NBA super point guard

Chapter 132 Downturn

Thunder starters: Durant, Westbrook, Green, Sefolosha, Thomas.Krstic and Weaver missed due to injuries, and Thomas topped the center position. It is not easy to play this kind of starting lineup.

The Rockets are even more wonderful, Aaron Brooks, Ariza, Battier, Hayes, Scola.

At first glance, the entire defensive lineup, the only black hole Aaron Brooks has become the core of the offense, and this is no one else.

The two sides jumped the ball, and Hayes tiptoed to signal, one of the masterpieces of floor flow.

Westbrook held the ball for halftime, ignored Aaron Brooks' defense at all, easily broke through directly, and then passed it to Durant, who made a mid-range shot.

Easy hit.

Ariza's defensive ability is good, but facing Durant, he is still almost tasteless.

The Rockets attacked, and Aaron Brooks ran fast, sneaking around in the crowd. Ariza and Battier were too lazy to move at the two bottom corners, and they couldn't find a chance to pass the ball. , Throwing a three-pointer.

It's still hit, it's a fairy ball.

Westbrook asked for a screen. Durant mentioned the high post and passed the ball back to Durant. Pull a head and throw the ball.

Saying a hook is not a hook, it feels like throwing it casually.

The ball was a little short and hit the rim.

Li Muhua looked at the ball painfully, this shot was very reluctant, and he was not cautious at all, Durant didn't pay much attention to the Rockets.

Hayes did a good job off the plate, stuck Thomas, and blocked Westbrook's chance to grab the rebound. Scola got the rebound and passed it directly to Aaron Brooks, but Westbrook quickly returned to defense and blocked again. In front of Aaron Brooks.

Aaron Brooks' speed advantage is obvious, and the Rockets are determined not to let the Rockets play fast breaks.

Obviously, Aaron Brooks was too superstitious about his own hand feeling, and he actually sat on Westbrook's back, and Li Muhua almost spit out Gatorade, this guy must have a lot of heart.

When breaking through and preparing for a layup, Westbrook cut the ball directly to the outside line, and Aaron Brooks shook his head with his hips on his hips.

What the hell is this, complaining or depressed, no one can understand.

Scola got stuck in position to ask for the ball. After receiving the pass, he swayed under the basket a few times. After teasing Thomas, he also made a hit on the board.

Under such circumstances, Thomas was actually deceived by Scola's footsteps. It can only be said that his defensive attitude was very active, but he was easily thrown into the defensive position. Without Yao Ming, the Thunder's inside line was still very frustrated.

Li Muhua suddenly felt that the Thunder team was not easy to play.

Without Krstic, Thomas can't take on the heavy responsibility of defending the inside. Sefolosha's defense is good, but the support from the inside is not enough, and the loopholes are obvious.

The Thunder attacked, and Westbrook rushed inside and made a foul.

Li Muhua couldn't understand it now, Durant ran out of position, Westbrook didn't organize the attack, but chose to single-handedly swing.

This is not quite in line with the previously formulated tactics.

Westbrook is a point guard, mainly passing the ball and supplemented by offense. Judging from the previous few games, Westbrook's offensive desire is average, and Durant, as the main core of the team, still has the ability to undertake offense. of.

Once the feeling is hot, other players will not choose to shoot.

If Durant's touch just now cools down, the Thunder can only rely on other firepower.

The Rockets attacked, and Aaron Brooks' breakthrough was blocked and passed to Ariza. This was caused by Durant's help defense, and Ariza almost shot open.

Smash the frame and strike the iron.

Westbrook gets the rebound.

Point guards are keen on rebounding, which is no one else. Another example is Rondo of the Celtics.

The one who can rebound is the real giant of the team.

The Thunder attacked, and Durant finally got the ball and made another hit.

From the offensive point of view, the Thunder can also complete the goal, which is not bad, but the defensive matchup, it seems, is much better than before.

Compared with the starting lineup, Ariza is still a bit reluctant.

As an excellent 3D player in the league, Ariza is still a good championship puzzle, especially in terms of perimeter defense. He has grown a lot with the Lakers, and his three-point ability is also above the league level. .

The performance on the court was too bad. Ariza made 3 of 0 three-pointers and became the perfect undercover.

Aaron Brooks' defense is so bad that he has no friends, he has a great advantage in speed, and his organization is extremely poor. He is still a good choice as a surprise soldier.

At the end of the first quarter, the Thunder scored 29:25 to the Rockets.

In the second quarter, Li Muhua played.

The Rockets replaced Landry and backup center Anderson.

At the beginning of the game, Landry announced that he was the core of the Rockets' bench with CIC.

He has good talent, but his skills were rough when he first entered the NBA. He has practiced a lot in the Rockets. It is undeniable that Landry will perform even better under the condition of missing teeth.

Li Muhua entered the frontcourt with the ball, and Lowry defended.

When the two faced each other before, Li Muhua was at a disadvantage, and his height could temporarily make up for some shortcomings in physical confrontation. This time during the war, Li Muhua easily worshiped Buddha and got rid of Lowry.

The middle goal of the Rockets penalty area was wide open, Li Muhua made a layup, and Hayes' defense was not in time.

Play cricket.

Immediately afterwards, Li Muhua broke through and split the ball, Harden cut in and made a shot.

In terms of offense, Li Muhua and Harden entered the state, you and me one by one, taking turns to collect data.

Hayes was completely dumbfounded. It was useless to stand dead in the penalty area. The defender kept waving on the outside and didn't even bother to rush in to make a foul.

When the Rockets only have Trevor Ariza on the court, their defense on the perimeter is insufficient.

However, Harden's three-pointer also made people tremble. If Li Muhua didn't speed up the pace, Harden might have ruined the penalty.

In the second quarter, the two sides fought back and forth, and the Thunder had a slight advantage, but they really couldn't beat the Rockets on the defensive end. Adelman's unhurried substitution speed kept the overall situation in his hands.

Fortunately, Ariza was undercover, and the three-pointer was 3 for 0, so that the Thunder did not get too entangled in scoring, otherwise the two sides would have to fight to the death in this quarter.

At the end of the first half, the Thunder still had a 5-point advantage.

The Rockets did not have a core player, but the game was played like this. Brooks' face was not good-looking. In the locker room, the players sat silently on the bench.

"Offensive, we must give full play to our offensive advantages!"

Kalamanda lays down his tactics.

In fact, that's what Brooks meant, but now the head coach is pretending to be deep.

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