NBA: Trading Westbrook at the beginning shocked Lao Zhan

Chapter 109 Alliance Punishment Released!Dragon Fist and Old 6

After returning home, it was almost late at night, Lin Fei washed up and went to rest.

From this feeling, Lin Fei slept until noon the next day. When the sun shone through the window and hit Lin Fei's butt, Lin Fei felt a burst of heat, and then woke up in a daze.

Lin Fei, who just woke up, received a call from Jessica immediately before taking a shower. After answering the call, Jessica's voice came from the microphone.

"Mr. Lin Fei, let me report to you about my work!"

"Just now the NBA's post-match penalty report came out. Monk was suspended for 8 games, Cousins ​​was suspended for 5 games, and Rondo was also suspended for 4 games. Both players were fined about 50 US dollars. !"

"Most of the players who participated in the conflict on our bench were fined varying amounts of US dollars, and the rest of the penalties are nothing."

After hearing Jessica's words, Lin Fei frowned immediately: "Why is Rondo also suspended for 4 games?"

Lin Fei really didn't expect Rondo to be suspended for 4 games. After all, during the game, after the referee watched the video, Rondo was not expelled in that game. This also means that the referee did not see Rondo's actions at that time!
Hearing Lin Fei's words, Jessica smiled awkwardly, and replied softly: "That's right, Mr. Lin Fei, when watching the video on the court, due to time constraints, the referees only looked at the main position on the scene. So the penalty was biased."

"After the game, the referee went to check it carefully after the game. They saw different angles from the video posted by the fans on the Internet. Rondo was indeed involved in the conflict!"


Having said that, Jessica became hesitant, as if she couldn't say anything.

Lin Fei frowned lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Jessica, just say what you want, don't be secretive, don't be coy!"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Jessica smiled awkwardly, and then slowly said: "Well, let me remind you from the alliance, don't play tricks on the sidelines in the future, otherwise you will also be punished, maybe, you will be punished." It is forbidden to go to the home arena to watch the game!"

Lin Fei scratched his head in embarrassment, coughed twice, and then said: "Ahem, you tell them I understand, um, the work report is good, so hang up if there is nothing else to do!"

After Lin Fei finished speaking, Jessica also knew that the atmosphere was awkward, so she hung up the phone hastily.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Fei's embarrassment was relieved a bit, and he hurriedly checked out the overseas version of Douyin on his phone, and sure enough, as Lin Fei expected, the video of his black feet on the sidelines and Rondo was present The video of wielding the dragon fist to kill the Quartet has been uploaded on Douyin!
Lin Fei hastily clicked into those videos to watch, only to see that a back figure was enlarged in the video, the black back figure was very blurry, but it could be seen that this person was indeed Lin Fei!

I saw that when the large-scale conflict broke out on the court, Lin Fei jumped on the sidelines anxiously, until Claude was pushed to the side of Lin Fei by the Lakers players, Lin Fei charged up, raised one foot, A hard kick towards Claude's ass!
Under the blurry video quality, Lin Fei's set of actions looked extremely wretched, he was like a sixth child!

The degree of embarrassment of this video is that Lin Fei, the person involved, can grasp the ground with both feet after seeing the video, deducting the existence of two rooms and one living room!

In order to resolve his embarrassment, Lin Fei decided to watch the video of Rondo fighting as well!
Watching the video of Rondo's fight, Lin Fei was completely dumbfounded. He saw Rondo lowering his body on the field, making frequent left and right uppercuts, a set of dragon punches, and a sneak attack with Lin Fei on the sidelines. The wretched appearance of her is completely different!

However, due to Rondo's relatively low height, few people can hit him after lowering the center of gravity, and he appears to be more concealed. Therefore, the referee did not see Rondo's dragon fist at that time.

Otherwise, High and Low would have given Rondo an expulsion at that time!
To be honest, the Dragon Fist directed by Long was really good, and he played it vigorously. Lin Fei felt a little uncomfortable watching it. After watching the video, Lin Fei couldn't help cursing secretly:
"Fuck, did Director Long learn this set of moves in Shaolin Temple? How come he is so handsome. This makes me even more wretched!"

Lin Fei sighed secretly. Once the video of the sixth child's behavior becomes popular, the positive image he has worked so hard to create will be lost immediately!
Sure enough, as Lin Fei expected, when Lin Fei clicked on the comment section of those videos, Lin Fei's face was immediately covered with black lines.

The comments section of the video on the overseas version of Douyin is okay, and the netizens can at most condemn Lin Fei's behavior as the sixth child morally.

But when Lin Fei opened the comment section of the mainland version of Douyin, Lin Fei was completely defeated by the hot comments from Chinese netizens!

It has to be said that the outrageous level of ridicule and trash talk of Chinese people is unmatched by any other race in the world!

Netizen A: It seems that after Director Long clashed with Paul that year, the skill of Dragon Boxing has really improved!As for the black-footed one... I don't know who he is.

Netizen B: Director Long is so handsome, Lin Fei is casual!
Netizen C: 666, in fact, my brother Lin is trying to fight, and when Claude leaks his ass, my brother Lin will just kick him up!
Netizen D: Lin Fei, if I ask you to promote Chinese Kungfu, you will be my sixth child?

Looking at the netizens' comments, it became more and more interesting. In the end, Lin Fei was not only angry, but even amused by some Huaxia netizens' outrageous comments, and the embarrassment just now eased a lot.

After seeing half of it, Lin Fei finally resisted and turned off the comment area. This thing is too high-level, Lin Fei finally managed to control himself, and hurried back to work.

Leaving aside Lin Fei's old sixth behavior, the league's punishment is still within Lin Fei's expectations. Monk is suspended for 8 games, Cousins ​​is suspended for 5 games, and Rondo is suspended for 4 games. This punishment for the Lakers Also acceptable.

As for the penalized US dollars, James has already guaranteed that he will pay for the Lakers. This matter is not within the scope of Lin Fei's consideration.

All in all, the punishment this time did not have a traumatic impact on the Lakers, and it will not affect the Lakers' record!
Thinking of this, Lin Fei heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that his seven-year lifespan should be able to be saved!

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