NBA super point guard

Chapter 137 Iron Blood Defense

After Ibaka came on the stage, he kept entangled with Rasheed Wallace at the basket, and it seemed that he was about to hug and fall into one piece.

Rebounds are the guarantee for the defensive team to gain a foothold.

The Thunder team attacked, Li Muhua used the screen to break through, and under the pressure of Rondo, he cooperated with the empty-cut Durant to hit the wall and made a layup.

This time Ibaka stuck Rasheed Wallace behind him, that's why Li Muhua was so relaxed.

A teamwork victory.

The Celtics' bench lineup is not weak. With two giants, they have driven the team well.

The Thunder team had Li Muhua's organization on offense, but it was much more stable. After half a quarter, Li Muhua was substituted.

It's not because of physical reasons, it's just the normal rotation of the team.

Westbrook followed Li Muhua's method and did not choose a single swing. Instead, he played brilliantly on both offense and defense. As for Harden, if he hadn't made 2 for 0 shots, maybe the Thunder would have regained some points.

The scores of the two sides were about the same, but the hole dug in the first quarter was too big, and the score was not recovered in the second quarter.

During the halftime break, Brooks did not make targeted arrangements.

In the third quarter, Li Muhua played again, and the score difference was still 11 points.

The Celtics were attacking, and Li Muhua was defending against Eddie House. He was a jack-of-all-trades guard who could do anything. When the situation was really imminent, he couldn't do anything, so Li Muhua took a step back to defend.

With such a large space, anyone can shoot, but Eddie House hesitated, and it took him almost two seconds to react when the ball was dead, and passed the ball to Garnett.

Then, the Celtics' offensive clock was running out.

Throwing blame is something that only star-level players can do. Eddie House, a ten-thousand-year substitute, did the same thing. Garnett yelled at Eddie House after smashing an iron.

Collison grabbed the rebound and passed it to Li Muhua, who called for a pick-and-roll after halftime.

With the help of a screen, Li Muhua threw a three-pointer.

Eddie House did not make up the defense in time, causing a defensive error, and Rivers was so angry that he yelled from the sidelines.

Iron-blooded defense means roaring, and both coaches and players rely on roaring to boost their energy.

Lei Allen is a modest gentleman. In the NBA, he is known as the gentleman's sword, which shows Lei Allen's demeanor. Li Muhua doubts how this kind of person can form the Big Three with Jagged Big Jumper.

Eddie House gets a screen and makes an outside shot.

The ball was played very suddenly. According to the Celtics' half-court offensive efficiency, Eddie House's ball is a bit like XJBD.

However, it actually hit.

After holding the ball for a long time, Li Muhua cooperated with Westbrook and passed it to Westbrook who made an air cut, causing Scalabrine to foul.

Westbrook's speed was so fast that the Celtics' substitute players had no time to react, and the only way was to foul.

After returning from the free throw, Rondo came on the field, received a pass from Ray Allen, then broke through to the right wing under the pressure of Li Muhua, and threw it back to the top of the arc. .

The rebound flew high after bouncing off, and the rebound was grabbed by Durant.

The Thunder launched a fast break.

Li Muhua pretended to be a one-stop layup, and easily threw it on the backboard under the interference of Rondo's defense.

Westbrook, who followed behind, received a rebound and dunked.

When Li Muhua held the ball on the perimeter, the Celtics' substitute players couldn't defend at all.

The active three-pointer, no team dares to let it go easily. Although everyone says that three-pointers can't kill people, but whenever a player makes a three-pointer, there is no team that is not afraid.

Those who say that three-pointers can't kill the game are asking for psychological comfort.

This kind of statement is just to deceive newcomers.

After Green held the ball, he failed to find an offensive opportunity and passed it to Durant. Durant was disturbed by Pierce and had to throw the ball back to the top of the arc. After Li Muhua took the ball, Ray Allen and Rondo began to double-team. While Durant was making an air cut, Li Muhua didn't stop, and directly passed in vigorously.

Durant stepped forward and dunked, and the Celtics didn't even have a chance to foul.

All of this is related to the transfer of the ball, and the main force is not full. At this time, the Thunder found an opportunity.

The Celtics attacked and Pierce made a jumper past Durant.

The Thunder attacked, and Durant once again mentioned the high position to cover Li Muhua.

As a star player, he seldom does pick-and-roll screens for other players, especially the core players in the team. It’s not that there is a difference in dignity, but that the next offense may be related to the core, so the screens are all done by blue-collar players. Opportunities are fleeting, and there are not many opportunities for vacancies to appear.

The Thunder is a team of young players. Most of the players in the normal rotation are rookies in recent years. There are not so many rules. Durant has done a good job in this regard, and his teammates are very accepting.

After the Celtics formed the Big Three, Garnett also put down his body and did some covering tasks within his ability.

Speaking of the quality of screens, Li Muhua thinks that Westbrook's is better, unlike Durant, who rushes off after every screen. As for Harden, what the hell is a screen called?

Even individuals can't stop it, and it's not even as good as Li Muhua breaking through by himself.

But then again, it's not unreasonable for Harden to be the same as the wooden pile. After all, the three-point ability is there. If he is not on the outside, he can break through for a layup. He is still a rookie, and his skills are a bit immature. player of.

Harden completely screwed the Thunder, making 3 of 0 three-pointers and 4 of 1 mid-range shots.

In the third quarter alone, the Thunder made 7 three-pointers and only made 2 of them. Li Muhua made 3 of 2 shots, at least he had an explanation for the team.

The point difference between the two teams has returned to single digits. It is still unknown who will win this game.

Li Muhua scored 8 points, 6 assists and 1 steal in the first three quarters, which is in line with the level of a role player.

The organization aspect can't be counted, especially the support of the attack, which cannot be reflected in the data, the data is ugly, and Li Muhua is also very helpless about it.

In the fourth quarter, the Thunder changed their formation again, with Li Muhua off and Thomas on.

Thomas is not slow to move, and he can block the penalty area with Ibaka, allowing the Celtics to extend their offensive distance.

There is nothing wrong with the tactics, but Garnett's touch is hot, and he jumps and shoots directly from the mid-range.

Hit again.

Westbrook organized the offense, called Green to a high screen, and then quickly broke through Ronda and stepped for a layup. Perkins slapped the ball down.

Garnett's interference is crucial, and Westbrook's chances are not good.

There was no foul on the ball, Rondo picked up the ball, and Pierce launched a fast break.

Pierce made a shot from outside the three-point line, and Rondo grabbed a rebound and returned to the outside line to organize the offense.

Rondo is worthy of the name of a true giant, with more assists and rebounds than points.

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