NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Siakam in Chapter 46, Hield scored 3 points in a row

But the players on the Lakers bench couldn't sit still. They stood up one after another, dancing exaggeratedly to celebrate James!

This buckle was so explosive that even Lin Fei in the box stood up and cheered for James with his arms raised high.

"Oh, shit, this buckle is so powerful! It's so explosive!"

"Yeah, that dunk was really tough, especially on a 37-year-old basketball player! Damn, he should be in the dunk contest!"

O'Neill and Barkley in front of the technical stage were also shocked by the buckle, and they all shouted and exclaimed.

As he spoke, O'Neal turned his gaze to the Lakers bench, and was amused to laugh out loud.

"Oh, Barkley, look at those lads on the Lakers bench, haha, they must have learned their dance from you, it's so ugly!"

Hearing O'Neal's words, Barkley turned his attention to the Lakers' bench. Although he had just been hurt by O'Neal, he still couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, the dance of these guys is really funny, hahahaha, But they're united, and that's the locker room vibe a championship contender should have."

O'Neal laughed and continued to pat Barkley on the shoulder: "Hahaha, you are right, you are right!"

Seeing that O'Neill couldn't hold back anymore, Barkley rolled his eyes, moved the hands on his shoulders away, and continued to explain: "Okay, fat man, stop laughing, let's turn our eyes back to the game!"

O'Neal quickly suppressed a smile: "Haha. Okay, let's turn our attention back to the field, haha"

Back on the playing field, just as the Raptors players recovered, Barnes quickly sent the baseline ball and handed the ball to Siakam.

At this time, the home court was terribly quiet, and the momentum of the Raptors had dropped to the lowest point. They urgently needed an answer ball to respond to the Lakers and restore their momentum!
Siakam has also been a period of time but the boss of the team, he naturally understands the importance of this ball!
Facing James' defense with the ball, Siakam decided to go it alone with the ball and face the opponent's star. As long as the ball is scored, the Raptors' momentum will pick up a lot!
Lowering his body to prepare for a breakthrough, after continuous tentative steps and shaking, Siakam kicked back and started to break through quickly to the right of James like an off-string arrow.

Siakam is fast, but James is not slow either. James, who has been in the league for many years, has an excellent defensive awareness. He judged the movement of Siakam's ball, moved quickly with his feet, and firmly blocked Siakam. In front of Tom!

James' physical fitness is excellent. Siakam hit James as if hitting a wall. He took two steps back and almost dropped the ball in his hand.

After staggering and regaining control of the ball, Siakam took a deep breath. This breakthrough was perfectly defended by James.

Siakam knows that this ball must never be passed out, otherwise it will be extremely damaging to morale, but it is really not easy to single James, and now Siakam is a bit hard to get off.

The teammates on the side noticed Siakam's dilemma and quickly signaled that they wanted to come to the pick-and-roll.

Seeing this, Siakam gritted his teeth, and quickly waved his hand to reject the pick-and-roll from his teammates. Siakam still decided to fight James alone!
There is not much attack time left, and Siakam has to make a choice!
Quick in&out change direction, drag step change direction, double change direction!

Siakam moved quickly, swaying left and right, and finally swayed a little space, Siakam hurriedly stepped up and made a jumper!
James also took off immediately. With strong physical support, James bounced very fast. Even if the defense lost a little position, James still gave Siakam enough interference.

Under James' interference, Siakam's shooting action was slightly deformed, and the trajectory of the shot was slightly affected. The basketball flew crookedly into the air, hit the rim a few times, and finally fell into the net.

Seeing the ball scored, Siakam's hanging heart was finally relieved!

This goal greatly improved the momentum of the Raptors. This was a goal shot by the opponent's star James. Such a tough response made the Raptors fans present stand up and shout for Siakam!

The sound of mountains and tsunami swept the Raptors' home arena again!
"It's a good job. Although there is some luck, it's still a strong response and saved the decline!"

"You are right, this is a good response, this is what the team boss should do, Siakam did a great job!"

Barkley and O'Neal in front of the technical stage have been fighting for decades, and they are well aware of the importance of this goal, and they applauded Siakam's performance.

"Well done, boy, I didn't expect you to dare to stand up, you are very kind!"

James on the court also smiled and praised Quasiakam.

But after all, he is an opponent. Such a compliment made Siakam sound a little uncomfortable. He replied angrily: "Hey, I'm the boss of the team. If I don't stand up, who will stand up? What's the matter? How does it feel to have three points?"

Hearing Siakam's trash talk, James shook his head slightly and smiled. James, who has been in the league for many years, will naturally not be disturbed by this kind of harmless trash talk, and James is too lazy to talk to Siakam. , After receiving the baseline ball, James took the ball and advanced towards the frontcourt normally.

After halftime, James handed the ball to Brogdon. Today is Brogdon's first show. James wants to give Brogdon a little more role.

Brogdon also received James' kindness, took the ball and faced Van Jordan with a tentative step, and squeezed through with a cross step.

Squeezing past Van Jordan, Brogdon went straight to the basket!

Trent Jr., who was defending Hilde, rushed over to help defend. Seeing this, Brogdon sent a simple and powerful direct pass to Hilde.

Hilde was a wide-open three-point opportunity, and he easily scored 3 points with his hands up and down!
"Man, give me the ball!"

Seeing that the Lakers scored another 3 points, Siakam became a little anxious, and quickly asked his teammates for the ball.

Holding the ball to the front court, facing James' defense, Siakam chose singles again!

But this time James didn't lose his position. Instead, he kept sticking tightly to Siakam. Siakam didn't have the slightest chance to make a phone call, so he chose to step back and make a jumper!

James had been prepared for this ball, and he took a step forward to block Siakam's shot!
After picking up the rebound, James saw Hilde who was rushing forward, and a long pass was passed to Hilde.

After receiving the ball, Hilde was one step away from the three-point line. Seeing that there were no defenders around, Hilde did not choose to layup for two points. Instead, he jumped and shot from one step outside the three-point line!
The basketball draws a beautiful arc in the sky, and falls into the net hollowly!
Hilde, hit a three-pointer after chasing the body! ! !

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