NBA super point guard

Chapter 135 Touchstone

In an interview with ESPN, he was not polite at all, pointing out that the Thunder are good at fighting with the wind.

Regarding this, Brooks said:
"In this game, we played due to some technical characteristics. The players did a good job and completed the goal set by the coaching staff on the offensive end!"

The reporters were not too entangled, after all, the Thunder won the ball.

The next day, the Oklahoman reported:
"The Thunder played the game we wanted, but facing an underdog like the 76ers is unconvincing. I believe that only the next game is the real touchstone. From this we can judge whether our team Has grown!"

The next game is the Celtics who visit a day later.

The atmosphere in the training ground is dignified. The situation is completely different when playing against the underdogs in the East and the strong teams in the East.

The coaching staff also discussed tactics in the office.

Facing strong defensive teams, the Thunder can sometimes play high-profile games, such as the Spurs. In contrast, star singles may be more suitable for dealing with the Celtics.

"May we discuss it with the players?"

Brooks couldn't make up his mind, so he simply proposed to call the main fighters.

This is very unlike the head coach of a team, but Kalamanda and Adams have no problem with the Thunder's atmosphere.

"The Celtics are very strong this season. You all have different styles of play. I want to hear your thoughts."

Brooks is very democratic, and he introduced the situation to several players as soon as he came up.

These are all players, they only care about training every day, they don't have time to think about how to play, they turned their heads to Li Muhua in unison.

As the stadium commander, although he is the sixth man in name, Li Muhua's tactical status is very high in the team, and when it comes to his brains, the old Americans think it depends on the Chinese.

"Sir, I think it is better to increase the movement of the ball, otherwise it will be easy to get into trouble!"

Li Muhua shrugged.

From the perspective of point guards, this way of playing is more reasonable. With the help of Super Brain, Li Muhua can sometimes interpret the game unconsciously. At present, point guards who can reach this level are very rare in the league.

Kalamanda disagreed and denied it.

As for the Thunder's three juniors, single-player becomes a monster, and multiple transfers of the ball will increase the chance of mistakes, and they also maintain a negative attitude.

Harden was left to speak. He was a rookie and a black hole on the court. No one took Harden seriously. Just as Harden was about to speak, he was blocked by Westbrook.

Harden is sad.

Brooks felt very distressed. It would be better not to ask the players to come in and ask. After all, it is still mainly singles.

After Li Muhua returned to the training ground, he began to focus on layup skills. The unique layup technique can raise the scoring level to a higher level, from LeBron's crab step to Ginobili's snake step, and finally Rose's skill Layup.

These are the unique layup techniques of the stars.

At the level of Ultrain development, Li Muhua found that it is very helpful for layups, especially dodging and hitting, which can effectively reduce physical exertion. Li Muhua urgently needs such a weapon to get rid of the dependence on three-pointers, which will make scoring easier.

In terms of training, Li Muhua has never slacked off, and has been studying various offensive and defensive skills.

The Thunder have too few veterans, especially point guards, who can't learn much from experience, and often have to rely on their own thinking and game experience to sharpen.

The next day, the Thunder sat at home and ushered in the Celtics.

This game was very ordinary, but both the team and the media gave it too much meaning.

From the formation of the Big Three to winning the championship, and then to losing last season, the Celtics are synonymous with the championship in the league. As long as they beat the Celtics, they can prove their team's strength.

Since the start of this season, the Celtics have announced the return of the king and played a strong winning streak, vowing to take away a victory at the Thunder's home court and get 7 consecutive victories.

The grouping of superstars is the biggest news of the 21st century alliance, and it has created an era.

Although many media sprayed a lot in the early days of the group, considering that Garnett and Ray Allen were old and just wanted a ring, people didn't talk too much about it.

The Big Three have become part of various teams aspiring to win the championship, such as the Rockets and the Lakers.

I thought the Celtics would start a dynasty, but as a result, the Big Three were injured one after another, and they were not at their peak, and their data continued to decline, which directly caused Rondo of the Celtics to become a real giant.

Last season, the strength of the Lakers made many teams despair. With the age of the Big Three, the Celtics seem to have some hope this year.

Therefore, the Celtics have played very hard this season.

The local media in Oklahoma attached great importance to it, filling the sidelines, and the lineup of long guns and short guns was put out again.

"The Thunder is a young team, I'm optimistic they can make the playoffs!"

When Paul Pierce was interviewed, while expressing his goodwill, he also explained that the Thunder's experience is shallow and not enough for the Celtics.

The game starts soon.

Celtics starter: Garnett, Pierce, Rondo, Perkins, Ray Allen.

Thunder starters: Durant, Westbrook, Green, Collison, Sefolosha.

Krstic once again rested due to injury, and the Thunder's inside line once again exposed its shortcomings.

Garnett wins the jump ball.

Rondo did not choose to break through after taking the ball into the frontcourt, but was observing the situation.

There is nothing to say about the Celtics' offense. There are no obvious shortcomings in each position. It can be seen from the first ball. Garnett received a pass from Rondo, stepped back and made a jumper with ease.

Li Muhua felt that it would be very difficult for the Thunder to win if only relying on singles.

With the size of a center and the arms of a gibbon, Green can't do anything about it.

The wolf king seemed to be much older. After hitting the jump shot, he hurriedly retreated to the defense without yelling.

In contrast, the Thunder are still the old way, after Westbrook entered the frontcourt and handed the ball to Durant.

Durant single-handedly, under the defense of Pierce, was a little flustered, and made a hasty shot.

Perkins inside has enough weight and strength. Any team in the league can become the core of the inside and establish a defensive system. Moreover, in the inside, with Garnett's help defense, it is another heavy-weight defense Player, Collison simply can't get enough of it.

Garnett easily grabbed the rebound and handed it to Rondo.

It was another ball, and Rondo handed it to Garnett again, and the forward hit a jumper again.

The wolf king couldn't bear it anymore, and finally roared.

Jagged big jumper reappears.

Li Muhua was concentrating on watching the game, but Harden stabbed Li Muhua's arm.

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