With 2 minutes left in the third quarter, Nash and Stoudemire reappeared for the Suns. Li Muhua replaced Harden, and the two sides began to compete for the starting lineup.

Lopez of the Suns truce due to injury, otherwise the Suns will have frame protectors inside, and the Thunder will be even more difficult to play.

Li Muhua controlled the ball, facing Nash's defense, with the help of Westbrook's cover, Bever moved to the right wing, opened the space and shot a three-pointer directly.


Nash had no time to defend, and Li Muhua made an open shot.

The Suns attacked, and Nash dribbled the ball quickly. Richardson came to the high post and made a pick-and-roll. Li Muhua and Westbrook switched defenses and blocked Nash's return pass. , the ball went to the bottom corner.

Channing Frye again, hit from the corner.

Green was defending against him. After Nash attracted the defense, it was difficult to concentrate on the bottom corner, and Channing Frye's shots were so fast that there was no time to interfere.

It is very depressing. Channing Frye can attack from all angles in the frontcourt, and Green's defensive state is not as good as the previous two quarters.

This is a back-to-back schedule, and the players on the Thunder team have encountered a physical crisis. Li Muhua feels that his body is a little bit overwhelmed.

The difference between the two sides is still 2 points.

The Thunder requested a timeout again, Ibaka came on and replaced Green.

The Thunder attacked. Li Muhua called for a pick-and-roll. Ibaka blocked Nash from the inside.

Looking back, Nash forced Li Muhua, Li Muhua followed closely without any relaxation, Nash suddenly collected the ball and shot, evading Li Muhua's jump to block the shot, and then bumped into Li Muhua, causing a foul.

Li Muhua is also very helpless, Nash's shooting is also threatening, so he can only try his best to defend.

Nash made 2 of 2 free throws.

The Thunder kicked off the ball, Li Muhua cruising from the outside to the middle, Durant used Westbrook's screen, cut the ball and made a shot.

Air cuts are a kind of running position that tears apart the opponent's defensive line. It saves energy and is also the sharpest offensive method. After more than a year of running-in, the players of the Thunder team have already become familiar with each other, otherwise Li Muhua would not dare to play this kind of attack. Leading pass.

If the tacit understanding is not enough, this ball is a mistake.

The Suns attacked, and Nash used the pick-and-roll to directly rush into the interior. Westbrook and Li Muhua double-teamed at the same time. Nash threw it casually.

The same is cooperation, and the Suns also have this kind of tacit understanding.

In fact, the Thunder could not match the Suns in terms of offensive coordination. However, in this game, the physical strength of the players couldn't keep up. Otherwise, with the Thunder's usual style of play, it would definitely not be so reasonable.

The Suns attacked, Li Muhua chased Nash, and did not choose to switch defenses. Nash ran past the basket but couldn't find a chance to pass the ball. When he came back in a circle, Nash had to pass to Channing Frye.

Another big vacancy.

Channing Frye paused for a moment before making the shot, but he hit the iron and Ibaka grabbed the rebound.

The opening was not easy. Channing Frye didn't seize the opportunity, but instead gave the Thunder a fast break opportunity. Ibaka threw it directly from the basket, and Westbrook passed the middle circle to catch the ball and fast break .

The Suns came back quickly, with Nash and Richardson settling on the run, and Westbrook didn't have a good chance for a layup.

"Russell, back!"

Li Muhua shouted loudly, and just as he finished speaking, the basketball flew out of the perimeter.

At this time, Li Muhua received the ball at a 45-degree angle from the left wing, and Hill, who was closest to Li Muhua, was also two meters away. Li Muhua shot without haste.

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.


Li Muhua hit a three-pointer, and the Thunder extended their advantage to 5 points.

"Oh well done!"

On the Thunder bench, all the players stood up and waved towels.

With 6 seconds left in the last attack, the Suns kicked out the ball from the backcourt, and Nash passed the midfield and directly rushed to make a shot.

At the end of the three quarters, the Thunder 89:84 the Suns.

On the bench, both the coaching staff and the players were very excited. This trip to the Western Conference finally saw the hope of victory in Phoenix.

"Li, good job!"

"Dude, you're awesome!"

Li Muhua panted heavily, and repeatedly responded Thank you, before sitting down.

"Guys, we still follow the previously planned tactics. Kevin and Russell will play singles. James should not force shots and find more open spots!"

After Brooks explained, Li Muhua was asked to sit on the sidelines to rest.

Li Muhua had already played for nearly 30 minutes in this round of consecutive games, especially this time, he had already played for 25 minutes and was already exhausted.

Li Muhua generally would not choose to make a shot, lest the super-brain exhaustion be too severe, even so, he has already made 6 shots.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the rhythm of the two teams was very fast, which gave people a very chaotic feeling.

Tactically, they used offense against offense, and they didn't care about defense until the fourth quarter. They just got the ball and did it. The game was very lively.

Channing Frye actively looked for an open space and hit a three-pointer again, bringing the score closer.

Westbrook distributed most of the ball to Durant, and some to Harden. Harden performed well, did not make any more wild shots, and rushed to the inside to make fouls.

However, it feels more like touching porcelain.

Yes, Harden rushed in with the ball and shook the defensive player, relying on the inertia of the body's center of gravity to slam into the defensive player, and then shot, regardless of whether the ball scored or not, anyway, he could get into the foul whistle.

"Who taught him this?"

Li Muhua turned around and asked Collison beside him.

This kind of porcelain-touch shooting can't be played without any skill. Don't look at Kevin Martin's smooth play, it is also after hard training, coupled with his thin body, his movements are very realistic when shaking people.

The game is a play, all depends on acting skills.

LeBron James, No. 1 in the league, also plays occasionally. The goal of the emperor is to become an actor in the future, so he has naturally practiced hard.

It seems that there is no such style of play among Thunder players, so Li Muhua is quite strange.

"I know this. The night we were in Houston, James tried to sneak out of the hotel. Kalamanda found out and told James to go to another room to watch the video. According to Kalamanda, as long as James learns, it's the ball. The sixth man of the team!"

Collison was still in a daze, but Sefulosa on the other side rushed to respond.

"is it?"

"Yes, believe me, fellas, I've seen it with my own eyes!"

Sefoloza confirmed with oath that Sefoloza and Harden lived in the same room that night.

It's okay for the teaching assistant to give the core a little trouble, but Li Muhua can't figure out whose collection it is, it can't be Kevin Martin, right?

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