NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 4 Public Opinion Storm!The first general manager of Huaxia

Pelinka has worked for the Lakers for several years, and his prestige is still relatively high. Hearing that Pelinka has an important announcement, all the players quickly put down their training and gathered together.

After the players gathered together, James and Nongmei nodded to Pelinka, and then smiled at Lin Fei.

Seeing that everyone had gathered, Pelinka cleared his throat and spoke slowly.

"Everyone, I voluntarily resigned from the position of general manager due to my health. Now, Lin will be the new general manager of the Lakers!"

Most players were very surprised when they heard Pelinka's words, but the expressions of the team's core James, thick eyebrows, Westbrook and head coach Vogel did not change.

Such a big change in the team, of course, has been explained to the team core and the head coach in advance. Pelinka has already explained to the core and Vogel last night.

"Lin is also the veteran of our team. I believe you all know each other. Lin, tell me a few words."

Following Pelinka's words, the players' eyes turned to Lin Fei one after another, smiling kindly.

Lin Fei cleared his throat and said slowly.

"Everyone, it's a great honor to serve as the general manager of the team!"

"I know we have just experienced a series of losing streaks, but we should not be discouraged. We are a championship team, and we have a champion coach! We have the superstars in the league today!"

"I will adjust our lineup in the future. I hope everyone can play seriously and play their own style."

After the words were finished, all the players looked a little surprised. In order not to affect the atmosphere of the team, the general manager would not speak out about the transaction.

And Lin Fei had just taken office, and he actually said that he would adjust the lineup and make a deal!

Seeing everyone's astonished gazes, Lin Fei nodded slightly. The Lakers must make changes. Some of the players must be traded away. The reason why he said this was to prepare the team mentally.

And let players play seriously and play their own style, which will help increase the player's trading value!
"I hope everyone can get out of their comfort zone and listen to Coach Vogel's deployment!"

Next, Lin Fei said another simple sentence and then ended his speech.

At this time, Pelinka took over the words: "Lin is right, well, let's continue training and play well!"

All the players dispersed, only James still stood in place.

"LeBron, what do you want?"

Pelinka asked with some doubts.

James smiled: "Dear Mr. Pelinka, thank you for your contribution to the Lakers. I want to hold a farewell party for you. I don't know what you want."

Pelinka was a little surprised and moved, nodded and agreed: "Of course, of course, LeBron, thank you for everything you have done for me!"

Lin Fei nodded lightly at the side. As expected of James, he has done a really good job in the aspect of worldly sophistication.

Just when Lin Fei was praising secretly in his heart, James turned his head to look at Lin Fei: "Lin, as Mr. Pelinka's lover and the new general manager of the Lakers, you must also go."

Lin Fei nodded again and again: "Of course, I will definitely be there!"

James smiled heartily: "Okay, okay, then at my house at 8 o'clock tonight, see you there!"

After speaking, James turned and left, and continued to devote himself to training.

At the same time, the official social media of the Lakers issued an official statement, announcing to the masses that Pelinka was out of class due to physical reasons, and Lin Fei replaced Pelinka as the general manager.

The Lakers are a wealthy team in the NBA, and they have attracted a lot of attention, especially the big move of changing the general manager, which directly ignited public opinion and even made it to the top of the hot search list.

The major sports media reported one after another, and countless fans knew the news.

Although Lin Fei has been working for the Lakers for several years, except for the old Lakers fans, almost no one has any impression of this name.

Coupled with the identity of the Huaxia people, it aroused everyone's curiosity even more.

The media also noticed Lin Fei's name at this time, and published articles and reports one after another.

"Lin Fei, the number one general manager of Huaxia in history! "

"The first general manager of Huaxia, what makes Lin Fei able to take office?" "

In the report, many media questioned Lin Fei's strength. After all, managing a team well requires some real skills.

Insights into transactions, networking with general managers of various teams, etc., few people are willing to believe that a guy with little reputation can be qualified for the position of general manager of a giant like the Lakers.

The voices of doubt are getting louder and louder, and many reports have even been topped in the top searches, and Lin Fei has also noticed these voices.

But Lin Fei didn't care about these voices of doubt.

As a traveler, Lin Fei is well aware of the problems of the Lakers team. As long as he prescribes the right medicine, coupled with the assistance of the dynasty creation system, he will definitely be able to lead the Lakers team back to the top!

Pelinka also saw these messages on his mobile phone, he glanced at Lin Fei worriedly, and then patted Lin Fei on the shoulder.

"Lin, there are a lot of doubts about you from the outside world. If you need it, I am willing to speak up for you and help you restore public opinion.

Hearing Pelinka's words, Lin Fei smiled and waved his hands again and again: "Thank you, Mr. Pelinka, but I don't think I need it. You know, the best way to break through these doubting voices is to make achievements."

"I'm not going to chat with those sports media on social software. My most important goal now is to help the Lakers get out of trouble!"

Hearing Lin Fei's answer, Pelinka smiled gratifiedly: "To be honest, Lin, you are much more mature than I thought. It seems that I made the right decision to hand over the Lakers to you."

"I don't know, what's your first step to help the Lakers out of trouble?"

Lin Fei smiled mysteriously: "You will find out later."

After speaking, Lin Fei turned his gaze to Westbrook who was doing shooting practice in the arena.

Westbrook is currently conducting CIC training with the help of the trainer, but the effect is not very good. In the case of training, Westbrook's CIC will reach the level of 70%.

70% of the mid-range shooting level in training may only be 30% if it is above the field, and it may be even lower!
Strange to say, after coming to the Lakers, Westbrook seems to be lost in shooting, and his shooting efficiency is much lower than before.

Even the team has begun to suspect that Westbrook has problems with his eyes and hands, but Westbrook has always insisted that his body is very healthy. In desperation, the team can only let Westbrook focus on strengthening shooting training.

Seeing that Lin Fei's gaze had been focused on Westbrook, Pelinka slightly squinted his eyes and said nothing.

The players trained in the arena all morning before disbanding under Vogel's order.

Lin Fei hurriedly grabbed Vogel who was about to go to lunch, saying that there was an important matter to negotiate.

Vogel looked confused, but because of Lin Fei's identity, he followed Lin Fei to an office.

As soon as he entered the office, Lin Fei went straight in and explained his intention to Vogel directly.

"Mr. Vogel, I hope you can adjust your strategy, put less authority, and let him play beautiful statistics!"

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