NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 160 Poor performance!jazz crash

Beep beep beep!
At this moment, the referee suddenly blew his whistle, and then made a gesture to signal the Jazz to call a timeout.

In the first few rounds, the head coach of the Jazz actually called a timeout, which stunned the players present.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the head coach of the Jazz actually called a timeout at this time, it's crazy!"

"It is indeed rare to call a timeout so early. It seems that the head coach of the Jazz has noticed something and must make adjustments."

Barkley and O'Neal in front of the technical stage were also stunned for a moment, and then quickly explained the situation on the court.

Meanwhile, the Jazz came off the bench.

The head coach of the Jazz team looked very bad. He was beaten 4-0 at the beginning, but it was not really a big problem. The head coach of the Jazz team was not worried about this!
What really disturbed the Jazz coach was the Lakers lineup and the momentum of the fans.

Obviously, the Lakers have pulled up the defensive intensity at the beginning of the game, and now the Lakers' attitude towards this game is completely like playing in the playoffs.

This kind of defensive intensity really caught the Jazz by surprise.

Coupled with the fact that the Lakers' starting five-forward lineup is also crushing the Jazz's two-guard system in terms of height, the Jazz can't play at all on the offensive end.

Unable to open the offensive end, most of the already shaky confidence was directly destroyed, and the defensive end also became loose as a result.

Even though the Lakers are only 4 points behind now, the head coach of the Jazz believes that if no adjustments are made, the Jazz will be defeated immediately after a while.

This is why the head coach of the Jazz is now calling a timeout and making adjustments.

But now facing the players of the Jazz, the head coach of the Jazz doesn't know how to adjust.

There is no way around this. In the past, the most used system of the Jazz was one organization point plus one attack point. Mitchell generally exists as an attack point, and his organizational ability is not that strong!

With such a system, it is destined that the height of the lineup will not be too high, and the perimeter defense is very problematic. Now that the Lakers have grasped this weakness, the Jazz must make adjustments.

But now, apart from Conley, there is no one in the Jazz who can take on the important task of organizing!
It's really difficult.

The head coach of the Jazz sighed helplessly, then turned his head to look at Mitchell, and said softly: "Man, tonight, you must increase the time you hold the ball, and pass more when you are attacking."

"Gobert, fight for the front board, pay attention to air cuts!"

Having said that, the head coach of the Jazz paused, fixed his eyes on Mitchell's face, and said in a deep voice: "Mitchell, pay attention to Gobert's position and pass the ball to him!"

Looking at the face of the head coach of the Jazz, Mitchell nodded silently, indicating that he was fine.

The head coach of the Jazz was relieved, and then explained again: "Conley, you go off first, Azubuike, you go on first, and raise the height of the lineup!"

Azubuike nodded, then quickly took off his training clothes, tucked the jersey into his shorts, and Azubuike was ready to play.

Seeing Azubuike being so active, the head coach of the Jazz nodded slightly, very satisfied.

After a while, the game restarted.

Players from both sides re-entered the field, and the Lakers did not make any adjustments.

The Jazz had the ball, Gobert sent the baseline ball, and Mitchell slowly took the baseline ball.

The Jazz are in position, and the Lakers are adopting a man-to-man defensive strategy.

Mitchell observed the situation and finally decided to pull Howard out to fight!
After the decision was made, Mitchell raised his right hand and signaled his teammate Gobert to come up for the pick-and-roll.

Seeing the gesture of his teammates, Gobert ran over without hesitation, and blocked Brogdon in front of Mitchell with a solid pick-and-roll.

The quality of Gobert's pick-and-roll was very good, which caused the Lakers to switch defenses. Mitchell also achieved his goal, and the defender in front of him was replaced by Howard.

Facing Howard's defense, Mitchell signaled his teammates to open up and prepare to single Howard.

But an embarrassing scene happened. As a traditional center, Gobert has no mid-range and long-range shooting ability at all. It is really embarrassing for him to pull out the formation.

Seeing this scene, Mitchell was very dissatisfied. After muttering and complaining in a low voice, Mitchell regained his focus and moved quickly.

After the suspended ball moved laterally, Mitchell used his footsteps to open up the space. After finding the gap, Mitchell kicked the ground directly to accelerate, and easily sprinted past Howard.

After reaching the inside, Mitchell continued to hit the basket, and after attracting the help of other Lakers players, Mitchell passed the ball to Gobert with a lateral pass!

Gobert just wanted to open up space, and he was in the middle distance of the baseline at this time. After receiving the ball, Gobert was still a certain distance from the basket. This was an open shot opportunity.

However, mid-range shooting has never been Gobert's way of scoring, even if it is completely open, Gobert is not easy to shoot.

Gritting his teeth lightly, Gobert blasted the ball on the spot, took a big stride to the inside, and faced the defense of the thin Brogdon in front of him.
The action is very handsome, but Gobert still didn't grasp the ball well. The basketball dunk was crooked, and it was dunked on the neck of the basket and finally bounced out.

The rebound was picked up by Boucher, who was standing on the outside of the Lakers. At this time, Mitchell and Gobert were both inside the Lakers, and there was no time to return to defense.

Boucher directly dunked in a one-stop manner. There was no defender in front of him, and the Lakers played another defensive counterattack!
6: 0!

The Lakers fans present cheered loudly. After the ball, the momentum of the Jazz was completely suppressed.

The Jazz's offensive end began to collapse completely. Due to the poor performance of his teammate Gobert just now, Mitchell reduced his passing.

Moreover, because teammate Gobert can't open space, in desperation, most of Mitchell's offensive options are placed on the outside, outside three-pointers, outside mid-range jumpers and other techniques.

However, the reason why Mitchell is strong is because of his strong offensive ability. Compared with his offensive ability, his shooting ability is actually relatively average. Coupled with the pressure from the Lakers fans on the scene today, Mitchell has nothing at all tonight. Feel, strike iron frequently after many shots.

The disadvantage on the offensive end has also affected the enthusiasm of the Jazz on the defensive end to a certain extent.

The offensive and defensive ends collapsed completely. At the end of the first quarter, the Jazz fell behind by a full 12 points!
If you don't control it, this game will turn into a massacre!

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