks finally emphasized the tactical arrangements.

The first playoff battle at home began.


When the DJ called Li Muhua's name, accompanied by cheers, Li Muhua ran out waving his hands and stood beside Westbrook.

Li Muhua was really tired of this kind of show before the competition, he felt like a baboon performing on stage.

On April 4, in the third game of the playoffs, the Thunder played against the Mavericks at home.

The home atmosphere of the mountains and the tsunami made the Mavericks players feel not very good.

The Thunder had the home court advantage, so they were not worried that the whistle would be called frequently. From the beginning, the Thunder increased their hand movements, allowing the Mavericks to enjoy an away game.

Different from the big offensive in the last game, the two teams in this game coincidentally put up defensive strength.

Only in the first quarter, the Mavericks' four and five positions were blown by two points, and the Thunder also made a few mistakes. The degree of confrontation was even more intense than the first game.

In the second quarter, the substitute lineup was rotated.

Li Muhua came on stage.

With Li Muhua playing, the Mavericks' lineup has also undergone great changes. The lineup has been adjusted to be small, with Terry leading the offense as the core.

Terry plays number two.

The Thunder kicked off, Li Muhua held the ball, Jose Barea defended, Li Muhua directly broke through with the help of Green's screen, Jose Barea directly followed the defense, and did not switch defenses.

Jose Barea is only in the early 1.80 meters, and his two little white legs are very vigorous and fast. He is indeed the most capable person in the league who can make Miss Universe.

Li Muhua hit the ball on the spot, Barea ran up to him and stepped back a few steps.

Bless Buddha!

In the league, almost all guards will worship Buddha, especially the players who can shoot. It is the easiest way to confuse the opponent.

Pretending to appear in a shooting position, Barea quickly straightened his body and raised his hands to surrender.

If the defensive shot is not anti-burst, the player facing Li Muhua has no choice.

Barea also belonged to the kind of player with average explosive power. He stood on his toes and didn't jump too high. Li Muhua directly accelerated his breakthrough. Barea adjusted his posture again and continued to interfere in the front.

Li Muhua immediately jumped up after crossing his crotch.

Barea stretched out his hand and rushed over, Li Muhua shot quickly, the shot was fast, Barea knocked Li Muhua to the ground.

Li Muhua's chest hurt from the collision, especially when Barea was lying on Li Muhua's body when he fell to the ground.


Li Muhua cursed, and quickly pushed Barea away, how skillful this hungry ghost is.

Long two-point hit.


The referee signaled that the goal was valid, and Li Muhua added another penalty.

The teammates hurried over and pulled Li Muhua up one after another. Li Muhua slapped his chest a few times. What the hell, this little bastard is really rude, so he slapped his whole body together.

After Li Muhua made a free throw, he found Barea directly in the backcourt.

Unavoidable physical contact, no one thinks anything about this kind of foul, but Barea's move was obviously intentional, and he actually put his head on his chest. Was it practiced or something? Li Muhua was a little angry.

The game continues.

The Mavericks attacked, and Li Muhua followed up directly in the backcourt. When Barea passed the middle circle, he pretended to slip and bumped into Barea while the referee was not paying attention.

Then, Li Muhua pinched Barea's waist with all his strength.

Barea staggered in pain, almost lost the ball, and glared at Li Muhua, but Li Muhua turned a blind eye and continued to entangle Barea, tying Barea hard on his legs.

Terry came up to respond, and Barea stumbled and passed the ball.

The referee ran to the side of the two, a little warning, and the two quickly separated.

Terry transferred to Butler, Butler hit the basket hard, Durant grabbed the rebound and handed it to Li Muhua.

The Thunder attack.

Li Muhua quickly entered the frontcourt, dribbled the ball back and forth, raised his elbow and began to hit Barea sideways. Barea was not considered strong, but because of his speed, he was not at a disadvantage when entangled.

Li Muhua turned around and pretended to be a jump shot to pass to the basket.

Durant made an empty cut to the inside to catch the ball and made a layup.

The Mavericks attacked, Terry came to the high pick-and-roll, Li Muhua switched defenses, and quickly blocked the interference in place. Terry made an emergency stop for a jumper and hit the iron. Ibaka grabbed the rebound before it was passed, but was cut off by Marion. The players on both sides switched offense and defense again. There was a change, and Marion chose his own jumper.

A space hit outside the paint.

Holding the ball, Li Muhua stretched out his hand to indicate the No. [-] tactic, and his teammates began to move.

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