NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 6 The mess Pelinka left behind!chat with james

After returning home, Lin Fei glanced at the time. It was only around 5:[-] p.m., which was still early, so Lin Fei sat down in front of the computer and began to check the information.

After a series of inquiries, Lin Fei finally figured out the current lineup of the Lakers.

It is the end of December 2021!
Today's Lakers lineup is very deformed, and the team's salary space is completely locked by the Big Three. Except for the Big Three, Horton Tucker is actually the one who gets the biggest contract.

Although Horton Tucker is talented and has long arms, he likes to attack with the ball and play singles, and his skills are relatively rough, which is embarrassing and useful!
In addition to the deformed salary space, the Lakers lineup at this time is also very strange.

The guards include Rondo, Westbrook, Rivers, Monk, Bazemore, Ellington, Bradley and Nahn.

There are James, thick eyebrows, Howard, Anthony, Jordan Jr., Ariza and Stanley Johnson on a ten-day contract on the front line.

The whole lineup is old and broken, the guards are slow, and the forwards are old!
Seeing such a strange lineup, Lin Fei couldn't help sighing, this Pelinka really left a mess for himself!

Looking at the current lineup, trading Westbrook alone can't save the team!

Other changes had to be made!

Lin Fei closed his eyes tightly, recalling what happened to the Lakers during this time.

In December, apart from the conflict between Thick Eyebrow and Howard on the court, the Lakers didn't seem to have any other big news.

But in January, the Lakers management sent Rondo and Wang Zhelin the signing rights to exchange air, which made many Lakers fans criticize.

Lin Fei opened his eyes and ticked Rondo's name. In Lin Fei's heart, Rondo must be kept!

Long's guidance in the regular season may not be strong, but in the playoffs, this kind of experienced veteran is often much easier to use than the rookie.

Moreover, Director Long is known as a "tactical genius", which may be able to make up for Vogel's shortcoming of not being good at training offenses!
In addition, Jordan can be laid off directly, he is old and slow, but Stanley Johnson, who is still on a ten-day contract, is more useful, young and energetic!
You can stay and sign a two-year contract!

As for the others. Bazemore and Horton Tucker need to be cleaned out too!

Thinking of this, Lin Fei silently picked up the pen and put a big cross on the names of Bazemore and Horton Tucker.

For others, hey, let’s take a step and see.

Lin Fei sighed helplessly and closed the notebook.

It was getting late at this time, Lin Fei rummaged through the box, turned out the suit and put it on, and went out the door.

Lin Fei, who went out, stood on the side of the road and got into trouble. He didn't have a car, and the taxi-hailing software in Beautiful Country was complicated. Lin Fei didn't figure out how to use it after working on it for a while.

This is how to do?Damn, the taxi-hailing software in this beautiful country is too damn rubbish, Ma Yun, work hard!
Just as Lin Fei was standing there complaining, a beautiful and cool sports car with a dark body stopped at the side of the road.

LeBron James poked his head out and shouted at Lin Fei: "Hey, Lin, what a coincidence, I just happened to take you to my house!"

Seeing James, Lin Fei's eyes lit up, the savior came!

"Of course, of course, I'm going to your house."

Lin Fei smiled and walked to James' sports car.

Lin Fei who walked to the door of the sports car was dumbfounded again.

How does the car door open.
Lin Fei was just a laborer in his previous life, and had no chance to touch high-end sports cars. It was the first time he approached a sports car so close, and he was a little at a loss.

James discovered Lin Fei's embarrassment in time, and quickly got out of the car to help Lin Fei open the door.

Lin Fei smiled awkwardly and stepped into the sports car.

After getting into the car, Lin Fei pretended to be calm, acting as if nothing happened.

James smiled and started the sports car.

With the rumbling sound of the sports car engine, James took Lin Feiyang away.

Seemingly realizing Lin Fei's embarrassment, James took the initiative to find a topic to chat with Lin Fei.

"Hey, Lin, it's the first time to be the general manager of the Lakers. I don't know what you think about our team now."

Lin Fei smiled and followed the steps given by James to talk about his views on the Lakers.

"LeBron, you know, we made a wrong decision in the off-season. The current lineup of the Lakers is very problematic. We need to make personnel adjustments, and it is a big adjustment!"

Lin Fei didn't directly point out the trade for Westbrook, but James had already faintly heard what Lin Fei meant.

James was very surprised. He didn't expect Lin Fei to have such a big ambition when he became the general manager for the first time.

He paused for a while, then said slowly: "Lin, my brother, you know, there are some things you need to think about more complicatedly, especially trading players, you need to think about more things."

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes lightly, paused for a while, and replied.

"LeBron, we are now on the same boat. Deploying a good lineup can better help you gain honor and impact on historical status. So, if you have any suggestions, just say it."

Perhaps because he didn't expect Lin Fei to speak so bluntly, LeBron James didn't react for a while, and the sports car fell into silence for a while, and Lin Fei could only hear the roar of the sports car engine.

After a long silence, James suddenly asked Lin Fei: "Lin, how many years did you sign the contract?"

"2-year contract."

James nodded, and after a while, he spoke.

"You know, I need more honors to help me achieve a higher historical status, but I am already 38, and I have only two years left in my career, so I will bring Westbrook over in the off-season , form the Big Three to hit the championship."

"But obviously, this decision is not so wise, I'm glad you want to make changes in the Lakers lineup, but ... I hope to give everyone a decent ending."

Lin Fei nodded silently, he already understood what James meant.

Break up peacefully with Westbrook and trade him to a decent team!And Westbrook was pulled over by James alone, giving Westbrook a decent ending will also help stabilize James' reputation.

Lin Fei understood clearly, and quickly gave James an affirmative answer.

"Of course, of course, every player contributes to our team, and I will not treat them badly!"

After receiving Lin Fei's reply, James nodded in satisfaction, did not speak any more, and drove the sports car silently.

James' house and Lin Fei's house were not too far away, and after a while, the two had already arrived at their destination.

At this time, many people gathered in James' house, many of whom were familiar faces to Lin Fei, as well as Jenny Buss and other Lakers management personnel.

When Lin Fei got out of the car, Pelinka greeted him with a man.

"Hey, Lin! The one next to me is Mr. Lloyd Pierce, the assistant coach of the Pacers. He has something to do and just passed through Los Angeles. I invited him over!"

"Mr. Pierce, this young man is the general manager who will succeed me, Lin!"

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