NBA super point guard

Chapter 18 Outbreak (1)

The Thunder have won two of their four consecutive away games, and Brooks finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he can win against the Heat, then his right to speak in the management will increase a lot.

Brooks has been dignified, the players feel the breath of war coming.

On the contrary, Li Muhua was very strange. It was rare for the good old Brooks to look so ugly. It could not be ruled out that the management put pressure on him.

Come on, the front has lost 13 games in a row.

Brooks is a acting head coach and has no record pressure, which shouldn't be the case.

The American Airlines Center arena was already full of voices, and the sexy cheerleading performance proved the heat of Miami.

In the locker room, Brooks called a meeting of the players.

"Guys, I want to win this game. Not only does Kevin prove his strength in front of Wade, but also I want to compete with Spoelstra. If I can win, I will walk in Oklahoma. I'm sure many beautiful Thunder fans will hug me!"

Brooks explained.

The players burst into laughter, the coach's life is very serious, it is rare for him to say such a thing.

"Brothers, I want to try too!" Durant actually followed up.

"Me too!"

Westbrook followed suit, and the other players followed suit.

Rookie head coaches compared each other, star players blasted each other, and others made fools of each other. Li Muhua didn't think it mattered. After all, he was just a rookie who played for a few minutes.

But with a warm-hearted head coach, Li Muhua's heart softened.

Go all out, the head coach has spoken.

In particular, Beasley made a lot of nonsense before the game, putting him and Durant on the same level, which made the Thunder a little uncomfortable.

A rookie who didn't have enough playing time to prove himself, but provoked the core of the opposing team.


Chi Guoguo's insult.

Anyway, Li Muhua knew that Durant, who was usually short-tempered, was really angry.

The game is about to start, and the anger of the entire team has been successfully provoked by Brooks. The source of everything is to blame Beasley's big mouth.

During the court warm-up, everyone on the Thunder team saw Beasley and gave him a hard look.

Beasley was taken aback by the momentum of the Thunder.

With a whistle, the game officially started.

This time it was Jeff Green who jumped the ball and actually won, and the Thunder got the ball.

Brooks's adjustment this time made people feel bright. Li Muhua always thought that Brooks was more chicken soup. Of course, the tactics seemed to be singles and there was nothing special about it. But in terms of personnel adjustment, I have to say that the coach is not as good as imagined.

The disciples of old handsome George Karl, and the disciples of Pat Riley, want to compete?
Li Muhua didn't think so. Brooks really couldn't compare to Spoelstra. After all, he rose up from the bottom step by step. No matter in terms of people's eyes or actual combat experience, he had much richer experience than Brooks.

A Filipino mixed race can serve as the coach in the NBA, which has explained a lot of problems.

However, who knows.

Judging from this season's record, Spoelstra is quite successful.Pat Riley's mentorship is indispensable behind the scenes, and it's all gossip.

After the game started, the Thunder fell into the Heat's tactical rhythm.

Wade has been in control of the rhythm of the game, Westbrook looked a little miserable in front of him.

Durant exploded.

With Brooks adding fuel to the fire before the game, Durant played in his true colors.

At the end of the first quarter, Durant made 6 of 4 shots and 3 of 2 three-pointers.

It can only be said that Durant is amazing, Li Muhua has never seen Durant so violent in the first quarter.

The Flash had a phenomenal performance.

After Durant turned off, Mason stepped up to take over the game again.

Li Muhua felt that the world was crazy.

The rough brother Mason turned into a superman, able to grab and shoot, is simply a replica of Durant.

Mason was the former slam dunk king. He is a person with relatively strong physical talent, but his lack of active training and lack of professionalism led to a rapid decline in physical fitness.People who were still a little skilled at first played more healthy games in the previous games, so they gradually fell into disuse.

But at least this game looks a little different.

Mason's lack of business is well known throughout the NBA.

Such a violent person is actually a painter with extremely delicate artistic cells.

Are there still painters in the NBA?
When Li Muhua heard about it from Collison, he was in a bad mood. The key point was that there was a painting of Mason hanging in David Stern's office, which was said to have cost a lot of money to buy.

The Oklahoman even scoffed, suggesting that Mason should be a painter, not a player.

In fact, Mason's drawing is indeed better than his basketball skills.

Wade also played extremely hotly, frequently breaking into the Thunder's inside line and causing damage. Li Muhua could see clearly from below. If Mason hadn't stepped forward, the Thunder would probably have been beaten in the first quarter.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Li Muhua played as a backup point guard.

It is said that the team intends to trade Earl Watson. Watson has fallen into a professional crisis and has some problems in his state recently.Emma, ​​who has the same surname as him, has been playing the role of Hermione in Harry Potter. In the summer, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" just launched, and it became popular all over the world. Emma is like a rising star .

For foreigners with the same surname, there is a big gap in life.

The Miami Heat's bench lineup is very ordinary, without the so-called depth of the bench, allowing Li Muhua to come on stage early, which is also an arrangement made by Brooks.

When Li Muhua is not doing output, he just connects the whole team, and the physical exertion is not serious.

The Heat replaced Sean Livingston in this relatively rare occasion. This is the guy who broke his calf and bent it at [-] degrees on the field. The scene of the injury was worrying.

Livingston ran out to defend Li Muhua.

In the same position, although Li Muhua didn't suffer a disadvantage, there was no advantage to take advantage of. Livingston was a few centimeters taller than him.

The two were equally thin, and after their matchup, the fans couldn't bear to watch.

See if the two skeletons hurt each other?

Li Muhua's original intention to fight one also faded away, but according to the calculation results of Ultrain, he instantly became Sparta.

Even if Livingston had been injured, he would defend against Li Muhua one by one.

Beckon, call the pick-and-roll.

Collison ran out from the inside. At this moment, Jeff Green ran back to the bottom corner, and Li Muhua sent the ball over in an instant.

Jeff Green was relentless and hit a three-pointer.

With a feint, the Heat's defensive formation was messed up.

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