God of Greenery

Chapter 92 Anxiety

In addition to Jiang Xiaolin, another young player, Sergio Romero, was naturally sought after and questioned by the reporters.

Van Gaal also praised Romero according to the routine, and then said that Romero is still young and needs exercise.

After the game, Joey Didulica's examination results came out. He was slightly injured and nothing serious. He just needs to rest for one to two weeks.

But in fact, Van Gaal has already adjusted the status of Didulica and Romero in his heart.

The performance gap between the two on the court is too great, which is inversely proportional to their age.

If there are no surprises, Romero will be the main starter in the future, and Didulica will be more on the bench.

Although there was no victory in today's game, the performance of Romero and Jiang Xiaolin has given Van Gaal a reassurance.

There is Jiang Xiaolin in the front and Romero in the back, which is why he is not worried about whether he will succeed in relegation this season.


After Van Gaal finished the press conference, the players had already showered and changed, and everyone returned to the hotel to prepare for dinner.

Because it was an away game, Jiang Xiaolin had to go back by car with the team after dinner, so Jiang Xiaolin didn't have dinner with Song Zhicheng, Peng Zhijie and others to celebrate his Eredivisie debut and his first goal.

Moreover, Peng Zhijie was in a hurry to write a press release and send it back to China, so he didn't have much time to get together with him.

Song Zhicheng and others drove back to Amsterdam.

Taking advantage of the time when the hotel was not open for dinner, Jiang Xiaolin thought and thought, and finally couldn't help calling his mother in the room.

At this time, it should be midnight in China, but Jiang Xiaolin couldn't hold back after all. He wanted to tell his mother the good news.

My mother's life so far has been miserable.

The man did not say goodbye and never heard from him, the unmarried child was discriminated against by relatives, friends and neighbors in his hometown, he worked hard as a vegetable vendor to raise Jiang Xiaolin, Jiang Xiaolin was not good at studying, and later he was cheated by a scammer for a total of 5 yuan to send Jiang Xiaolin to play football abroad... …

Except that Jiang Xiaolin passed the trial training and signed the contract with Alkmaar, which made Jiang Liantao happy for a few days, nothing happened to Jiang Liantao.

But signing Alkmaar does not mean staying forever.

Jiang Xiaolin can still feel that his mother has been worried that he will not be able to gain a foothold in Alkmaar and will be expelled in the end, or that no other team will want him after the contract expires, and there is still no way out in the end.

Therefore, after Jiang Xiaolin took the signing fee and sent back the money for his mother to buy a house, Jiang Liantao never moved it, saying that it was saved for Jiang Xiaolin.

Because the mother couldn't see a way out, she was worried, and she didn't dare to touch the money, so she wanted to save it for her son.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin, who completed his debut in the Eredivisie and scored a goal today, is naturally anxious to tell his mother the good news today, let her share his goal, and wait for his success without worrying about his future. .

Unexpectedly, after the call was made, it was picked up immediately.

Jiang Xiaolin said in surprise, "Mom? You still haven't slept so late?"

Jiang Liantao: "No, your high school classmate Wang Jianping knew that you were selected for the competition today, so he came to tell me specifically, and said that he would wait for the results of the competition at night, and then call me to tell me! So I have been waiting, just now He just called me and said you came off the bench in the last two minutes and scored a goal, is that true?"

Jiang Xiaolin smiled and said, "Of course it is true, but there is no live broadcast in China, where did Wang Jianping see the result of the competition?"

Jiang Liantao: "He said he watched it on the Internet. Some international students studying in the Netherlands told them the game process online while watching the live broadcast of the game."

Jiang Xiaolin: "I see."

Then, Jiang Xiaolin told his mother in detail about his coming off the bench to score a penalty kick, and told him the significance of his playing and scoring this time.

Not only is there an appearance fee and a goal award, but this is also the first league goal of a Chinese player in the Eredivisie, which is of great significance.

Moreover, the head coach actually gave up other main players and asked him to come off the bench to take this key penalty. This is an extreme trust in him.

And he did not live up to the trust of the head coach, and made a free throw, which formed a virtuous circle. I believe that he will definitely have more chances to play in the future, so my mother doesn't have to worry.

After listening to his son's narration, Jiang Liantao breathed a sigh of relief.

The son did not lie to her. From the excited tone of Wang Jianping when he called just now, we can know that it is not easy for Chinese players to score goals in the Eredivisie League. Otherwise, his son would not Became the first Chinese player to score in the Eredivisie.

She thought that even if her son could not gain a firm foothold in Europe in the future, he would not be short of football when he returned to China.

If you can score goals in the European League, it should be no problem to play the main force of the Chinese team.

She finally doesn't have to worry about her son's future, and she doesn't have to worry that his son will be unwanted and jobless in the future.

This time, Jiang Liantao was truly relieved.

However, Jiang Xiaolin was more thoughtful.

Hearing that his mother learned that he had been selected for the competition through Wang Jianping's report, Jiang Xiaolin blamed himself for his carelessness, and at the same time made a decision.

After finishing the phone call with his mother, Jiang Xiaolin called Peng Zhijie, saying that he wanted to order a long-term "Sports Weekly" and send it to his mother, starting tomorrow.

Tomorrow Monday's "Sports Weekly" will naturally focus on Jiang Xiaolin's debut in the Eredivisie and scoring the first goal of a Chinese player in the Eredivisie, which is also very commemorative.

His mother doesn't know how to use a computer, so Jiang Xiaolin plans to subscribe to the "Sports Weekly" for a long time, and let them send it to his mother, so that her mother can see his activities in the newspaper for a long time.

Upon hearing this matter, Peng Zhijie naturally agreed, and there was no need for money, the newspaper office would definitely give it away, and it would arrange for someone to deliver it to Jiang Xiaolin's mother, so there would be no mistakes.

Receive money from Jiang Xiaolin for subscribing to the newspaper?

Isn't this a joke!

They still rely on Jiang Xiaolin's news for a living!

Doing an exclusive interview with Jiang Xiaolin is enough to make a lot of money!

Therefore, after Peng Zhijie asked for the name, address, and phone number of Jiang Xiaolin's mother, Jiang Liantao, he told the newspaper about it.

The newspaper office was naturally eager to establish a stronger relationship with Jiang Xiaolin, so why not give Jiang Xiaolin's mother a newspaper as a gift!

After the newspaper matter was arranged, Jiang Xiaolin called his classmate Wang Jianping to thank him.

Wang Jianping yelled excitedly on the phone, asked about the specific situation of the game, and shouted that Jiang Xiaolin is a star in the Eredivisie, so he must treat him when he comes back in the future.

Jiang Xiaolin naturally agreed in haste.

Then, his teammates came to ask Jiang Xiaolin to go to the restaurant for dinner, and Jiang Xiaolin hung up the phone.

After dinner, the whole team took the bus back to Alkmaar.

In the car, Van Gaal announced a day off on Monday, February 2, and resumed training on February 18.

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