God of Greenery

Chapter 87 Unexpected Surprise

Of course, outside of the Dutch fans, the most confident and apprehensive about Jiang Xiaolin are Song Zhicheng and other overseas Chinese fans.

When Jiang Xiaolin came off the bench, they were already very excited, and they were still cheering and celebrating Jiang Xiaolin's debut in the Eredivisie!

Unexpectedly, after Jiang Xiaolin came on the field, instead of playing soy sauce, he went to the penalty area to replace Hamdoy, and ran to take the penalty. Everyone's cheers turned into exclamations.

"Wow, how did Jiang Xiaolin stand on the penalty spot?"

"Hamdoi exited the penalty area. Could it be that Jiang Xiaolin took the penalty?"

"Could it be that what Van Gaal hugged him and said just now was to let him take the penalty kick instead of Hamdoy?"

"If he makes a penalty, wouldn't he be the first Eredivisie substitute to score with the first touch of the ball?"

"If the penalty is scored, this will also be the first goal of a Chinese player in the Eredivisie. Yu Haidu only scored one goal in the Dutch Cup, and he has not scored in the Eredivisie so far!"

"Wow, that's awesome!"

"so excited!"

"Please, please! Emperor Pangu, Patriarch Hongjun, Buddha Tathagata, Jade Emperor, and Guanyin Bodhisattva bless Jiang Xiaolin to make this ball go in!"


In addition to the dozens of Chinese and overseas Chinese fans at the scene, there are also many Chinese people in China who are paying attention to this game.

Because Jiang Xiaolin is on the list of 18 people.

However, due to various restrictions, it is very difficult for domestic netizens to directly watch live video broadcasts on foreign websites.

Therefore, the group of international students in the Netherlands has become the treasure of domestic fans.

Several foreign students from China who have connections with domestic fans and are in the Netherlands were given the task of watching the live broadcast in the Netherlands, and then broadcasting the game in text for domestic fans and netizens on post bars, button groups, and forums.

Yu Zehao is one of them.

He is studying abroad at the University of Amsterdam and is now a junior. He was unable to go to Groningen to watch the game with a few other students in the morning due to something, and stayed in the dormitory to watch the live broadcast in the afternoon. Netizens broadcast the game.

While watching the live broadcast on the Internet, he opened a post where only the poster could reply to it in order to avoid being frequently interrupted. In it, he broadcast the game in text to the domestic fans who Jiang Xiaolin posted on the bar.

Then the fans and netizens open another post that they can reply to at will to discuss the game situation.

The fact that Alkmaar fell behind within a few minutes of the start of the game did not make the fans of Tieba feel sad.

Because the life and death of Alkmaar has nothing to do with them.

They only cared about when Jiang Xiaolin would come off the bench today.

Even, some fans have darker thoughts, wishing that Alkmaar would lose as much as possible.

The more you lose, the more likely coach Van Gaal will adjust his player deployment, and the more opportunities Jiang Xiaolin will have to play.

Subsequently, the injury of the main goalkeeper Didulica satisfied the wishes of these fans.

They thought, the main goalkeeper was injured, so the young substitute goalkeeper Romero played, wouldn't the goal be smashed into a sieve?

As a result, I didn't expect that Romero played so well. Everyone waited for half an hour before Yu Zehao said that the goal guarded by Romero was broken.

On the contrary, he kept making brilliant saves, causing Yu Zehao to exclaim that this is a genius goalkeeper during the broadcast.

It made everyone's hope that Alkmaar would be sifted into a sieve.

In the second half, after Alkmaar scored a goal to equalize the score, the opponent regained the lead with a *goal. Unconventional parts such as the thigh score goals.

However, with the passage of time, Alkmaar's 1-2 score has not changed, and the second substitution used by Van Gaal has not been replaced by Jiang Xiaolin.

When the 90 minutes of regular game time ended and stoppage time entered, many fans expressed disappointment that Jiang Xiaolin would definitely not be able to come on as a substitute to complete his Eredivisie debut today.

Some fans have quit the post bar in disappointment and went to other things.

Only a very small number of fans, probably less than 100, are still following Yu Zehao's text live post.

But in fact, everyone knew in their hearts that the stoppage time had already entered and the game was about to end. The chance of Jiang Xiaolin coming off the bench was almost zero.

Everyone just persisted until the end with the idea of ​​supporting compatriot Jiang Xiaolin.

Unexpectedly, at the 92nd minute of stoppage time, Yu Zehao suddenly sent a series of live texts:

"In the 92nd minute, Alkmaar's No. 9 striker Ali was injured and fell to the ground by the opposing defender's shovel from behind in the Groningen penalty area."

"It looked like Ali was injured a bit seriously, the referee called Alkmaar's team doctor to come in."

"Ah, the team doctor signaled for a substitution. Alkmaar is about to make a substitution. The commentator said that Alkmaar only has Jiang Xiaolin as a substitute striker. Let me see."

"No. 29 is on, No. 9 is off! That's right, the fourth official played the electronic card for substitutions. The injured No. 9 forward Ali was replaced, and the No. 29 who came on was Jiang Xiaolin."

"Fans and compatriots in China, the miracle we have been waiting for has appeared. The 16-year-old Huaguo player Jiang Xiaolin was sent on by Van Gaal in the 25nd minute of stoppage time in the 92th round of the Eredivisie match between Groningen and Alkmaar. No. 9 striker Ali who has just been shoveled off."

"Ali was carried off on a stretcher, and Jiang Xiaolin ran into the field."

"My compatriots, a historic moment was born. Jiang Xiaolin made his Eredivisie debut in the first match when he was selected into the squad. He must be the first appearance of a Chinese overseas player in the top European league. Young players, no doubt."

"Together we have witnessed the history created by Chinese players in Europe, Jiang Xiaolin Niu*."

At this moment, the netizens who have been following Yu Zehao's live broadcast in the post bar are boiling.

Yu Zehao's live broadcast posts are not allowed to reply, so everyone re-posted on the post bar or replied to other people's posts to express their joy.

"Ah, Jiang Xiaolin came on as a substitute, what a surprise."

"I didn't expect it at all. I thought today was over! I didn't expect that I could get such an unexpected surprise by sticking to the post bar."

"In the 92nd minute of stoppage time, Jiang Xiaolin was able to come on as a substitute. I'm so excited!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that at all."

"Although he came off the bench in stoppage time, it also created the history of Chinese football studying abroad in Europe."

"Jiang Xiaolin is awesome, only 16 years old, and he has already made his debut in the Eredivisie."

"At this age, she is definitely No.1 in studying abroad!"

"Jiang Xiaolin has a bright future!"

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