NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 115 Chaoyuan Logo 3 points!heat in trouble

"Hey, kid, don't be shy, you know it in your heart, it's a lucky ball!"

Lowry looked at Rivers with a sullen face, twitched the corners of his lips in disdain, and said softly.

Rivers laughed loudly and shook his head: "Haha, no matter what you say, I scored anyway!"

After finishing speaking, Rivers shook his finger at Lowry, and then hurried to the backcourt to return to defense.

This action of Rivers irritated Lowry somewhat.

In the first quarter after that, each round became a single challenge between Rivers and Lowry, completely leaving other teammates aside!
It's really two people playing, and eight people catching a cold!

But James is also happy to take it easy. After all, Rivers played well throughout the first quarter, scoring crazily on Lowry's head, and at the same time trying his best to support Lowry on the defensive end.

On Lowry's side, Lowry could still use his field experience and physical advantages to play against Rivers in the middle and late part of the first quarter. Physical strength began to decline, and it was obvious that I was not able to do what I wanted!

Afraid of being young, Rivers relied on his own momentum and began to turn back at the end of the first quarter, completely suppressing Lowry on the offensive end.

Especially Rivers's three-pointer, today's shots are getting smoother and smoother, just like a "Mamba" possessed, the more he shoots, the smoother he is!

However, although Rivers' overall performance throughout the first quarter has been overwhelming Lowry, coach Spoelstra of the Heat did not choose to remove Lowry, even if the point difference between the two teams has been slowly widening. !

After all, when two players are on the bar like this, if the head coach of any team replaces the player on his side first, it means that the player has lost to a certain extent. It has a certain amount of damage to the team's momentum and the players' personal confidence.

And Rivers also took advantage of this opportunity, using his crazy touch to help the Lakers widen the point difference.

This crazy touch has continued, and when the end of the first quarter ended, Rivers' touch completely returned to its peak!

When the first quarter ended with 1.4 seconds left, the Lakers sent a backcourt baseline ball. Rivers saw the opportunity, ran to the center line, and reached out for the ball at the same time.

Howard, who sent the baseline ball, saw this, and quickly passed the ball with a high pass. After Rivers received the ball, he didn't adjust, and threw the ball directly at the midfield LOGO position!

The ball fell directly into the basket along a specific route as if a satellite positioning system had been installed.

Lights on, goal in!
Super far LOGO three-point hit!

This goal was really explosive, and it completely pushed the atmosphere of the Lakers' home court to the peak in the first quarter!

The fans stood up and celebrated for Rivers crazily. There is no doubt that this is a moment for Rivers!

The players on the Lakers bench here also exploded, frantically waving white towels in the air in their hands, and rushed to the court at the same time, bumped chests with Rivers, hugged and celebrated!

"OHOHOH! It's crazy. Today's Rivers is simply the god of the first quarter. Come on, man, listen to the voices of the fans at the scene. Rivers completely conquered the entire Lakers home fans with his performance their hearts!"

"Yeah, yeah, his performance is really crazy, I bet he must feel hot right now!!"

When the ultra-long three-pointer was made, O'Neill and Barkley in front of the commentary couldn't sit still and came out to praise.

Even Lin Fei, who was sitting on the sidelines, couldn't help standing up when he saw such a performance, and joined the carnival of the Lakers' home fans, secretly praising in his heart, this Rivers is really worthy of "Village Man" Ba" name!
That's right, the "Village Mamba"!
In his previous life, Rivers signed a contract with a private brand of Huaxia Kingdom, Zhunzhe Sports. Compared with those well-known international sports brands, the brand he signed seemed a bit down-to-earth, so the fans of Huaxia Kingdom They affectionately called Rivers the "Village Mamba"!
And judging from Rivers' performance in the first quarter today, he definitely deserves the title given by the Huaxia fans.

With the help of Rivers' crazy performance, at the end of the first quarter, the Lakers led the Heat by as much as 14 points!
Such a situation is very unfavorable to the Heat, but the coach of the Heat, Mr. Spoelstra, has nothing to do. After all, he does not have any soldiers at hand. Coach Spoelstrom sighed, and could only simply replace Lowry, whose physical strength was declining. Then replace Oladipo, who has a good offensive ability with the ball, on the field!

Although the player Oladipo doesn't get much salary, but this player's ability is still good, at least in the regular season, Oladipo's scoring ability is quite good!

Before the injury, Oladipo still had the title of "Bitter Mamba" in the Pacers!

Players who can be called "Mamba" must have two brushes.

According to Oladipo's characteristics, Coach Spoel also put Oladipo on the court, preparing to narrow the point difference for the Heat in the second quarter. After all, if this point difference continues until the end of the second quarter, At that time, it will be difficult to handle!
Unlike the dilemma faced by coach Spoelstra, Vogel on the Lakers bench is relatively relaxed. After all, Rivers is feeling hot now, and James and Big Eyebrow are also very strong. In this game, As long as there are no accidents, there is a high probability that it will be won!

However, Vogel also knew in his heart that Coach Spoelstra would definitely want to recover the score in the second quarter!
Therefore, Coach Vogel simply continued to put the starting lineup on the field in the second quarter to maintain the point difference!

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