NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 21 Talking about deals with Vogel!Relief for Gary Clark

"Hey! Mr. Lin Fei, to be honest, you are really unworthy of being the general manager. You should go to a certain team to apply for a coach!"

At this time, Vogel came over, patted Lin Fei on the shoulder and joked.

Hearing Vogel's words, Lin Fei waved his hands again and again: "Where is it, I was just taking advantage of it, hahaha!"

"Trick? Come on, Lin, your purpose is too clear. You have been chasing me for the whole game, and my physical strength will be emptied soon!"

James, who was standing aside, heard Lin Fei's words, smiled, and interrupted while wiping the sweat off his face.

Lin Fei laughed loudly: "James, there is an old saying in China, 'To capture the thief, first capture the king'. Your strength is the strongest, of course I will catch you and consume it."

"But to be honest, Mr. Vogel, your new lineup has good offensive power, but it is difficult to ensure the efficiency of both offense and defense at the same time if James is the center forward!"

Vogel nodded approvingly: "You're right, Lin, this lineup can only play one quarter at most, and whether this lineup can play or not depends on the opposing lineup!"

Seeing that Vogel knew what was in his mind, Lin Fei didn't say any more. After all, Lin Fei is not a professional coach, so let the coaching staff do this kind of job of deploying the lineup.

However, as the general manager, Lin Fei still needs to ask Vogel about his lineup requirements in detail.

It happened to be lunch time at this time, and the players all went to eat lunch, and the entire arena was empty in a short while.

Lin Fei quickly pulled Vogel aside, and asked carefully: "Hey, Mr. Vogel, I would like to ask you about your needs in detail about the transaction."

Vogel understood what Lin Fei meant, and quickly talked about his lineup needs: "Lin, you know, I need some young and energetic strikers, and there must be defense. I am best at deploying defensive lineups!"

"It's okay to have some shooters, you know, what every team lacks most is shooters."

"Lin, I know you want to trade Westbrook. If Westbrook is traded away, you'd better exchange for a point guard who can organize the ball and shoot. Rondo is too old and he can't stand for too long. !"

Hearing Vogel's description, Lin Fei nodded solemnly, paused for a while, and said slowly: "Mr. Vogel, our main bargaining chips in this season's trade will be Horton Tucker, Westbrook, and possibly There is Naen."

"You know, their transaction value...isn't too high. In addition, we don't have many draft picks. I have very little room for manipulation. The players you mentioned are all hard currency in the market. I need them very much. Your cooperation!"

Vogel nodded again and again to express his understanding: "I understand, Lin, I will let those players you mentioned produce beautiful statistics!"

Seeing that Vogel knew what was in his mind, Lin Fei took a long breath and continued: "By the way, Mr. Vogel, the strikers I signed recently are all good. You'd better be able to train their defense. We'd better dig a little more internally."

"Of course, Lin, the strikers you signed are very good. I have the confidence to train their defense!"

Lin Fei nodded silently, and after continuing to exchange pleasantries with Vogel, he left the arena for dinner.

On the way to the restaurant, Lin Fei kept thinking about the possibility of a deal.

Westbrook's trade partner, Lin Fei, has been determined, and it is the Pacers!
The Pacers need to rebuild, and Westbrook's big contract is about to expire. It is easy to expand the space and help the Pacers rebuild quickly.

In addition, Westbrook's style of play is very popular, and it can also make more money for the Pacers owner.

As long as Westbrook has good data, I believe the Pacers will not refuse, and the probability of exchanging Hilde and Brogdon is very high.

But this Horton Tucker is more troublesome. Apart from having a relatively good static physical condition, he has nothing left.

Lin Fei thought for a long time, but could only think of three possibilities!
The first is to switch Horton Tucker to the Pistons and get Grant over.

The second is to get Horton Tucker to the Raptors. The Raptors were interested in Horton Tucker before, and now the Raptors have Achuwa. Achuwa and Boucher have similar functions, although now It is much worse than Boucher, but the advantage is that he is younger than Boucher.

And the spiderman like Horton Tucker is the Raptors' favorite, maybe he can get the Raptors' Boucher over!

The third is to add Horton Tucker in the deal with the Pacers, and perhaps get the Pacers' Turner.

You can't catch a sheep with wool, and the third is very difficult to handle. Lin Fei thinks that the first and second are very likely.

It seems that it is time to try to contact the management of the Pistons and Raptors!
Lin Fei was thinking about the transaction all the time on the road, and came to the restaurant of the arena without knowing it.

In the middle of the arena, a few staff members in white restaurant overalls were gathering together and chatting.

Lin Fei didn't pay attention to it at first, but the staff's discussions were not quiet at all. When Lin Fei approached, their voices still reached Lin Fei's ears.

"Hey, to be honest, I've never seen this kind of NBA player, do you like to be so cheap and cheap?"

"Haha, his life is not as good as mine. Really, is this an NBA player?"

"Hey, look at his greedy look, it's ridiculous."

The staff were discussing Gary Clark not far away.

Gary Clark traveled across the ocean to join the NBA, and the economy was relatively tight. In the NBA, there were often no guaranteed contracts, and there was not much salary left after tax deductions and renting expenses.

Coupled with another girlfriend, Gary Clark's life became even more difficult.

In order to save a little, Gary Clark just wanted to take some of the team's free pizza and other food home to enjoy with his girlfriend.

These pizzas and food are rarely picked up by NBA players, so Gary Clark's behavior has been noticed and despised by many professional players.

At this moment, Lin Fei also saw Gary Clark not far away with an embarrassing expression on his face.

When Lin Fei saw the food in Gary Clark's hand, Lin Fei quickly understood what happened.

Without hesitation, Lin Fei coughed twice, and in front of all the staff, Lin Fei walked slowly to Gary Clark.

When Gary Clark saw the general manager Lin Fei coming, he felt even more embarrassed, and lowered his head again.

Lin Fei patted Gary Clark on the shoulder and said loudly: "Hey, Clark, don't eat alone, I like these pizzas too, come here, help me pack the rest, I want to take it home and enjoy it slowly !"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Gary Clark raised his head in disbelief.

He understood that Lin Fei said this to avoid embarrassment. Gary Clark was a little moved, and he replied softly: "Okay, Mr. Lin Fei, yes."

Lin Fei smiled, patted Gary Clark on the shoulder, picked up the packing bag and started packing the food on the table.

At this time, James also walked over with a smile: "Hey! Hey! Lin, you'd better save some for me, these foods are my favorite!"

James walked over and smiled at Gary Clark, picked up the packing bag and started packing the food.

The staff on the side saw that the team boss and general manager had come to stand for Gary Clark, so they immediately stopped discussing and dispersed in a self-defeating manner.

When Gary Clark saw the scattered staff, the embarrassment on his face disappeared. He looked up at Lin Fei and James and said, "Lin, LeBron, really, thank you this time!"

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