NBA super point guard

Chapter 159 Control

"Time out!"

The Thunder requested a timeout.

The Rockets' defensive strength made the Thunder generals a little inapplicable. After leaving the court, Durant kept wiping his sweat panting.

"Guys, let's make a temporary adjustment. LI, you and Russell are on the court at the same time. Kevin is the target to be defended. You can adjust your offensive state appropriately. As for Jeff, run the open space and hand over the basket to Ray. Nader, try to expand the Rockets' defense, get it?"

Brooks made an expansive gesture, and the players immediately understood.

Back from the timeout, the Thunder were all on the starting lineup. At this time, it was also Brooks who was forced to do nothing.

The Thunder team attacked, Durant stepped forward to set a screen, Westbrook broke through, Li Muhua took the opportunity to move, and began to slip Battier, the Thunder team's several outside firepower points were all there, and the Rockets' defensive focus was dispersed.

Li Muhua ran to Green's side, and with the help of Green's cover, he caught the ball at a 45-degree angle on the flank and threw it.


A three-pointer was hit.

Krstic, who was stuck, also stopped. At this time, the three-pointer is the most effective for chasing points.

The Thunder replaced Ibaka and gave up the rebound competition. The Rockets have Scola and Hayes inside. The Thunder do not dominate the rebounds. The tactics are very simple. call out.

The point difference returned to 14 points.

The Rockets attacked, Aaron Brooks held the ball, Battier stepped forward to cover, Li Muhua went around to chase and defend, Aaron Brooks did not pass the ball, but chose to break through directly, encountered Green's double-team and then passed to the outside again.

Battier got an open chance and immediately shot a three-pointer, but he hit the iron and was grabbed by Westbrook.

The Thunder team attacked, and after Li Muhua received the pass, he gave it to Green again, and Green made a jumper.

Green's shooting distance can be close or far, and Scola's defense has also reached beyond the free throw line. It can be said that the Thunder have more and more rebound opportunities.Using outside shots to tear apart the Rockets' defensive lineup is undoubtedly the best tactical choice in the current game.

The Rockets attacked, Aaron Brooks broke through again with the help of cover, Li Muhua predicted in advance to block the breakthrough route, Aaron Brooks couldn't find a chance and threw it into Ariza's hands again.

The Rockets' two outside firepower points are cruising outside, waiting for an opportunity to kill with one hit.

In fact, in Li Muhua's view, Aaron Brooks played without thinking, and he could look for another opportunity after dribbling the ball for a while. Krstic at the basket, under Hayes' position, contributed extremely limited defensive power. It's appropriate to call yourself.

The Rockets tasted the sweetness of the three-pointer, except Ariza is Battier.

Ariza's singles ability was disabled by the Lakers. He was originally a good shooting guard, but he forced Zen Master to train him to be a three-point shooter.

Westbrook's defense is in place, after Ariza dribbled a few times, he forced a shot to hit the iron.

Durant successfully grabbed the rebound and got the rebound.

The Thunder attacked. After Li Muhua entered the frontcourt with the ball this time, he passed it to Durant and went around behind Durant to receive the pass back. Ariza was blocked by Durant.

Li Muhua stepped back and shot a three-pointer.

Hit again.

The difference instantly returned to single digits.

The Thunder team played a wave of momentum, the same three-pointer, with a lot of offensive points, and the Rockets' defense appeared to be a small loophole.

In terms of offensive ability, with Durant on the Thunder team, it is simply a block and kill, and the master of blocking and killing Buddha, it is not a player who can't stop it at all.

The Rockets attacked, and Aaron Brooks made an emergency stop and made a three-pointer.

The Thunder attacked. After Westbrook broke through Aaron Brooks, he hit the inside and then passed to Durant in an air cut. Scola fouled and Durant hit 2+1.

At the critical moment, Durant stood up.

Many teams lack this kind of critical moment player. When the team's offense is blocked or morale is low, if such a player plays with momentum, the entire game may be reversed.

The Rockets attacked, Hayes evacuated the inside and came to the high pick-and-roll, Aaron Brooks hit the basket again, Krstic and Green double-teamed, Aaron Brooks played a trick, and after dodging, he threw a high hand and was caught. Li Muhua slapped him out of bounds.

"fuck, man, you're so fucking awesome!"

Durant howled, and kept bumping Li Muhua's chest, almost shouting angrily.

The spit spattered his face, Li Muhua disgustedly pushed Durant aside, what Li Muhua couldn't stand was the way these people celebrated, insisting on getting the saliva into other people's mouths.

After gaining momentum, the Thunder's defense was pressing again, rising to a higher level.

The game continues.

Hayes sent a sideline ball, Ariza was interfered by Green after receiving the ball, hit a three-pointer, Durant grabbed the rebound.

The Rockets retreated very quickly. Durant saw that there was no chance for a fast break, so he simply handed it over to Westbrook, and passed halftime slowly.

Westbrook passed the ball after passing the midfield, and Li Muhua attacked with the ball.

At this time, the inside of the Rockets is quite empty. The defensive players are basically at the free throw line except for Hayes. Krstic is stuck under the basket. If Li Muhua passes into the inside at this time, Hayes will definitely foul .

During the game, in order to prevent a wave or momentum, many teams will adopt foul tactics to interrupt the offensive team's touch.

Among the players currently on the court, the only Thunder team with a problem with free throws is Krstic.

Naturally, Li Muhua didn't want the ball to let the Rockets succeed, so he simply called Kostic out for a pick-and-roll. After Li Muhua made a breakthrough, it was directly assigned to Green, who quickly made a jumper.

Battier had no time to foul.

The Rockets attacked, and Aaron Brooks assisted Ariza to hit 2 points. In this game, Ariza, who was dubbed Tiezha, scored more than 30 points. This game felt like an explosion.

The Thunder requested a timeout.

"James, you replace Russell and increase the chances of outside calls. LI, speed up the attack and make shots at the right time. Kevin, you also have to increase the chances of making calls appropriately!"

The players nodded one after another. Brooks' adjustment was timely. Sometimes, offense is the best defense.

Since Kalamanda served as the offensive coach this season, the Thunder's offense can't be described as a system, but in terms of game rhythm, the control ability is much stronger than last season. A few pointers at critical moments.

Brooks has been criticized a lot, mainly because of the Thunder's offensive system.

This makes the Thunder really unable to refute. Speaking of offense, the league mainly relies on pick-and-rolls, and many tactical systems are built around pick-and-rolls. For example, Adelman's Princeton system is a variant of pick-and-rolls.

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