NBA super point guard

Chapter 196 The gap is not 1 point

The Mavericks have a lot of veterans, and if they try their best, the Thunder are worth it.

Li Muhua also feels that the atmosphere of the team has suddenly improved in the past few games, especially the state of everyone. It feels like they have recovered. If the hand feels bad, you can rely on the defenders to organize the offense. There is no way around this. Kostic has always been You idiot, this is an indisputable fact.

After the game started, the Thunder players were dumbfounded.

In the opening game, Kidd made all his assists to the Thunder team's weakness. Not only Nowitzki scored 3 goals in a row, but even Marion scored a rocket launcher on his shoulder, and the Thunder team felt extremely bad. Durant made a strong attack and scored one. For 3 consecutive minutes, no one scored again.

Just 4 minutes after the opening, Brooks requested a timeout.

The players stood together, all awkward.

"Russell, can't you play against Kidd, and the pass button is also broken? LI, why did you stare blankly after receiving the ball, and why did you give it to Jeff, ah, and you, Jeff, you How can the hand feel be restored? Shit, what you hit just now is shit!"

Kalamanda laughed angrily and scolded everyone. As for seeing Kostic, he just waved his hand and didn't bother to say anything.

Kostic felt ashamed and lowered his head.

Li Muhua was also speechless, knowing that Green was in a bad position at the time, so he didn't know how he passed it on.

Brooks didn't speak, but frowned instead. The players' performance was too abnormal just now. This is definitely not a normal Thunder team. Not to mention the iron, but even made a mistake. This performance is too bad, and Green and Westbrook actually It was in an open position, and none of the shots were hit.

"Give me a good sit and reflect!"

Kalamanda and Brooks nodded, and then arranged for the substitutes to play.

Who knows, the substitute has played an effect instead.

Collison stood at the basket, and Ibaka cooperated with the blocking position. Maynor sent two balls in the paint and all of them were mixed with assists. Harden made two miraculous three-pointers. The Thunder not only evened the score, Go-ahead by two points.

Now, the main players on the bench all looked embarrassed.

In the first quarter, only Durant scored two points in the starting lineup, and the rest did not score one point.

Green is really depressed. Josh Howard's strength is no longer what he used to be when he first came out of Wake Forest. Coupled with constant injuries and stoppages, his state has declined very badly. Against such a player, Green is in the offensive position. Duan didn't do anything at all, and his title as an all-around basketball player was a bit in vain.

In the TNT commentary, Barkley almost fell down without laughing:
"People say that Jeff Green has the most stable touch, but he is guarded by a bastard who smokes marijuana and is confused. And as a point guard, Russell is rushing to the inside. Haha, this guy is so funny , Just like the little calf, I forgot, they were playing the Mavericks, as for LI, I really don't know what to say, what kind of ball was that pass, it actually made Old Kidd stop!"

Barkley gnawed on the hamburger, still not forgetting the sarcasm in his mouth.

In the second quarter, Westbrook was called on by Brooks.

As for Krstic, he also received a cold reception.

Unexpectedly, Westbrook began to rise up and sent out assists again and again. Durant had a mediocre touch and relied on sufficient physical strength to continuously attack Josh Howard and keep making free throws. As for Green, who was sprayed, his touch recovered and continued The mid-range hit opened up the space for the Mavericks, and the Thunder had more offensive opportunities. The Mavericks didn't have time to double-team Durant, but instead let Durant continue to play singles.

If the outside line is opened, the inside line will have a chance.

Durant's average number of shots was lowered by Westbrook, but he was still able to rely on singles to rush inside and make fouls. As the leader of the team, he deserved it. When Li Muhua played, the Thunder regained their confidence.

In the third quarter, Li Muhua opened the score with a few outside assists.

Durant made 19 of 11 shots and scored 35 points, while Westbrook scored 20 points and 12 assists. As for Li Muhua, because he didn't play much time, he only scored 7 points and 6 assists. The statistics are very different from the previous game. difference.

Even though Nowitzki scored 31 points and Kidd sent 12 assists, they still couldn't stop the youth Thunder's indiscriminate bombing.

Especially Josh Howard's 15 of 2 shots sent the Mavericks to his grandma's house.

After the game, Li Muhua didn't feel very good. He didn't turn on Ultrain in this game, but relied on his own strength. In the first quarter, he had no awareness of the so-called passing. The gap was not 01:30.

And this gap directly affects the state of the whole person.

Ever since he listened to Westbrook's suggestion on the plane, Li Muhua couldn't help but feel a little ready to move. If he wants to be famous, he must have enough playing time or sufficient shot rights, and now Li Muhua is just a role player.

As for the starters, everyone on the Thunder team is the same, there is no difference.

"Li, what's the matter with you today?"

"Russell, I'm not sure about this. I have some concerns. Don't worry, I won't be able to play in the next game!" Li Muhua didn't answer Westbrook directly, but just sighed.

Westbrook thought that Li Muhua was in a bad mood, so he quickly persuaded him:
"LI, I know you don't take many shots. Don't worry about this. I will advise Brooks later. Jeff has also dropped. I guess he is in a bad mood, but in the team, you are very important. ,do you know?"

Li Muhua could tell from Westbrook's serious expression that it was from the heart.

"Russell, don't worry, it's not about this, I'm fine!"

The players in the locker room were making noise, and the two of them spoke too low to hear each other, so Li Muhua could only respond as best he could.

In fact, due to the problem of the number of shots taken by the Thunder, it is no longer one or two times. Brooks is also very troubled by this. The team has many talented players who have to compete. Happy, although it is not a solution, but the current team's winning streak, these hidden dangers have temporarily disappeared, but in fact every player is thinking about it in private.

Although the Thunder have Harden, Li Muhua is the only one who has a relatively stable outside shot. As a person involved in the defense and connecting the team, Li Muhua's role is clearly seen by the team.

Because he wanted to try his own skills in this game, he played in a mess, especially his mind was like a mess, and Li Muhua himself was very depressed.

After the game, Brooks still defended his disciples:
"Every team in the West is different. Li's performance today is not very calm. I believe he will adjust himself. This has nothing to do with strength!"

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