God of Greenery

Chapter 78 Beautiful Misunderstanding

Near 9:[-], Van Gaal, Juncker and other coaching staff members appeared on the sidelines of the training field, together with Alfred.

He will join the coaching staff of the first team and continue to observe and study Jiang Xiaolin's training and games.

The equipment manager began to move the football, triangular cone and other equipment used for today's training out of the equipment room and put them on the training ground.

The teammates who had changed into training uniforms also came out of the locker room one after another, and gathered in front of Van Gaal and other coaches. Jiang Xiaolin also ran over, greeted the coaches and stood quietly in the team.

At 9 o'clock, after everyone arrived, Van Gaal called out Jiang Xiaolin first, and officially announced to everyone: "This is Jiang Xiaolin from the youth team. He had a trial training with everyone a month ago. I haven’t forgotten. In the future, Jiang will train and compete with you.”

Captain Yaliens took the lead in applauding, expressing a formal welcome to Jiang Xiaolin's joining.

Especially the substitute goalkeeper Sergio Romero, as Jiang Xiaolin's best friend in the first team, welcomed his arrival the most and applauded him the most.

Jiang Xiaolin also said a few words, to the effect that he is a pure rookie and has never played a professional game, please take care of his teammates.

Then, join the team and start training.

The first-team players had heard that Jiang Xiaolin had made rapid progress. He had scored 4 goals and had 13 assists in 2 games for the youth team, which was amazing, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

After the training officially started, everyone had an intuitive understanding of Jiang Xiaolin's progress in the past month.

There is nothing to say about shooting skills, as superb as in the trial training.However, Jiang Xiaolin's improvement in stopping, dribbling, and passing compared with a month ago made his teammates dumbfounded.

There is also jumping ability. During the trial training a month ago, it was almost the same as a few central defenders in the team, but now he has become the highest jumper in the team, even the taller central defender Ragnar Krawan couldn't jump as high as Jiang Xiaolin.

Jiang Xiaolin's speed of progress was terrifying.

According to their training and growth experience, Jiang Xiaolin's progress in the past one month is equivalent to the progress that others have made in two or three years of training.

At this speed, people can only be dumbfounded and unmatched.

Moreover, most people, no matter how many years of training, can't reach Jiang Xiaolin's current level for jumping, a skill that relies more on physical talent.

The coaches and teammates who didn't know that Jiang Xiaolin had cheats on him could only attribute Jiang Xiaolin's progress to his genetic atavistic talent.

This is what Alfred told everyone.

He believes that football is the closest to the hunting behavior of primitive people in modern sports, and Jiang Xiaolin's genetic atavism may be lucky to obtain the best hunting genes, which is reflected in football as the best football talent.

Alfred believes that Jiang Xiaolin is not without talent in many skills, but he has not experienced formal professional training before, so he didn't show it, and he looks more amateurish.

Now after formal training, he has improved rapidly, just like his stopping, dribbling and passing.

This found a theoretical basis for Jiang Xiaolin's super talent and speed of progress. No one doubted that Jiang Xiaolin had a system cheat.

This is a beautiful misunderstanding.

Jiang Xiaolin was naturally also happy to see the results. Since everyone is willing to think so and not doubt others, it is naturally the best.

In addition to the speed of improvement, Jiang Xiaolin's training attitude also surprised everyone.

On the first day, everyone can still think that Jiang Xiaolin just joined the first team, fighting for performance and goodwill in front of the coach and teammates.

But in the next few days, Jiang Xiaolin took the training seriously every day with a [-]-point attitude, and completed the tasks assigned by the coach [-]%. wait.

This made the teammates have to be convinced.

At the same time, everyone thought they had found the reason for Jiang Xiaolin's rapid progress.

With super football talent and a serious training attitude, Jiang Xiaolin's rapid progress is understandable.

Jiang Xiaolin's performance in training naturally fell into the eyes of the coaches.

Originally, Van Gaal didn't plan to let Jiang Xiaolin enter the Eredivisie squad so soon.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's strength and attitude in training are the top in the team, leaving the other forwards by a large distance, which makes people very entangled.

Can a Chinese teenager who is only 16 years old, who was still playing in the youth team a few days ago and has no professional game experience at all, really carry the banner of Alkmaar's victory in the Eredivisie?
You know, the audience in the Eredivisie stadium is tens of thousands of people, and the youth team's fans with hundreds of people can be ignored in front of the Eredivisie stadium.

Moreover, the next game is still an away game, Jiang Xiaolin won't be frightened into weak legs?

These are issues that Van Gaal and the coaches must carefully consider.

On Saturday, February 2th, after afternoon training, showering, and a change of clean clothes, everyone regrouped and waited for assistant coach Junker to announce the 16-man roster for tomorrow's away game against Groningen.

The list is naturally mainly determined by Van Gaal, but the announcement is made by the teaching assistant.

It's also a coincidence that Jiang Xiaolin played for the Groningen youth team in the youth team last week.

If you are selected for the squad this time, you will play for the Groningen first team.

It is indeed a rare coincidence that Groningen's first team and youth team have played against each other for two consecutive weeks.

The premise is that Jiang Xiaolin will be selected for the competition squad.

Standing on the edge of the second row of the assembly line, Jiang Xiaolin was also quite uneasy.

He himself thinks that there is no problem with his training attitude this week, and his technical strength and state are better than those of several other forwards.

It stands to reason that he should be able to be selected for the big list. The only flaw is his age and experience.

Whether Van Gaal has the courage to bring the 16-year-old Jiang Xiaolin to the Eredivisie is still unknown.

But there is always hope.

After all, Van Gaal himself is a head coach who likes to promote young people, and he has a good reputation.

Moreover, when Van Gaal transferred him to the first team, he would not always let him train with the first team until the end of the season.

Always have him in the game.

Otherwise, it's better to let him stay in the youth team, anyway, there is still a match against the youth team!

No matter how low the level of the youth team's competition is, it is also a real sword and gun, and the effect is better than the training of the first team. This can be compared with the first team's daily training experience of only 1000 when the winning experience of a game in the Qingjia League is as high as 200. It's obvious.

So Jiang Xiaolin is still looking forward to it.

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