NBA super point guard

Chapter 277 Advancing to the Playoffs

No one expected such a result.

"Is Jeff's right to shoot lowered because of this?" Thinking of this, Li Muhua looked up and saw Brooks who was explaining to the players.

Green's condition is not serious, but there are signs of the disease, and it is still too early for surgery.

Presti told the players through Brooks not to get Green too excited, the basic problem is not big.

After winning the Trail Blazers, the Thunder's ranking returned to seventh in the West, getting rid of the nightmarish defending champion.

On April 4, the final game of the regular season for the Thunder this season was played at the home court of the Grizzlies.

"It seems that everyone is here, I thought someone was taking turns!"

While the players were changing jerseys in the locker room, Green pushed open the door and greeted them with a grin.


"Jeff! Are you here?"

The players were astonished. They thought that Green would have to rest for a while, but he came to Vancouver alone.

"Really, don't even call to talk about it!"

Durant was unceremonious, stepped forward to hug Green, and kept complaining.

Green shrugged and explained: "I know your schedule is tight. If we win this game and the Spurs lose, we can rise to sixth."

"Also. LI, you did a great job, really great!"

Seeing Li Muhua in the crowd, Green stretched out his fist and bumped into Li Muhua.

It seems that Green's body is fine and he is in a good mood, otherwise the head coach would never approve him to return to the team.

Li Mu felt relieved and smiled: "Anyway, I avoided the Lakers, so I don't think it doesn't matter if I'm sixth or seventh!"

"Yes, let's win this game and go home!"

The players formed a circle, folded their hands, and shouted at the same time:
"Oklahoma! We are thunder!"

In this game, neither side has players resting. If Durant wants to sprint for the scoring champion this season, he will naturally play the entire game. As an old opponent, the Grizzlies naturally don't want to be easily taken down by the Thunder. Stand by.

In the curtain call, no one wanted to give up lightly. The game was very intense, and the two sides did not have a strong defense against each other.

A lot of time was spent on training substitute players. Li Muhua didn't play many games, and only finished with a double-double of 10 points and 11 assists.

Durant scored 31 points, 7 rebounds and 4 assists.

The Thunder won the game.

So far, the regular season of the 09-10 season is over.

The Grizzlies are again scrambling to make the playoffs next season, and the Thunder leave Vancouver and return to Oklahoma.

Presti has been very busy recently. As the general manager, he has already started to plan for the next season, and the teams in the league are roughly similar. They have to face reinforcements, trades, contract extensions, etc. Some players whose contracts have expired Uneasy, he arranged for agents to travel to various cities to seek big contracts.

The various media were not idle, and began to take stock of the various statistics of this season.

This season, LeBron James of the Cavaliers once again won the regular season MVP.

However, it was the Thunder that received the most exposure in the news.

Durant scored a total of 2472 points this season, averaging 30.1 points per game, becoming the scoring leader in 09-10.

The Thunder had 23 wins and 59 losses last season and ranked No. 13 in the Western Conference. This season, they ranked seventh in the Western Conference with an excellent record of 50 wins and 32 losses. Scott Brooks won the best head coach of the season.

This season Steve Nash has a total of 892 assists, becoming the assist leader again with an average of 11.0 per game. Li Muhua ranks second with 864, and Deron ranks third with 798.

Li Muhua was very depressed when he saw the data discharged from the TV at home.

Originally thought it would be able to hit the assist list, but it seems that this season is out of luck again.

Durant also entered the best team, and there is no objection to this election.Green is a good partner, Westbrook is a good player, Harden is a parallel importer, Li Muhua is a role player who can pass the ball and shoot three-pointers, as for Ibaka inside, he is a good defensive player with limited ability, and Kirsty Qi is an out-and-out softie.

After such an analysis, everyone discovered that Durant is really awesome and can bring this kind of remnant team into the playoffs.

The Oklahoman:
"Congratulations to Kevin for being the scoring leader this season, he deserves it!"

"After two seasons of confusion, the Thunder finally found a suitable leader—Kevin Durant, yes, a 21-year-old guy who has created his honor in this city. Behind these highlights, How much sweat and tears were filled, we can't know this, as Oklahomans, we sincerely say, thank you!"

"Let's cheer for the playoffs together, and let's cheer for the Thunder!"


"Supersonic? Thunder? Which is faster!"

"When the once old Sonics could no longer speed up, the team was rebuilt. At this time, Kevin Durant came to the Thunder. At that time, the lineup only had veteran Ke Leeson, only rookie Russell Westbrook, and the newly signed undrafted pick LI, it can be said that the Thunder have experienced the darkest two years without help at all!"

"Last season, when the Thunder team was at the bottom of the Western Conference last season, we have to admire the Thunder's way into the playoffs this season. Scott Brooks' honor is well deserved, and Kevin Duran, who is the core of the team Special is the hard work!"

It is difficult for any team to rebuild to reach the level of entering the playoffs in a short period of time.

It's not unreasonable for the media to be crazy. The Thunder completed the reconstruction and transformation in just two years. This is already a miracle in the history of the NBA.

After sending Doyle off, Li Muhua came to the training ground and unexpectedly found that Green was also there.

After finishing the recovery training, Li Muhua began to learn the mid-range jumper after the breakthrough with Green.

Green's mid-range jumper is a must. This is exactly Li Muhua's weakest point. Many players in the league are good at pull-up jumpers. It's not that they like jumpers, but that they don't have too many choices when the defense shrinks.

To become a top point guard in the league, breakthrough skills before jump shots are essential. Li Muhua has many templates to refer to, such as Paul’s rhythm, Deron’s cross step, and Rose’s change of direction. It’s just a matter of choosing which one suits you best. Li Muhua is still thinking about his own way.

In terms of statistics, the hustle and bustle came and went quickly, and the experts began to predict who would win the championship.

The league has long played the slogan of 23VS24. The most likely thing for the east and west this season is that the Cavaliers and the Lakers will meet in the finals.

It is an indisputable fact that the west is strong and the east is weak, but it does not mean that other teams have no strength to compete.

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