NBA super point guard

Chapter 146 The Sequelae of Talent

Li Muhua's eyes lit up, and he strengthened his strength again.

Sensing Li Muhua's intention, West stumbled and passed the ball to Varejao.

The defense was stronger. In principle, the referee would not blow it. Li Muhua could tell that the referee took good care of the Cavaliers.

The home team is not at the level of body hair, and Li Muhua is not polite. The confrontation of the game used to be what Li Muhua feared the most. Since joining the Thunder, through continuous training and adjustment, Li Muhua's defensive state and competitive level have gradually adapted to it. The strength of the alliance.

The Cavaliers were disrupted in rhythm, and Li Muhua directed Harden to settle down.

With James and Mo Williams on offense, it is difficult to prevent the Cavaliers from scoring. It can only increase the difficulty in terms of physical exertion, thereby reducing the Cavaliers' offensive shooting percentage.

Varejao's offensive method is very simple, either throwing or shooting, and his movements are ugly.

Since Li Muhua came on the field, he directed his teammates to defend their positions. The Cavaliers' bench lineup suffered a big loss, and instead began to be suppressed by the Thunder.

The incompatibility in defensive intensity is not only the opponent but also himself.

The Thunder attacked again, and Green made a shot after taking a gap. The chance to score was not easy.

Even though he worked very hard, the score still couldn't be opened, and Li Muhua was a little depressed.

"The current defense can only rely on the personal ability of the players. It will be difficult to compete with the Cavaliers if this continues, and the offense is a bit difficult!"

Li Muhua thought a lot.

The Thunder advocates individual offense, commonly known as XJBD, which relies entirely on the individual ability of individual players. Of course, it mainly has something to do with Presti's draft. They are all talented players, and the so-called team role is simply useless.

No matter what team you play against, Durant will play first, then Green and Westbrook.

What the hell is a team? The so-called organization means that when Li Muhua is on the court, there is some pick-and-roll coordination on the offensive end, which is not usually seen at all.

This is the sequelae brought about by strong talent.

From the west to the east, over the past year, Li Muhua discovered a very strange thing when he played against various teams. Judging from this season, the Thunder basically wins as an offensive team with a high winning percentage, but Against strong defensive teams, the winning percentage is very low.

Let's talk about the Thunder's player allocation. It's not appropriate. There are so many talented players. When it comes to whether they can make it to the playoffs, Li Muhua feels that they still need to work on their offense.

There are only a few strong defensive teams, and the Cavaliers are a good example.

In the past, James was more offensive than defensive. The Cavaliers lost year after year. Later, the team deployed defensive coaches, including recruiting a group of defensive players around James as the core. This upgraded the team's lineup to another level. .

The Thunder have not upgraded their lineup, they just keep looking for rookies and talents.

From the signing situation in recent years, it is not difficult to see that, except for some old players who are relatively cheap, the rest are basically rookies, first Durant, then Westbrook, and then Harden this year.

It can be said that the Thunder only need talented players regardless of defense or offense.

Li Muhua was a special case. Later, when he accidentally exposed his status, the Thunder had no choice but to swallow the bitter pill secretly, and even posted a middle-class special case for two years.

Still a role player.

Durant is the star of the Thunder and the core player who laid the foundation of the Thunder. His offensive talent is unparalleled.

Westbrook has gradually developed a strong talent. Although he likes to swipe stats, stats are not something that anyone can just swipe.

The Thunder's offense is very strong, but it depends on their talent, not the team offense. The other player is Green, who can play singles and shoot outside. In comparison, it is much more cost-effective than Harden.

Actually, the Thunder will attack a lot of people.

I don't worry about offense at all, but when I look at defense, it is basically zero.

A good offense does not mean good defense, it just depends on personal ability. Such a team has great flaws.

Li Muhua didn't choose to play singles against West, but transferred the ball to Durant. The timing of the shot was not good, mainly because of the role players. The wave was fine, but the right to shoot was extremely limited.

Since this season, Li Muhua's playing time has continued to increase, and a long time does not mean that the number of shots will increase.

In the past, I could take about 15 shots in 6 minutes of playing, but now I can still take 25 shots in about 6 minutes of playing.

This is the tragedy of role players.

At the end of the half, the Thunder led by 5 points. On the surface, it seemed that they had a great chance of winning. Durant and Grizzly showed their power, and their firepower was not ordinary.

After entering the locker room, Li Muhua, who was full of thoughts, sat on the bench and put his feet in the ice bucket.

With a wet towel covering his head, Li Muhua felt very tired, especially when playing against a strong defensive team.

The atmosphere in the locker room wasn't too good. The offensive power was concentrated in the hands of the Thunder's three juniors, and the other players were just foils. In the end, they were so tired after playing, and no one felt good about it.

This was already the case in the first half, and the second half was even more difficult.

"Shit, these bastards!"

Green couldn't help but swear, Varejao made a lot of little moves, and Green had a lot of bruises on his body.

Brooks and other players soothed their bodies and took the assistant into the locker room.

"The third quarter is more difficult to play, guys, the defensive intensity will increase, the only way is to continue to strengthen our offense!"

Brooks stopped talking and looked at the players.

As for the encouragement, the players eagerly looked at the head coach.

"The Cavaliers are very strong, with championship-level strength, and we did the same when we played against the Lakers. But Bryant can kill the game alone, but LeBron can't. We still rely more on the defense of the whole team. Therefore, we If you want to win, you have to start from the outside!"

The players nodded one after another. Li Muhua thought that Xu was used to it. The head coach spoke in such a style, emphasizing inside or outside. It was enough for the players to decide the rest.

This is why Brooks is so popular. The players have good IQs and are not brain-dead.

Without constraints, players will have a much better mentality when playing games.

"If that's the case, then we'll fight these sons of bitches!"

"Jeff, I'll pass on more to you."

Westbrook stood up with an excited expression on his face. He stopped taking the shot and gave it all to Green.

Among the Thunder's three minors, Green's performance is the most stable, and in terms of hitting the penalty area, he can win space for Durant. Green's breakthrough is also very fierce, but he usually doesn't do that.

According to Green's words, it's just too tired.

"Okay, Russell, let's go together!"

Green and Westbrook punched each other.

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