NBA super point guard

Chapter 264 The Cursed Team

Li Muhua didn't understand the commentator's ridicule at all.

Anthony's singles is very good, it doesn't mean that he can be defended by defense, and Li Muhua doesn't need to make himself unhappy.

Halfway through the second quarter, the two sides made substitutions again.

The combination of Kenyon Martin and Nene in the penalty area has already beaten Kostic to his mother. Ibaka is always squeezed out of the basket and has no room to play.

Can't eat inside, and there is a combination of JR Smith and Billups outside, the Thunder can only rely on XJBD to barely maintain.

This season, the Nuggets are strong, and they are not at a disadvantage against the F4 Lakers. The Thunder have been beaten in almost every position, and the scoring depends entirely on the individual ability of the players. When the second quarter came up, Li Muhua had a headache. It can be delivered to Durant.

After two quarters like this, at the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Thunder team withdrew all the main players and announced that they had surrendered.

The Nuggets had a hard time, and the game wasted in three quarters. Anthony didn't even enjoy it. Li Muhua singles, Westbrook singles, Durant singles, Green singles, whoever they met, they didn't pass the ball at all. Other players All the energy was put on defense, and the Thunder's defense was a mess.

After this game, Anthony scored 35 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists, which can be called all-around. On the other hand, Li Muhua only scored 13 points and 11 assists, which is not worth mentioning at all.

The Nuggets clocked in at home for three quarters. Anthony was obviously not enjoying himself. If he had to play after the opponent surrendered, he would definitely be sprayed like a brush. He had no choice but to sit on the sidelines and wait for the end of the game. His face was black and he didn't like anyone. .

Instead of giving interviews after the game, the Thunder scrambled to catch a flight.

The second leg of the Western Conference road trip, the Clippers.

After arriving in Los Angeles, many media came to the gate of the stadium to interview:

"LI, what do you think about Blake's injury?"

This matter can't be seen. Some time ago, the No. [-] pick Griffin checked again, and according to the results of the inspection, he still couldn't play. The Clippers were a little unhappy about this incident.

After finally picking the No. [-] pick, he had to support him without playing a game.

Li Muhua sighed: "Blake's physical fitness is great. I think Blake will definitely become an All-Star after he returns from injury!"

This kind of praise for one's own people comes from other people's mouths, which is what the media in Los Angeles can do.

The Los Angeles people are very excited. It is not enough to have a Kobe, and now there is a Griffin. Whether it is the Lakers or the Clippers, they are all Los Angeles teams. Other players can only envy them.

The players are very cautious. Although they have not met, they still wish Griffin a speedy recovery.

If the media in Los Angeles is impatient, they can spit shit out of people if they don't recognize their relatives.

After Gordon appeared on the court, the media swarmed and surrounded him. In Gordon’s rookie season last year, Gordon scored 41 points against the Thunder and was praised by the media, saying that Gordon is expected to become The boss of the Clippers.

And Gordon and Li Muhua are both sophomores. In 08, one was a top ten rookie and the other was an undrafted pick.

Especially after Li Muhua scored 59 points, the contrast became even stronger, and the media found an outlet:

"Eric, can you score another high score in this game?"

Gordon was instantly dumbfounded:
"I don't know, I can only say that LI's personal ability is very strong!"

A reporter asked again: "We all know that you once scored the highest score in a single game with the Thunder. Can you break this record today?"

"I can only do my best to help the team win the game, instead of focusing on the record. I am just a player, and I must do my job well!"

Gordon's emotional intelligence is not low, what he said is tantamount to nonsense, but there is no way to choke the media.

As a former All-Star, the bearded Davis' state has declined this year. In addition, he was a little unhappy with the team's management. A large part of the reason for the Clippers' poor record is that the management will not As a human being, one will find this to be the core, and the other will be the core, and the captain is not considered at all.

The history of the Clippers is a history of player tragedy, and the entire United States believes that the Clippers are a cursed team.

As the "second room" of Los Angeles, the attendance rate of the Clippers has been terrible, and no player has persisted in the Clippers for more than 6 seasons. The All-Stars who were drafted were either plagued by injuries or were traded.

In short, for a team with a winning percentage of only [-]%, every night of the game, the team owner is in pain.

The most speechless thing is that the Los Angeles media loves to spray the Clippers to set off the Lakers:
"Double short clippers, how can they stand out from the encirclement!"

Many people mock other people's flaws, such as the wingspan of Gordon and Griffin.

He spared no effort to praise Kobe's figure, kept making comparisons, and pierced the Clippers' hearts fiercely. Anyway, he must hurt his body completely, and the media in Los Angeles were happy.

More than that, there was even news from the media that the captain Davis might leave the team, Duanfen took over, and the Clippers ushered in the dawn.

Yes, in such a turbulent environment, the Clippers live in a dark place, and the players are no longer focused on playing. They spend all day making wedding dresses for the Lakers.

The Clippers sit at home but are terribly desperate, and it is reasonable to lose the game. The team's shooting percentage is less than [-]%.

The Thunder won a victory without bloodshed.

Brooks was interviewed after the game:

"The team can win. Every player played well. I can't comment on the Clippers. They are also great guys. It's just that we performed better, so we won!"

At this time, no one will make trouble, the Clippers are already very poor, and the players will go to rest and fish soon.

A day later, the Thunder came to Sacramento to play away against the Kings.

In less than a week, the two teams faced off again. The Kings also focused on cultivating players. The difference in record was too great, and they had already lost their qualification for the playoffs. One wanted to win, while the other was training. good.

As soon as Tyreke Evans came out, he was cheered by the fans.

In order to practice tactics, the Kings strengthened the rotation of the fourth position, increased the intensity of the inside line, and cut off the tactics initiated by the outside line. At the same time, Tyreke Evans closely followed Li Muhua and restricted shooting.

After starting the game like this, the Kings played out of form instead, and the Thunder played a bit reluctantly on the offensive end.

Brooks made adjustments, and the Thunder gave up the outside core of play and turned to attack the basket, but slowly caught up with the score.

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