NBA super point guard

Chapter 126 Defensive Change

Among the Thunder's three juniors, Green is low-key and versatile, Durant's performance belongs to the All-Star category, and Westbrook has a lot of controversy.

Last season was a rookie season, the Thunder lacked major generals, and the blame was all focused on the head coach.

People used to say that the Thunder are double stars, but now that Westbrook is also included, the media also began to spray unceremoniously.

"Well, I know that Russell's performance may cause dissatisfaction among many people. Don't worry about it. This is your decision. If we train them, the team will be rebuilt!"

Presti fully agrees with Brooks' decision.

The more core players there are, the faster the Thunder will rise. Presti only believes in his own draft vision. As for the trade, it's not easy to spend money, so why bother.

The hustle and bustle of the media, the silence of the team, no one explained.

There is not so much time to worry about too much. That night, the Thunder ushered in the challenge of the Wizards.

The same three Musketeers, the media generally look at the Curiosities.

The Wizards are very strange this season. Arenas is back, and the team led by the Three Musketeers looks very good, but the record is getting worse day by day.

The media in Washington are more anxious than the team, looking for a big team to let the Wizards regain confidence.

The data of the Three Musketeers is very good, but the record is very poor.

Data can only be used as a reference. The league’s final awards are also based on data, which cannot represent a player’s real performance. For example, if he throws 47 of 17, the score is not low. Of course, such crazy things can only be done by talking .

Later, experts in the media came up with an efficiency value, which can directly calculate the win-loss value of a certain player on the field.

The value of some players is reflected.

Arenas's data is really good, but his efficiency is not as high as Westbrook's, because it is more intuitive that Arenas' shooting is very strong, but he can't drive the team, while Westbrook attracts the firepower of the inside most of the time. Give the outside a lot of opportunities.

This is not playing alone, but a manifestation of golf quotient.

The Three Musketeers were better than the Three Musketeers, Li Muhua smiled and greeted Arenas.

When they played against each other last season, the two talked a little bit, but it didn't affect the communication after the game.

"Gilbert, is your injury still affecting you?"

"Recovering very well, man, I will blow you up today!"

"Well, I hope you can!"

Brooks guided before the game, and Durant played freely in the first quarter.

In fact, from the very beginning of the game, Durant played crazy, just swiping the ball.The opposing Caron Butler is completely stupid, and the Wizards obviously haven't adapted to the court environment in Oklahoma.

Caron Butler's defense is not good, and he can't keep up with people. This is also related to the Wizards as a whole. It focuses on offense, but the role of the offense is not very obvious. Now, as the first firepower of the Wizards, Caron Butler was a little disappointing.

As the core of the bench lineup, Li Muhua thinks that Caron Butler should be good.

It can only be said that I don't know what the management of the Wizards thinks.

The first quarter was only halfway through, and the point difference between the two sides reached 10 points. The Thunder did not relax.

Sure enough, Jamison and Arenas of the Wizards stood up in the second half, and the three teamed up to catch up with the Thunder.

It seems that the cooperation of the three is not very happy.

At least that's what Li Muhua saw off the court. Arenas took the ball and did it alone, and didn't ask Caron Butler to help him with the screen. As for Jamison, he was completely a blue-collar player, blocking holes everywhere, and his defense was a mess.

After Li Muhua came on the field, he teamed up with Harden to rain three-pointers, making 12 of 7 shots, and the Wizards completely collapsed.

This is not over yet, Westbrook also started to wave three-pointers in the third quarter.

The Thunder are all kinds of unreasonable XJB throws.

The Wizards' three-point ability is not weak, but because of the one-on-one defense, Caron Butler played well. The only bad thing is Arenas. Under Westbrook's defense, he is more explosive than speed. On par.

Many teams in the league began to improve their offensive system, and the Wizards did the same, but in terms of defense, the Thunder still overwhelmed the Wizards.

The NBA is still dominated by defense. It is said to be offensive, but it is just a superficial cover-up.

Durant played bravely, making 22 of 12 shots, 13 of 10 free throws, 35 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists. The data completely exploded.

Efficiency values ​​have always been that good.

The Wizards lost without any suspense, and the Thunder won 127:108 at home.

After this game, the Thunder flew to Los Angeles for an away game against the Lakers.

There were much fewer criticisms about Westbrook. After all, the Thunder's record is there. Compared with last season, it is like two teams. How other coaches direct them has nothing to do with them.

The attention of this game is very high, beyond people's imagination.

Before the game, Guangdong TV interviewed Li Muhua:

"It's finally shown on TV. I'm very happy, especially the state of the UAE looks good this season. I look forward to playing against him. For this game, everyone knows the strength of the Thunder team. We can only do our best!"

Li Muhua chatted with the reporters for a few words, and then told the truth, the reporters nodded.

The position of the team can be seen from the shot rights. Ah Lian played well and didn't have many shots.

For example, Sun Dasheng blew too hard before, which made the magician blush and the Zen master was speechless.

Decentralized, but last season mixed a ring, a consolation prize, which made people feel a lot more balanced.

"Huazi, do you think Durant is comparable to Kobe?"

"I think the offensive abilities of the two are comparable, and it's not an exaggeration, but when it comes to technology, Kobe is obviously better!"

Li Muhua also answered the Sohu reporter's question.

Durant's voice for being an All-Star this year is very high, and his level is already at the All-Star level. In terms of the gap with Kobe, Li Muhua believes that only by getting the championship ring can the two be placed on the same level .

The defending champion Lakers have a terrible lineup, both offensive and defensive. The only difference is Odom, who has been getting worse and worse recently.

The media have preached: Kardashian is toxic.

Especially ESPN, got a commentator to say this game:
"If the Lakers want to win this contest with the youth army, I think there is only one Kardashian in the middle!"

"why is that?"

"We found a pattern. As long as Kardashian is on the court, the Lakers play well. Among them, Odom is even more explosive!"

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