NBA super point guard

Chapter 272 Three-tier Rocket Team

The competition is intense.

Westbrook's game can no longer be described as an undercover agent. He is simply a traitor. Under Rush's misplaced defense, he didn't score a single point.

Yes, the whole game was shot in waves, and he got a big duck egg in the end.

Durant was not much better, and the blacksmith possessed him, which became one of the main reasons for the team's loss.

The best performer of the Thunder team was Green, who scored 10 of 6 and 7 of 7 free throws, scoring 20 points. Li Muhua scored 8 of 5 shots, scored 13 points and 5 assists, and all the balls passed to the core were wasted.

On the contrary, the role players played well. The two cores of the Thunder team cheated the team. The game only played three quarters, and the Thunder team chose to surrender.

The local media almost went crazy, and the feeling of stepping on others is so cool.

Indiana Star:
"The All-Star is back, the pride of the Indiana - Granger is back, and he scored 30+10 in this game, which proves one thing. If it weren't for injuries, the Pacers would be completely invincible. Team!"

I don't know where the confidence comes from, why can't the Pacers be so strong.


"The Indiana Pacers are very strong. Even without injuries, their offensive ability is also among the top teams in the league. Granger and Murphy have played steadily, making people envious of their physical talents. I hope the Pacers Let the team get rid of the troubles of injuries as soon as possible, and dedicate to the fans more exciting games!"

Losing is losing, there is nothing to say, and it does not prevent you from bragging.

The downturn in the core led to the loss, and the Thunder's away trip was destined to not go smoothly. Li Muhua saw the worried Brooks and consulted with Green in private.

"The playoffs are about to start, they are under a lot of pressure, we can't do anything now, we have to trust them!"

Green's face was relaxed, and Lao Cheng patted Li Muhua's shoulder solemnly.

Believe in Mao.

"Then lose like this. If we are ranked last, we will face either the Lakers or the Suns, but we have no chance of winning!" Li Muhua was in a hurry. This was the first playoff game in his life, and he didn't want to lose too much.

After all, with the lessons learned from his big brother Yao Ming, Li Muhua was very worried, and no one wanted to travel every year.

Green shook his head, put on the earphones and shook his head to listen to the music, with a look of complete indifference.

The jabbering Indian divine comedy, who the hell knew that Green would love to listen to this.

It's just, can he understand this kind of song? Li Muhua leaned back on the seat with a sigh of relief.

The continuous away games of the devil, flying around affect the physical condition, especially after the loss, the downturn of this state is reflected on every player's face.

That night, the Thunder challenged the Spurs away.

As the playoffs approached, Popovich chose to take the main rotation. This time, Tony Parker was directly suspended.

"Yes, when Tony saw Li and Russell, he was too scared to go on stage, so he asked me for leave!"

Before the game, Popovich looked angry in the interview, and seemed to be full of complaints: "The young people nowadays have no fighting spirit at all. When encountering opponents, they should not be timid, but face up to difficulties. I am very angry, so let him Rest, I hate seeing that face!"

No one believes this kind of nonsense. If you don't rest the main players before the playoffs, then you won't be called Zhuge Weiqi.

The Spurs didn't pay much attention to this game, but the Thunder played very hard.

No one thought that Durant suddenly broke out.

Keep asking for the ball to play singles with the ball.

The downturn in the previous game was completely invisible to Durant. He turned on the unsolvable mode, slammed Jefferson in various fancy ways, and scored 45 points, 8 rebounds and 3 blocks under strict defense.

Li Muhua didn't have much time off the bench. He only had more than one quarter and scored 5 points and 10 assists.

Durant, who found his form, was surprising, and almost overturned the Spurs at the ATT Center Arena.

The best performance of the Spurs was the backup point guard George Hill, who scored 27 points and 5 rebounds. The other substitute players also played well. Duncan and Ginobili didn't play for a long time. Popovich probably didn't expect it , Even if the GDP is collected, the three veterans can win.

Westbrook shot 15 of 5 and continued to slump. Brooks specifically reduced Li Muhua's playing time, just to find state for Westbrook.

That's it. Lost again.

The two-game losing streak on the road dropped the Thunder's record to sixth in the Western Conference.

Li Muhua was sitting off the court, frowning.

Everyone knows that Popovich doesn't pay much attention to this game. Instead of letting the main players fight to the death with the youth army, it is better to save their energy for the playoffs.

The intention of doing this is obvious, to get a ranking that favors the Spurs and avoid the Lakers.

After the game, Popovich was clearly dissatisfied:
"Durant's performance is very exciting, full of talent, everyone likes such a player, unlike my players, all of them are not good, making people look angry!"

It was originally planned to lose, but who knew that a group of substitutes actually won the game.

The media started to go crazy again. In front of the defense-oriented Spurs, Durant played superbly.

"Actually, I felt like I was in good form today, I think I got my attacking form back, and I wasn't doing as well as my teammate LI, you know, he got it in the game two weeks ago. 59 points, he is much worse than me!"

This kind of answer is very second-guess, on the surface it looks very modest, and there is a smell of Shanxi old mature vinegar in the tone.

The media are naturally satisfied with getting the answer they want.

Back in Oklahoma, general manager Presti booked a hotel to entertain the players as he said before.

"First of all, on behalf of the management, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for your dedication this season. Everyone's progress has been made through unremitting efforts. Whether it is me or Mr. Nate, I am very satisfied with you. I wish the next The game went well!"

Presti raised the goblet, gave a generous speech, and then took turns toasting the players.

When he came to Li Muhua, Presti smiled: "LI, it seems that signing you was my wisest decision. Our team may have another All-Star!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"Work hard, it's all up to you young people to enter the playoffs!"

Li Muhua nodded and drank it down.

Two days later, the Thunder ushered in the Houston Rockets at home.

The Rockets used to be a strong team in the Western Conference. After Yao Ming was injured and Tracy McGrady was traded, they have been completely reduced to a third-rate team.

There is no need for Li Muhua to be polite. He stole Aaron Brooks consecutively, beat the little man into a scumbag, and made a three-pointer against Lowry in the third quarter. The Rockets' defense collapsed directly. They chose to admit defeat in the middle of the fourth quarter. .

The core Scola scored 25 of 11 and scored 25 points and 6 rebounds.

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