Originally, "Sports Weekly" was published on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Newspapers are usually printed overnight and released in the morning, so the news reported is usually the news of the previous day.

Therefore, for some unimportant news obtained on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, "Sports Weekly" will be sold to other media, and those cooperative media will report first, and their own newspapers published the next day will follow up Additional reporting.

The most important thing, and the exclusive news that other media did not get, will wait until the "Sports Weekly" published every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for exclusive reports.

Just like Xinhua News Agency sells news to the domestic media, the news that readers see on some media beginning with "Xinhua News Agency" must pay Xinhua News Agency.

There are so many news in the world every day, it is impossible for every media to send reporters everywhere to cover.

Moreover, apart from Xinhua News Agency, Reuters and other large official news agencies around the world, ordinary media do not have the strength to send reporters all over the world.

Therefore, everyone needs to buy or exchange news with other media.

For news about Dutch football, because the only football-related media in China, "Sports Weekly" sent Peng Zhijie to stay in the Netherlands to specialize in reporting Dutch football news, so other domestic sports media bought news from "Sports Weekly" to reprint and report. .

Naturally, when "Sports Weekly" sometimes reports other news that is not edited by its own reporters, it will also pay the original newspaper.

For example, last week the Alkmaar youth team challenged the Feyenoord youth team Jiang Xiaolin scored twice + 1 assist news and video. After Peng Zhijie sent it back to China, the newspaper sold it to other media for early release on Sunday. Well, Monday's edition of Sports Weekly isn't really breaking news anymore.

Just like today's game, many media have already called out in advance, wanting to buy news about Jiang Xiaolin's game.

Moreover, He Qingjia's official website has already released a press release for the match, so there is no way to hide it.

However, He Qingjia's official website's press release was written from the official perspective of the Dutch Football Association, not Jiang Xiaolin.

Unlike the manuscripts written by Peng Zhijie, which were all written from the standpoint of compatriots with Jiang Xiaolin as the protagonist, domestic fans looked the best.

The manuscript sent back by Peng Zhijie can be divided into two parts. One is the report on Jiang Xiaolin’s hat-trick + 1 assist in this game, and the other is the exclusive interview with Van Gaal, which includes Jiang Xiaolin’s upcoming transfer to Alkmaar. Important news for the team.

Now the newspaper leaders are struggling with whether to sell these two parts of news to other media as agreed, or keep them for their own use on Monday, or sell only the first part and keep the second part.

Naturally, it is not reconciled to sell everything to others. After all, Van Gaal's exclusive interview is rare, and the news of Jiang Xiaolin's promotion to the first team is even more valuable. It is a rare exclusive news for the newspaper.

But it’s not appropriate to keep it all for myself on Monday, because the results of the competition are available on He Qingjia’s official website and can be seen now. Other media can just translate it, but it’s not as good as Peng Zhijie’s manuscript.

In the end, I sold some and kept some, but I also felt very entangled, because when the weekly magazine of my newspaper was released on Monday, everyone read it and found that it was all the news on the same day. As a result, I did not provide some exclusive news on my side. I'm not very kind here.

Can we still cooperate happily in the future?

The leaders deliberated for a long time, and asked Peng Zhijie to discuss it over the phone. Finally, they decided on the last option, only selling the news of the game to other cooperative media, Van Gaal's exclusive interview and Jiang Xiaolin's promotion to the first team. Exclusives are kept under wraps until they release on Monday.

For the sake of confidentiality, the newspaper asked Peng Zhijie to instruct his assistant not to disclose the news of Van Gaal's interview and Jiang Xiaolin's promotion to the first team to anyone.

Also, please ask Peng Zhijie to tell Jiang Xiaolin that Jiang Xiaolin should not tell anyone, especially people in China, that he is about to be promoted to the first team.

In order to get Jiang Xiaolin to help, the leaders asked Peng Zhijie to promise Jiang Xiaolin on behalf of the newspaper that in terms of domestic public opinion, "Sports Weekly" would always be on his side.

If there are any reports or public opinions that are unfavorable to Jiang Xiaolin, "Sports Weekly" will speak up for Jiang Xiaolin in exchange for Jiang Xiaolin's cooperation this time and long-term news cooperation in the future.

In addition, even Peng Zhijie has to do something, that is, go to the away game with the Alkmaar first team tomorrow, pretend to conduct post-match interviews, and then report today's interview with Van Gaal and Jiang Xiaolin's upcoming promotion to the first team in the press release. The news time will be in the post-match interview of the first team tomorrow.

In this way, when the time comes, the public statement is that I will only interview Van Gaal tomorrow and get the news that Jiang Xiaolin is about to be promoted to the first team. Naturally, I have to keep my exclusive post on Monday, so as to avoid being gossiped by the cooperative media up.

Therefore, on Sunday, the domestic media in Huaguo, whether it was newspapers or websites, only reported that Jiang Xiaolin scored a hat-trick + 1 assist in the game against the Groningen youth team on Saturday, and there was no news about Jiang Xiaolin. Talk of an imminent transfer to the first team.

Peng Zhijie's work is still very good.

Not only his assistant was given a gag order, Song Zhicheng and others were also greeted by him, not to disclose any information to domestic fans on the Internet, so that the news of Jiang Xiaolin's promotion to the first team was successfully postponed for one day.

As for Jiang Xiaolin, he and Peng Zhijie had become good friends, so he naturally agreed to this insignificant request.

Moreover, in the future, the "Sports Weekly" will be on my side in domestic public opinion, which also prevents the possibility that someone hacks me, but I have nowhere to refute.

On Sunday, Peng Zhijie went to Nijmegen with Alkmaar's first team to report on Alkmaar's away game against Nijmegen. In fact, it was a time cover for Van Gaal's interview and the news that Jiang Xiaolin was about to be promoted to the first team.

Jiang Xiaolin himself stayed at home to watch the live broadcast of the game.

On the afternoon of February 2th, the 10th round of the Eredivisie Alkmaar's away game against Nijmegen officially began.

Alkmaar, who has lost five consecutive games, did not bottom out in this game, but continued to lose.

In the first half alone, they were already 1-4 behind.

During the intermission, Nijmegen, who was in control of the victory, made substitutions and adjustments, so he only scored one goal in the second half.

Alkmaar also scored a goal in the second half.

In the end, Van Gaal's team lost a 2-5 away game, ushering in a six-game losing streak at the beginning of the second half of the season after the winter break.

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