God of Greenery

Chapter 9: 2 Degrees

After a 15-minute intermission, the second half continued.

Although Jiang Xiaolin scored a goal in the first half, but his reputation is too low after all, and he is of yellow race. The players of Bonigom naturally feel a little contemptuous.

Although Henik didn't score in the first half, as the top scorer of Pulmes, he is also somewhat famous in the amateur league.

Therefore, Bonigom's marking of Henike is still higher than that of Jiang Xiaolin.

This gave Pulmes an opportunity.

Not long after the start of the second half, Puermes played a beautiful attack by taking advantage of Bonigom's negligence of Jiang Xiaolin.

In the 48th minute, Pulmes launched an attack from the right. After three passes and two downs, the ball fell to the front midfielder Lanier.

Subsequently, Henick rushed into the penalty area from the right, and Lanier passed the ball in time.

But Henik is the key target of Bonigum.

Henick hadn't even touched the ball when a centre-back stepped up and shoveled over to stop him in the path of his shot.

There is still a goalkeeper at the near end of the goal, and there is a full-back who is pulling and entangled.

Even if Henick barely hits the goal, there is a high probability that he will hit the defender or the goalkeeper and will not be able to score.

In the blink of an eye, Bonigum's players didn't think so much, they just wanted to stop Hernik from taking a shot.

Hernik is different, because the coach specifically explained during the intermission that Henik was paying attention to Jiang Xiaolin's position on the left when he rushed into the penalty area.

Sure enough, he saw Jiang Xiaolin running from outside the penalty area on the left to near the penalty spot in the penalty area.

At this time, there was no one near the penalty spot, and even if the other Bonigom players ran over, they were not as fast as Jiang Xiaolin.

Naturally, Hernik gave up the shot and swiped the ball with his right foot to the center.

All the Bonigom players turned pale with fright. The goalkeeper immediately turned around and wanted to pounce in the middle. A midfielder who ran back to defend also rushed into the penalty area with all his strength, trying to interfere with Jiang Xiaolin's shot.

But where's the time?
Neither the goalkeeper nor the midfielder was as fast as Jiang Xiaolin.

Jiang Xiaolin ran into the penalty area from the left, pushed the football against Hernik's sweep, and easily pushed the ball into the lower left corner.

The goalkeeper was too far away, out of reach, and didn't even make a save, just watched the ball go into the net.

Jiang Xiaolin scored twice to help Pulmes overtake the score 2-1.

Seeing the ball hit the net, Jiang Xiaolin rushed to Henick excitedly, hugged him, and said loudly, "Thank you! You passed the ball well!"

Henick also said happily: "You played well too!"

Lanier, Donimick, Jonathan and other players also rushed forward, surrounded Jiang Xiaolin and Henick to celebrate excitedly.

In contrast, the Bonigum players were somewhat frustrated.

On the sidelines, Van der Nuo also clenched his fists excitedly and roared in celebration.

This goal is a perfect embodiment of his tactical arrangement and a victory for his tactics.

Seeing the players scoring goals and overtaking the score according to his tactical instructions, it is no wonder that Van der Nuo was excited.

In the corner of the stands, Kenneth couldn't help applauding Jiang Xiaolin and the goal.

Kenneth could see that Jiang Xiaolin's off-ball running was indeed top-notch.

In the narrow space in the restricted area, Jiang Xiaolin can see the fleeting gap and grasp it, which is very rare.

This ball embodies Jiang Xiaolin's ability to run without the ball.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaolin's shooting was quite steady.No hesitation, no misses, and the ball was steadily hit the goal.

How can a player of this ability play in the D-level amateur league?At least it should be a professional league above He Bing, right?
Kenneth couldn't understand.

But he knew that Jiang Xiaolin was a treasure, and he shouldn't bow down to the D-level amateur league.

After Jiang Xiaolin and others finished celebrating, the game continued.

The players of Bonigom didn't dare to underestimate Jiang Xiaolin anymore. After all, he had already scored twice. Whoever dared to underestimate him would have his head caught by the door.

Next, Jiang Xiaolin had almost no chance to get a shot.

It's not that he didn't run out of the gap, but it's useless for him to run out of the gap, and his teammates must be able to pass the ball, and the ball must be passed well.

As for Jiang Xiaolin himself, he is amateur in dribbling and breakthrough.When you can only rely on your teammates to pass the ball and are heavily marked by the opponent, it is only natural that it is difficult to get a chance to shoot.

Kenneth also gradually discovered some of Jiang Xiaolin's shortcomings, such as amateur passing, amateur dribbling, amateur teamwork, and so on.

Apart from running without the ball and shooting, Jiang Xiaolin has almost no other outstanding features.

But this did not prevent Kenneth from admiring Jiang Xiaolin.

In his view, as long as he has superb off-the-ball running ability and superb shooting skills, he has at least the capital to gain a foothold in a professional team of He C level.

As for the others, Kenneth saw that Jiang Xiaolin was not very old, so he could practice again.

However, Kenneth can't judge whether Jiang Xiaolin's ability can barely reach the professional league level of He Bing, or whether he can gain a foothold in the Eredivisie. After all, he is not a professional scout.

He has to continue to observe before deciding whether to call his brother.

You know, his younger brother is a scout for the Eredivisie team, and he usually doesn't pay attention to amateur leagues or amateur players.

On the court, the game is still going on.

Jiang Xiaolin's ability to run off the ball when he saw the crack, although he didn't score any more goals, he tore Bonigom's defense to pieces and lost sight of the other.

In this case, the defensive pressure Henick faced was undoubtedly much easier than in the first half, and there were more opportunities.

In the 61st minute, Jiang Xiaolin's running position opened up Bonigom's defense in the middle. Henik rushed into the penalty area in time and received a header from his teammate from the side, but was blocked by the goalkeeper.

In the 74th minute, Henick completed a shot from the corner of the small penalty area, but the result was slightly wide of the post, which is a pity.

Throughout the second half, except for Jiang Xiaolin scoring a goal in the opening game, Bonigom did not concede a goal.

However, it was also difficult for them to attack, and they were almost beaten by Pulmes.

Pulmes has not scored a goal because there are not many opportunities, but the players did not grasp it.

In the 83rd minute, winger Donimike also completed a long shot from outside the corner of the penalty area, which was also slightly higher than the crossbar.

As the game time passed, the Bonigum players became a little impatient.

You know, they are the ones who are behind in the score now!Moreover, it was not always behind, but was reversed by the opponent after leading.

This is even worse.

Even though they have been defending in the second half, Bonigum's players still want to attack, score goals, or at least equalize the score.

And as the end of the game gets closer, everyone's mentality becomes stronger and stronger.

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