NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 39 The deal landed!Everyone shakes!set off a climax of public opinion

"Mr. Lin Fei, after discussion, we have decided to accept your proposal!"

Hearing the good news from Carlisle, Lin Fei was ecstatic, a stone in his heart finally landed, and he said hastily.

"That's great! Mr. Carlisle, I believe this will be a win-win deal!"

Next, Lin Fei discussed the specific transaction date with Carlisle on the phone. After that, Lin Fei hung up the phone and called the head coach Vogel.

Vogel knew that Lin Fei was going to trade Westbrook for a long time. Now that the deal has landed, Lin Fei must of course tell Vogel the good news as soon as possible.

"Hey, Mr. Vogel! The deal was successful! We settled with the Pacers, sent Westbrook away, and got Hilde and Brogdon!"

Vogel laughed when he heard the news, and replied loudly: "Oh, that's really great! Thank you, Lin, for bringing me the right helper!"

"Believe me, Lin, after this trade, I have the confidence to take our team record further!!"


Lin Fei heard that Vogel seemed to have some doubts, and said quickly: "Mr. Vogel, if you have any doubts, just tell me!"

"This Hilde is not a big problem. As a shooter, plug and play! But this Brogdon has some glass man elements. Now he has missed several games because of a sore Achilles tendon!"

"If he gets injured after he comes to the Lakers, it will be difficult to handle!"

Vogel is right, Brogdon is indeed a glass man with constant injuries, which is one of the reasons why the Pacers are willing to send him out!

However, Lin Fei is not very worried. At least Brogdon is not seriously injured now. After coming to the Lakers, under the effect of Lin Fei's injury reduction card, the probability of getting injured again is not high!As long as you pay attention to protection at ordinary times, the risk is not very high!

Lin Fei quickly smiled to comfort Vogel, and patted his chest to ensure that Brogdon's condition is fine!
With Lin Fei's guarantee, Vogel felt a little relieved. After a few pleasantries, Vogel said that there was still a new lineup to study, and Lin Fei hung up the phone.

A week later, the three official media of the Pacers, Kings, and Lakers released official news one after another, and the transaction was completed!
The Pacers sent Sabonis Jr., Jerry Millam, Justin Holiday and a second round in exchange for Halliburton, Hilde and Tristan Thompson from the Kings!

After this deal, the Pacers immediately took Hilde, who had just been traded, to Brogdon and sent it to the Lakers in exchange for Westbrook!

This transaction is not insignificant, and it involves a star player like Westbrook, the discussion has been directly full, and it has caused a lot of waves on the Internet!
The deal between the Pacers and the Kings is nothing. The Pacers traded for the young hero Halliburton, found the core of reconstruction, and there was nothing wrong with the operation!
The management of the Kings, before negotiating with the Pacers, publicly stated that they would not trade Halliburton. After discussing with the Pacers, they sold Halliburton!
The management of the Kings has always been like this, and no one will be surprised by what kind of trade they make.

However, many netizens did not understand the deal between the Pacers and the Lakers, and even some Pacers fans who watched the game late have begun to express their dissatisfaction on the Pacers' official media!

"What? In exchange for Westbrook? Are the Pacers blinded by his statistics?"

"What's going on with the Pacers? In exchange for Westbrook? The contract is so big! I'm speechless!"

Among the many dissatisfied comments, there are still some who understand the ball. They understood the intention of the Pacers management and stood up to explain: "Brothers, don't think that Westbrook's contract is big, but it is about to expire. Rogdon and Hield's time is much shorter, and when Westbrook's contract expires, the team will be able to free up a lot of salary space immediately!"

"And Westbrook's strength is not as bad as everyone thinks. After all, he has been in the league for many years and was a superstar. He can also give the Pacers new core Halliburton some experience!"

"Coupled with Westbrook's style of playing and attracting fans, there are many fans, and we can also sell more tickets for the Pacers!"

"In short, the Pacers are not losing money in this deal!"

After an analysis by the emperor who knows the ball, the Pacers fans suddenly realized: "666, it turns out that the Pacers are standing in the atmosphere!"

"So that's how it is, Pacers!"

Unlike Pacers fans, Lakers fans rejoiced after hearing the news, because this deal is so important to the Lakers!
As the general manager of the Lakers Lin Fei who led the deal, he was naturally praised by countless fans!
The owner of the Lakers, Jenny Buss, saw the praise of Lin Fei from the official media of the Lakers, and felt a little lucky. Fortunately, Lin Fei was given the team to take care of the team at that time!

It seems that this Chinese kid really has something!

Afterwards, Jenny Buss slowly took out her mobile phone and dialed Tony's number: "Tony?"

"Miss Jenny Buss, it's me, I'm Tony! Do you have any orders?"

Jenny Buss smiled: "Hehe, it's nothing, just to inform you of a message."

"Oh? What news?"

"You are fired!"

After finishing speaking, Jenny Buss hung up the phone directly, leaving Tony alone in the wind.

After the team officially released the transaction news, it immediately explained the situation to the players involved in the transaction.

As the core of the transaction, Westbrook naturally knew the news early.

After knowing the news, Westbrook was very calm. Since the end of January, Westbrook has played less and less time, and when he plays, it is usually the connection period and garbage time of the game. At the decisive moment, Vogel usually puts Westbrook is firmly on the bench!

How can Westbrook, who has been in the league for many years, fail to see the Lakers' intentions?This shows that he wants to trade himself!

Westbrook had already done a good job of psychological construction early, and naturally he didn't react much after knowing the news.

However, Westbrook's agent team quit, clamoring for an explanation from the Lakers management.

Listening to the quarrel between his agent team, Westbrook sighed calmly.

At this moment, James, Thick Eyebrow and some players who had a good relationship with Westbrook called one after another to express their condolences.

Westbrook didn't show frustration, nor did he talk about a deal. Instead, he chatted with the Lakers players talking and laughing.

After chatting and hanging up the phone, Westbrook turned his head to look at the team of managers who were still arguing, and curled his lips helplessly.

"Hey guys, stop arguing and pack my bags, I'm off to the Indiana Pacers!"

"What? Westbrook? You"

Westbrook smiled heartily: "Guys, to be honest, I have been with the Lakers enough, this transaction is not a bad thing, let us start a new journey in the Pacers."

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