NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 188 The Rondo Incident!Lin Fei worried

The game was finally over. Lin Fei and Vogel looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. From the point of view of the two brothers, as long as they win the Philadelphia 76ers, there is nothing to fear from the next team.

According to the calculations of the entire Lakers coaching staff, the Lakers will usher in a small winning streak after winning the Philadelphia 76ers.

But while the Lakers ushered in a winning streak, the Mavericks, Warriors and Jazz, the three main competitors of the Lakers, also have an easy schedule. Therefore, it is estimated that the record gap between the four teams will not be widened by then.

This battle for regular season rankings will certainly continue for a long time, and it is not impossible to even continue to the final game of the regular season.

Under such circumstances, the Lakers must not slack off, and in the subsequent schedule, welfare bureaus similar to the Kings, Pacers, etc. must be taken down!
When encountering a strong team in the playoffs, the Lakers can't be ambiguous, and they must win them.

This is also the goal set by the entire coaching staff of the Lakers!

Of course, the road has to be taken step by step, and the meal has to be eaten bite by bite. The task before the Lakers is to return to the home court quickly and defend the home game the day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow, the Lakers will sit at home to usher in the challenge of the Eastern Conference Magic.

The Magic team is a veteran underdog in the Eastern Conference!

This season is the bottom of the record in the Eastern Conference, and their strength is naturally the weakest group.

However, facing the challenge of this kind of team, the Lakers did not take it lightly, and they still arranged their tactics steadily.

Facing this kind of team, the most taboo thing is to underestimate the enemy!
If this kind of welfare bureau is not taken down, it will not be a small blow to a strong team like the Lakers.

Both Lin Fei and Vogel knew this, so after playing the Philadelphia 76ers and returning to Los Angeles, the two got into the office and began to carefully arrange tactics.

Halfway through the discussion, Lin Fei's eyes flickered slightly, and then he asked softly:

"Hey, Mr. Vogel, do you think it is necessary for us to let our core take turns when we play this kind of team?"

Hearing Lin Fei's question, Vogel shook his head slightly, and replied firmly:

"It's not necessary, let James and Brother Nongmei play, there is no need to let them take turns, the core not playing will have a blow to the team's momentum!"

"However, I will guarantee that the playing time of the two will be greatly reduced, and the young people will be leveled."

Hearing this, Lin Fei nodded reassuringly, and laughed loudly: "Okay, as long as Mr. Vogel has arrangements, I am also relieved a lot!"

"Oh, by the way, how are the players in our team doing now? Does anyone have any health risks?"

Vogel shook his head lightly: "There is no health risk, everyone is as strong as a calf, and it is not good to play and train actively!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly: "That's good, it seems that our team is full of energy!"

At this moment, Vogel's office door was knocked suddenly.

"Please come in!"

The door was slowly opened, and it was Rondo who knocked on the door.

Vogel was taken aback for a moment, then asked softly:

"Rondo? What's the matter?"

Rondo smiled slightly, glanced at Lin Fei and Vogel, and said quickly:

"It's like this, the day after tomorrow is my child's birthday, I want to see my two children, he just happened to be brought to Los Angeles by my ex-wife!"

"So, I may not be able to play in the game the day after tomorrow."

Vogel nodded slightly: "That's right, hiss, your child is celebrating his birthday, so it stands to reason that he must go."

While talking, Vogel turned his head to look at Lin Fei, obviously wanting Lin Fei to make a decision.

Looking at the eyes of Vogel and Rondo, Lin Fei smiled slightly and waved his hands lightly:

"Haha, you can go there on your child's birthday. It just so happens that the day after tomorrow is playing against the Magic, so it's not too difficult."

Rondo nodded gratefully: "That's great, thank you Mr. Lin Fei and Mr. Vogel!"

After expressing his gratitude, Rondo turned his head and prepared to leave.

At this moment, Lin Fei's scalp exploded behind him, and he suddenly remembered!
In the previous life, during the playoffs of this season, around May, Rondo was accused by his ex-wife for threatening his ex-wife and children with a gun!

According to his ex-wife, when the incident happened, Rondo was playing games with his 11-year-old son. She asked him to go to the laundry room to separate and organize his clothes.Unexpectedly, Rondo was furious in an instant, tore off the game rope, pulled the monitor off the wall, and smashed it directly.

Then, the children were very scared, and Rondo's ex-wife tried to calm the situation, but Rondo left the house to get a gun! Fifteen minutes later, Rondo returned and threatened her at gunpoint, leaving the children terrified.

Rondo's ex-wife, who applied for an emergency protection order, also told the judge that this was not the first time Rondo had threatened her and attempted violence, and that he often abused himself and his children.

But fortunately, Rondo was not listed as any suspect by the police in the end, nor was he arrested.

But that's it, Rondo's reputation will definitely be seriously affected!

This is also caused by Rondo's paranoid character!

And now that Lin Fei is here, he will definitely not let this tragedy happen again. If Rondo's tragedy recurs in the playoffs, it will not be so good, and it may affect the momentum of the Lakers.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei quickly called Rondo to stop: "Hey, Rondo, wait a minute!"

Hearing Lin Fei's voice, Rondo raised his eyebrows slightly, stopped his movements, looked back at Lin Fei and asked softly, "What's wrong, Mr. Lin Fei?"

Lin Fei hesitated for a moment, then he took a few words and said hastily:
"Uh, cough, it's like this, your child's birthday, I also want to express, how about this, Rondo, how about I invite you to eat Chinese food with your child and ex-wife the day after tomorrow?"

"I'm sure your kids will love the taste of Huaxia cuisine!"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Rondo frowned slightly, and then smiled: "Of course, I believe they will like Huaxia cuisine, and I will come to you when the time comes!"

After finishing speaking, Rondo nodded to Lin Fei and walked out of the office door.

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Rondo and himself have a good relationship. They usually sit together to discuss basketball tactics. If it weren't for this good relationship, it would be really weird to invite someone to dinner suddenly. .

Well now, Lin Fei has successfully invited Rondo, his children, and his ex-wife. The only thing he has to think about now is what Lin Fei should say to make Rondo change his paranoid temper.

It is also necessary to repair the relationship between Rondo and his ex-wife. Only in this way can we ensure that the tragedy of the previous life will not happen.

But it's not easy to get these things done, Lin Fei has been busy these two days!

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