NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 81 Lin Fei's Confidence!Bembry and Cousins ​​arrive at the arena

Alright, that's enough of the fuss, so now let's talk about another problem! "

Barkley quickly put away his smile, and looked seriously at Smith and O'Neill aside.

"Now, where do you two think the current Lakers can go? Are they the biggest favorites for the championship right now?"

As soon as Barkley asked this question, O'Neill and Smith straightened their faces, and they put their elbows up one after another, thinking about this question.

For a while, the scene fell into a silence.

But this is a live broadcast, and no audience would want to see three commentators staring at each other in the live broadcast room without saying a word.

In order to avoid the loss of the audience, Buckley coughed lightly and took the lead in breaking the atmosphere of silence.

"Ahem, then let me express my opinion first. My opinion is that in the West, no one can stop the current Lakers. They will enter the finals and play against the strong teams in the East!"

After Barkley finished speaking, he closed his mouth and quietly observed the expressions of O'Neill and Smith.

After hearing Barkley's words, Smith and O'Neill had different expressions. Smith's expression was flat, while O'Neill frowned and shook his head slightly.

Barkley smiled slightly, pointed to O'Neill with his right hand: "O'Neill, it seems that you have a different opinion, let's talk about it."

O'Neal nodded slightly, took the microphone in his hand and said softly: "Hey, man, I think you think too highly of the Lakers. Don't forget, there are strong teams like the Suns and Warriors in the West!"

"Whether it's the Warriors' passing system or the Suns' steady scoring ability and decisive ball ability, I'm afraid it's enough for the Lakers to drink a pot! Moreover, the new Lakers aids Reddish and Boucher haven't played for the Lakers yet. , We are still not sure how their performance will be!"

"So, for the Western Conference championship, I am still more optimistic about the Warriors and the Suns!"

Barkley nodded slightly, his eyes wandering to Smith who was sitting aside: "So what do you think, Mr. Smith, do you also think that the Western Conference champion will belong to the Suns or the Warriors?"

Smith shook his head lightly: "No, I have a different point of view than O'Neill."

"First of all, what O'Neal said is true. The Warriors' passing system and the Suns' steady scoring ability are very strong. It is really difficult for the Lakers to deal with it!"

"But I think the Lakers' excellent forward resources are probably enough for the Suns and the Warriors to drink a pot!"

"Whether it's the Warriors' inside Rooney and Green, or the Suns' Ayton and Biyombo, when they face the impact of James, Big Eyebrow, Howard, Boucher and a lot of Lakers strikers on the inside, It's hard to fight!"

"The weakness of the Warriors inside and the shortage of tough centers in the Suns are the shortcomings of these two teams, and the Lakers happen to be stronger in this aspect, so I am still more optimistic about the Lakers!"

After Smith finished speaking, he paused, and continued: "And on the defensive end, the Lakers can even field a five-forward lineup. Their lineup height is terrifying. Paul of the Suns and Pu'er of the Warriors are facing these big men. The performance of a forward with strong athletic ability may not be satisfactory, so I think the Lakers will go further!"

O'Neal listened quietly to Smith's words, and after Smith put down the microphone, O'Neal quickly jumped out to retort: ​​"The Warriors are weak inside, I admit, but Ayton's defense in the Suns is pretty good, right? The defense range is very good!"

Smith snorted coldly, picked up the microphone and debated with O'Neill.

After that, the TNT live broadcast room became the debate field between Smith and O'Neill.

Lin Fei in the Los Angeles apartment was also watching the debate between several people in the TNT live broadcast room. When Smith and O'Neill quarreled, Lin Fei felt a little bored and closed the live broadcast room.

In fact, what O'Neal said is good. Before the playoffs started, many people were optimistic about the meeting between the Suns and the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals.

However, Lin Fei, who traveled from his previous life, naturally knew that the Suns lost to the Dallas Cowboys after seven games against the Mavericks in the second round. The Western Conference Finals was a battle between the Dallas Mavericks and the Warriors!
The Warriors and Mavericks who met in the Western Conference Finals have a common problem, that is, the inside is extremely weak!
Whether it is Powell and Kleber inside the Mavericks, or Rooney, Porter and Green of the Warriors, they are not tall and are at a disadvantage inside.

This is also the reason why Lin Fei has been hoarding strikers since he crossed over, whether it was signing Dyke and Gary Clark before, or trading for Boucher and Reddish, or signing Bembry with a two-way contract with good offensive ability and defensive ability. The pulpy Cousins ​​​​are all prepared to face the Warriors or Mavericks in the Western Conference Finals!
Now as long as the Lakers make it to the Western Conference Finals, whether they are facing the Mavericks' inside or the Warriors' inside, the Lakers' strikers will perform better!
It can be said that as long as the Lakers reach the Western Conference Finals, Lin Fei is confident that he can surpass them and advance to the Finals!
Just as Lin Fei was thinking wildly, the cell phone beside him suddenly rang.

Lin Fei quickly picked it up, and the voice of his beautiful assistant Jessica came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, Mr. Lin Fei!"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Cousins ​​and Bembry have come to Los Angeles. They are now in our arena. Mr. Vogel wants to invite you to see their performance!"

Lin Fei smiled and nodded: "Of course, of course, I will go there now!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Fei hung up the phone, went downstairs, took a taxi, and headed straight to the Staples Center!

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