The Eagles called a timeout again.

Li Muhua's physical strength was close to exhaustion, and he couldn't stop panting after leaving the field, but there was no way to leave the field. The two sides fought the whole game at a critical moment, and neither of them wanted to lose the game.

Brooks arranged offensive tactics nervously, constantly emphasizing defense.

The game started again, the Eagles attacked, Mike Bibby got the ball upfield, Crawford ran early, received the pass, and moved quickly.

Joe Johnson ran laterally to catch the ball, and after an emergency stop, he changed direction and broke through. Kostic stuck in the position of Zha Pachulia under the basket. Joe Johnson stepped back and shot. The arc of the basketball was very high.

Green stepped forward to block the shot, and the basketball flew through his fingertips.


The basketball hit the rim.

Krstic grabbed the rebound, and the two sides quickly switched offense and defense.

The Thunder team attacked, Westbrook handed it over to Li Muhua after halftime, and rushed into the paint, but Li Muhua was still dribbling the ball to waste time, just now Joe Johnson's strike was very timely.

At the very least, the Thunder now have one more offense.

Green stepped forward to do the pick-and-roll, Li Muhua made a reverse breakthrough, was double-teamed by Crawford, Durant returned to the high position, and Li Muhua transferred the ball to the outside line while advancing.

Durant, who is tall and long, has a lot of opportunities on the outside, and Joe Johnson can't stop the breakthrough at all.

Then, the timing of Durant's shot was very good, but Joe Johnson stepped forward to interfere in time, bounced very fast, and stretched out his arm in an instant, Durant's shot was a step slower and was interfered.

From this ball, it can be seen that Durant's physical strength has almost reached its limit, and his shooting posture has been deformed.


Joe Johnson yelled out before he landed.

A bunch of people crowded in the paint area, and Pachulia, the scumbag, was even more outrageous. He pinned Kostic with his arms and blocked Green with his feet.

Josh Smith grabbed the rebound, and the rebound at this critical moment was priceless.

The Eagles launched a fast break, Joe Johnson advanced with the ball, Durant quickly returned to the defense, Li Muhua followed Crawford closely, Joe Johnson was very fast, and rushed to the basket in the blink of an eye.

Durant has already settled at the basket in advance.

At this time, Joe Johnson, who has been invisible for thousands of years, actually flicked it and passed it to Crawford on the left wing.

Li Muhua arrived just now, and immediately rushed to block the shot due to running inertia.

Crawford flashed to block the shot after staying in the air.


At the critical moment, Crawford had a big heart, withstood the pressure and hit a three-pointer.

The Eagles once again took the lead at 111:110.

Only 48 seconds left in the game.

Westbrook and Li Muhua made a cross screen, the ball was redistributed by Li Muhua, Mike Bibby pressed the defense at halftime, and did not give Li Muhua any room to shoot, Westbrook came up to cover, Li Muhua threw off the defense and came to the left again Outside the three-point line.

Joe Johnson threw himself to the outside line.

Durant's position at the top of the arc was empty, and Li Muhua moved over again.

This vacancy was deliberately released by the Eagles.

Durant didn't hesitate at all, he stepped on the three-point line and threw the ball.

After entering the fourth quarter, Durant's first two outside shots were all hits. Fortunately, the ball lived up to expectations and hit hollow.

Zha Zha Pachulia quickly ran out of the baseline to serve, Joe Johnson accelerated with the ball, and quickly entered the frontcourt, Westbrook dropped to defend, Crawford screened without the ball, Li Muhua switched defenses, and directly faced Joe Johnson.

Durant went around to block Josh Smith.

Joe Johnson crossed the dribble and took off directly to shoot.

Li Muhua jumped up and blocked Qiao Johnson's eyes.

It's just that this kind of defensive technique known as the presidential stunt is useless. All-star players don't care about blocking the line of sight.

The two sides scored alternately, always maintaining a one-point difference.

Under the fast-paced offense and defense, only a dozen seconds passed, and the Eagles led by one point.

The offensive pressure is back on the Thunder again.

When the Thunder team attacked, Li Muhua slowed down the tempo. After controlling the ball, he leaned against Crawford and stretched out his hand to signal for a distance. Taking advantage of Crawford's distraction, he turned around and ran half a body away.

Mike Bibby stepped forward to help defend, Li Muhua hit the ground and made a pass, Westbrook cut near the free throw line and made an emergency stop jump shot.

Westbrook's shooting touch is average, but the emergency stop jump shot is difficult to defend.

Zhaza Pachulia ran out to block the shot, made a big move, and was knocked to the ground after Westbrook shot.


The referee signaled that Pachulia was fouled by the thug.

When the whistle sounded, the basketball slammed against the edge of the rim and stumbled into it.


Westbrook beat his chest and roared after getting up from the ground.

The teammates stepped forward to celebrate, and Li Muhua punched him directly:
"FUCK, man, well done, you know!"

"Yes, I know! I know!"

Westbrook gritted his teeth, this penalty completely lifted the morale of the Thunder.

Zhaza Pachulia's movements have always been dirty, and the foul was so obvious that he pretended to be innocent, and hurried to the referee to plead.

If you count the good looks, Zha Zha's performance may be really good.

There is really no one who can regard small movements as conventional weapons on the field of competition.

Westbrook was relentless and made a free throw, and the Thunder's advantage returned to two points.

The Eagles attacked, and Mike Bibby did not break through after holding the ball. Instead, he made a collision with Joe Johnson.

The more critical the moment, the more stable and outstanding the performance of star players.

Joe Johnson averaged 21.5 points per game, basically half of which came from the last quarter.

The two sides drew again.

Li Muhua attacked with the ball, with 10 seconds left.

The Thunder still have time left for the final attack.

The Eagles adopted a full-court press defense. Li Muhua quickly brought the frontcourt and then stopped to defend one-on-one. Mike Bibby spread his arms, and the inside line was already in chaos. Players from both sides pushed under the basket. Shoving.

The action was a bit big, the referee couldn't stand it anymore, whistled a warning, and then ordered the game to start again.

Such a delay gave Mike Bibby an opportunity to stop Li Muhua at close range.

Li Muhua was protecting the ball, and Mike Bibby kept looking for an opportunity to draw the ball with both arms. Time passed, and Joe Johnson also ran out to double-team the ball. Li Muhua shook his hand and threw it to Duran who ran out to meet him special.

With two seconds left on the timer, Durant made a shot.

Joe Johnson also jumped into the air, Durant jumped very high, such a defense could not interfere at all.

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