NBA super point guard

Chapter 116 Revenge

The team's continuous approval is equivalent to giving Li Muhua confidence in Oklahoma.

Of course, Li Muhua still relied on the tolerance of his teammates, which is why he made such a bold move.

The Thunder team is very harmonious, and there are no inappropriate voices.

For Li Muhua, staying in Oklahoma is very happy. His teammates are not too aggressive, and they get along very low-key. There are no players who smoke marijuana or go to nightclubs like other teams.

The team environment is very good.

Li Muhua was really crazy, but he couldn't say that. After all, as one of the Three Musketeers, Green's performance was limited, and when the role players were not participating in the offense, they put more energy on defense.

For example, Ibaka is such a blue-collar player. He rebounds, screens, and defends very actively. It really can't be seen from the statistics.

This is the tragedy of sacrificing data. There is no way, the NBA is a vanity fair.

Li Muhua tried his best to keep a low profile, but when he participated in the team training the next day, Harden started to go crazy again.

"Li, brother, can you teach me?"

Harden is eager to become famous, it can be seen from the first time he met Li Muhua.

Harden's three-pointers are very unstable. Taking the Clippers as an example, he made 5 of 3 three-pointers, which is pretty good. You know, Li Muhua only takes 5-7 shots per game.

The core of the team is so awesome.

Li Muhua has a stable playing time, and the coach has given him some tactical freedom, but the right to shoot is still a bottleneck that restricts Li Muhua's upward development.

With the implementation of the middle-class contract this season, Li Muhua is not short of money. Compared with Lao Mei's extravagance, the Chinese are still very frugal, including the purchase of a house that Doyle has been urging.

Because of this incident, Andrew regretted it, and called last night, complaining that the Thunder were too stingy.

In fact, do the math, a better contract, with the current lineup of the Thunder, is really impossible to come up with.

Durant has already shown his worth. It should not be a big problem to enter the All-Star team this season. Next year is a contract year, and Green is the same. In another year, the Thunder will have to make offers to Li Muhua, Westbrook, and Weaver .

In fact, the Thunder's room for maneuver is very small.

The novice bonus period has only lasted for a few years. If the Thunder can't play again, it may not be far from falling apart.

Collison is already considered a veteran. He has been diligent in the Thunder and has become a pure blue-collar player. He is already satisfied with a veteran contract. However, Sefolosha is still young and has more shots than Li Muhua. The possibility of being traded Sex is bigger.

Not many players came to train, and no one cared why other players didn't come.

Li Muhua sighed, and several players took turns to rest, who knows who will be traded next.

Three days later, the Thunder were in San Antonio.

Duncan and Parker all came back in this game, and the Thunder finally played against the fully-staffed Spurs.

Since the Spurs were hacked in the 07-08 season, they have been learning from the pain. From a defensive team to an offensive team, Popovich has been sitting on the sidelines more and more.

However, the Spurs are relatively dumb, and Duncan has a nickname called Deng Daida.

The Spurs' starting lineup has changed a lot compared to last year, Duncan, Parker, Blair, Jefferson, Bogans.At first glance, this lineup seems to be nothing, but anyone with a discerning eye can see it immediately.

The right to shoot is concentrated in the hands of Duncan and Parker, and the remaining three are used for defense.

This is more terrifying. With the effects of Duncan and Parker, the effect of putting energy on offense is better than defense.

The Thunder started, Krstic, Green, Durant, Westbrook, Sefolosha.

At the start of the game, Duncan jumped the ball to get the ball.

There is no choice for this matter. From last season to this season, Li Muhua has never seen how many times the Thunder can get a jump ball in the starting lineup.

The Spurs' first wave of offense was the core player Duncan, holding Krstic, turning around and hitting the board.

Krstic's defense was too rookie and was ignored by Duncan.

The Thunder attacked, Durant attacked with the ball, and suddenly handed it over to Green who was open, and Green made a mid-range goal.

From the very beginning, the offense of the two teams has entered into a fever, the rhythm is not fast, and the efficiency is very high.

Although the inside line can't contain the Spurs, the Thunder's offensive ability on the outside line makes the Spurs helpless. After Bao Sanshu retired, there seemed to be no good candidates for the back line.

In the first quarter, the two teams tied with 25 points.

Rest before the holiday.

"Russell, I see that the Spurs' defensive strength doesn't seem to be high!"

Li Muhua held Westbrook back and asked with a frown.

"Yes, so I'm worried that it's not easy for you to play when Manu is on the court!"


"Just look at their substitutes!"

Li Muhua turned to the side of the Spurs, only to find that a group of players surrounded Popovich, including Ginobili, Finley, McDyess, and George Hill.

These guys are all players with very strong offensive ability.

The Spurs rely on the depth of the bench and intend to open the score during the bench time.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the Thunder attacked.

Defending Li Muhua is George Hill, the most underrated combo guard. When Parker was sidelined due to injury last season, George Hill was the starter. He has strong explosive power, good touch, and selfless passing. This kind of player is terrible.

Li Muhua dribbled the ball, George Hill pressed for it, looked at the space, and Li Muhua threw the ball into the inside like a cannonball in an instant.

Collison caught the ball and turned around to shoot, McDyess had no time to react.

The ball hit a time difference.

The Spurs attacked, George Hill handed the ball to Ginobili, Ginobili's serpentine breakthrough reappeared, Harden stood there like a wooden stake, and didn't respond at all.


Collison assisted in the defense of interference, was fouled, and was almost scored 2+1 by Ginobili.

After returning from the free throw, the Thunder team attacked, and Li Muhua took the ball to the left wing. This time, George Hill did not choose to press, but only half a step away, which made Li Muhua very uncomfortable.

If you choose to shoot, it is very likely to be blocked.

At this time, Green quickly cuts in, Li Muhua hits the ground, and Green makes another shot.

The Spurs' perimeter defense isn't monolithic.

The cooperation between Li Muhua and Green is not complicated. The first option is to pass back after the pick-and-roll, and the other option is to break through and Green cuts in, which creates many open opportunities.

It's better than Green sitting inside with his big ass arched and arched.

"Leave it to me, Manu!"

Li Muhua couldn't bear to look directly at Harden's defense, so he pushed Harden aside.

Harden hurriedly nodded in agreement.

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