NBA super point guard

Chapter 21 Lore

Very weird, the hacker's shooting percentage is still very high.

All roads lead to Rome.

Under the fiery cheers, the Heat played a smooth offense.

When the Thunder attacked, the audience booed one-sidedly, and the psychological pressure on the players was even heavier.

The Thunder are now 6 points behind.

time out.

Brooks looked around the players, his face a bit embarrassed, the Thunder team used to collapse in the fourth quarter.

It seems that today is doomed again.

"Kevin, Russell, Mason, Jeff, LI, five of you go up, whoever has a good chance can vote, don't put too much psychological pressure, it's okay to lose this game!" Brooks clapped his hands .

The players nodded.

Li Muhua was very surprised, after all, this was the first time he appeared at a critical moment.

The Thunder have the ball.

After Westbrook had the ball over the halfway line, he looked around and Wade's attention was on him.

It seemed that there was no chance, so it passed to Li Muhua.

Li Muhua's three-pointer had really shocked the Heat, and Chalmers didn't dare to miss it, so he stuck to it tightly.

Li Muhua pretended to throw it in, and Chalmers turned his head.

Where's the ball?

After the basketball circled behind his back, Li Muhua jumped up and shot a three-pointer while Qian Mosi was not paying attention.

This is a dry pull, and the posture is beautiful.

The trajectory of the basketball has already been calculated in his mind, and a smile appeared on Li Muhua's face.

Hollow hits.

There is still a three-point gap.

After receiving the pass from Wade, Chalmers sent it directly to Marion, but under the interference of Durant, the hackers finally hit the iron and was grabbed by Mason.

"Quick attack!"

Mason roared and threw the ball out of the backcourt.

Li Muhua and Westbrook rushed to the front court like two bolts of lightning.

The Heat's offensive and defensive transitions were very fast. After Westbrook received the ball, he was already deep near the free throw line. There was no chance at all, and it was passed outside the three-point line.

Li Muhua at the top of the arc catches and shoots, and Chalmers jumps up to block the shot.

In order to avoid it, Li Muhua's body leaned back slightly, and threw the ball with all his strength.

"Come in!"

Li Muhua let out a roar, and landed while maintaining his shooting position.

This three-point shot was very reckless. In the eyes of others, Li Muhua could actually wait for his teammates to settle down and organize a wave of offense.

It is precisely because of the existence of supercomputers that Li Muhua has no choice. After all, relying on supercomputing, his three-point shooting can achieve a historical level of performance.

"I can do it too, I'm an NBA player too!"

Li Muhua shouted in his heart, clenched his fists and watched the basketball spinning in the air.

The basketball rippled in the air and rushed into the hoop.

The two sides drew again.

Only 1 minutes and 13 seconds left.

"Wow, what did we see, this Chinese rookie shot a three-pointer and made it!"

"It's unbelievable. We just know that this LI is good at three-pointers, but in this game, he hit a historical three-pointer!"

"I made 6 of 5 shots. I want to play the Pao Boom team. I will definitely like this young man!"

The on-site commentator tried his best to attract hatred, which made people pay attention to Li Muhua.

The Thunder grabbed points twice, both with Li Muhua's presence, and he appeared as a key figure.

Is it really good to bet three points?

The Thunder team played this game with incomparable tenacity, and they were not inferior in front of strong teams, which made people less contemptuous.

The Heat attack.

Wade held the ball for a while, and then quickly wiped Westbrook. After breaking in, he didn't make a layup, but chose to score the ball.

There is an opening in the bottom corner, and the Heat's shooter Diawara appears there.

As soon as Li Muhua saw someone, he hurried over.

Diawara is a Frenchman, a typical defensive blue-collar in the NBA, and occasionally has a good three-pointer performance.

The Heat have a lot of substitute players like this. After all, they don't take up salary space and make room for the introduction of better players in the future.

Or as a bargaining chip.

Fortunately for the Thunder, Diawara did not withstand the pressure, the arc of the ball was very flat, and he hit the iron directly.

Jeff Green grabbed the rebound and called a timeout.

48 seconds left.

There is plenty of time, and it all depends on how Brooks chooses to play.

"The success rate of the ball, Russell, you hold the ball, and how to hit you decide, but you must run out of time!"

Brooks is on the tactical board, drawing the players' travel routes.

Li Muhua followed suit and nodded.

In fact, at this stage, Li Muhua only has the role of involving the defense line, and the rest depends on how the core players perform.

As for Durant, his physical strength has been exhausted by the hackers and he is very tired.

One can only hope that Durant can run out of space.

Westbrook slowly entered the frontcourt, seemingly looking for someone, ignoring Wade's defense.

The two secretly dragged the jersey back and forth in a place where the referee could not see.

With six seconds left in the clock, Jeff Green stepped up and made a pick-and-roll, and Westbrook went straight for a layup.


The ball was interfered and the board missed.

Wade took the rebound and didn't call a timeout. Instead, he chose to hold the ball and score a layup.

All-star players have a big heart and are relentless at critical moments.

The Thunder trailed by two points.

Westbrook dribbled the ball and entered the frontcourt again. There were still more than ten seconds left. He had to wait until the end to attack. There were chances for two and three points. It just depends on who can run out of opportunities.

Li Muhua exerted his last bit of strength, lifted his legs that seemed to be filled with lead, and kept running.

7 seconds.

Durant caught and shot the ball from outside the three-point line, but unfortunately missed.

Mason desperately grabbed the rebound and threw it to Li Muhua who was cruising outside.

Qian Moss defended the ball well, leaving no room for Li Muhua to shoot.

5 seconds.

Li Muhua worshiped Buddha and was extraordinary, but Qian Mosi kept close to him and refused to give an inch.The teammates have opened up the space.

4 seconds.

Haslem on the inside defends and breaks through the offensive line.The Heat's players retracted into the penalty area, and Li Muhua seemed to be plunged into the cage.

3 seconds.

Li Muhua stepped forward and jumped, and the basketball flew out from behind.

Mason is a jumper, and he likes to be fed this kind of lob the most.

Live up to expectations, the former slam dunk king Mason smashed the ball into the basket and caused a foul by Beasley.

Mason has proved his worth, and he will stay in the NBA instead of retiring directly as a painter.

The timer shows 0.6 seconds remaining.

Mason withstood the boos of the audience, scored the ball, and the Thunder led by one point.

The Heat called a timeout, made substitutions, and began planning for the final shot.

Li Muhua almost collapsed on the seat. He had exhausted all his energy in the attack just now, and in the end he was no longer needed on the court. The team only had to defend.

Westbrook was active on defense, relying on height to block Wade's shot route, Wade made a shot in 0 seconds, and the ball bounced out of the frame.

The Thunder narrowly beat the Heat by 1 point.

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