Through the consultation system, I learned that the healing potion is used to heal the host.

With this thing, no matter what kind of injury the host gets in the future, as long as he doesn't die on the spot, the host can use the healing potion in the operating system in his mind.

Then, based on the host's injury condition, combined with the doctor's treatment level and medical equipment, the system will allow the host to recover quickly and seemingly reasonable.

In other words, with this item, Jiang Xiaolin doesn't have to worry about serious injuries that directly ruin his career.

The healing potion was temporarily placed in the package, and Jiang Xiaolin continued to open the level gift package (level 11).

This time luck was good, Jiang Xiaolin got the skill "Short Pass".

Stopping the ball, dribbling, short passing, after the three skills are gradually added, there is no need to worry about becoming a burden on the team on the court.

Of course, you can only increase it slowly. Now that you are in a professional club, you don't dare to fill up a certain skill suddenly like before.

After completing the lottery draw for the level gift pack, Jiang Xiaolin returned to the skills page to check the attribute values ​​of the three newly added skills.

Probably because of the physical fitness of the genetic ancestors, Jiang Xiaolin's jumping initial attribute value is 16 points, which is already very good.

The goalkeeper's save attribute value is 3, which is completely negligible, because Jiang Xiaolin has never even played a cameo as a goalkeeper.

An attribute value of 3 is estimated to be training with teammates every day. I have seen a lot of goalkeeping training by Elmer and others, and I have gained knowledge, otherwise the attribute value may be 0.

The last item is a short pass, with an attribute value of 12, which seems to be pretty good.

Although he has not yet reached the level of a professional player, it is much better than when he played in the amateur league in Puermes before, and it is probably due to the joint influence of other skills.

After reading the initial attributes of the new skills, Jiang Xiaolin added a little to Bounce and Short Pass respectively.

The next addition will be before the start of next week's game.

After completing all operations, Jiang Xiaolin's data and skill attributes become:
Host: Jiang Xiaolin
Nationality: Hua

Age: 16 years old

Height: 183cm
Weight: XNUM X kg
Rating: 11
Experience: 2100/2 million

Attribute Points: 49
Club: Alkmaar (Netherlands)

Archery: 20
Moves without the ball: 20
Tackles: 3
Headers: 20
Bounce: 17
Stamina: 20
Acceleration: 20
Stops: 14
Dribbling: 11
Short Passes: 13
Saves: 3
Scorpion Tail Wagging: 20
Package items: level gift pack (level 12), healing potion (1 bottle)

The away game is more tiring than the home game, and with today's 9-0 victory, Crofts is very happy and announced to the players a two-day holiday, and will resume training on Tuesday, January 1.

Players who want to go back to Alkmaar can take the team bus back together, and those who don't want to go back can move freely.

Jiang Xiaolin naturally didn't go back.

He scored six goals in one game today, he has gained so much limelight, and he will have two days off later, how can Peng Zhijie, Song Zhicheng and others let him go?

Everyone waited for Jiang Xiaolin to come out after taking a shower and changing clothes, then stuffed Jiang Xiaolin into the car and took him back to Chinatown.

Song Zhicheng had already called back and asked the restaurant to prepare a small celebration banquet to celebrate Jiang Xiaolin's performance today.

Not only the more than 20 people who watched the game on the spot, but also the restaurant staff and Chinese and overseas Chinese in Chinatown who have nothing to do at night can come to the restaurant to participate in the celebration banquet.

Jiang Xiaolin has become a star in Chinatown this time.

If Jiang Xiaolin played football in Purmes before, and everyone supported him just out of encouragement to his compatriots, then now everyone has really seen the prospect of Jiang Xiaolin becoming a professional player.

It is estimated that the technical and tactical level of the Dutch Youth League A will not be lower than that of the He Bing Professional League.

Being able to score six goals in a single game in this kind of league, or in an away game against the Ajax youth team, even many Chinese compatriots who don't usually watch football can understand the meaning contained in it.

Perhaps, they are witnessing the birth of a Chinese football superstar.

Therefore, many people came to the celebration banquet held in the evening, filling Song Zhicheng's restaurant to the brim, and it was quite lively.

Peng Zhijie showed the video of the whole game in his camera on the TV in the restaurant for everyone to watch, so that compatriots who did not go to the scene to watch the game had enough eye addiction, and Song Zhicheng and others who went to the scene also replayed it.

The commotion didn't dissipate until very late. Of course, Jiang Xiaolin didn't live in the warehouse this time, but stayed in a hotel run by a Chinese, and he was also confiscated.

Peng Zhijie returned to Arnhem to sort out the press releases and prepare to send them back to China.


That night, when Song Zhicheng and others held a celebration banquet for Jiang Xiaolin, Crofts, who had already returned to Alkmaar, found Van Gaal's residence overnight and told him about Jiang Xiaolin's performance in this game.

Hearing Jiang Xiaolin's crazy performance of scoring six goals in one game, Van Gaal was stunned.

"You're not kidding, are you?" Van Gaal asked in shock.

Crofts smiled wryly and said, "How could it be possible to joke with you? It is estimated that the report on He Qingjia's official website has already come out. You can find out after reading it."

Van Gaal turned on the computer in amazement, logged on to the official website of the Dutch Football Association, and clicked on the Heqing League sub-section.

Sure enough, the Football Association reporter who edited and edited the game had already pushed out the press release and put it on the website.

The headline of the news was "Hua Guo teenager Jiang led the Alkmaar youth team to a 9-0 bloodbath against Ajax with six goals in a single game".

Van Gaal clicked in with hesitation, and after watching the specific game process, he was even more shocked and inexplicable.

A lightning goal in 10 seconds, a brace in 2 minutes, a hat-trick in 13 minutes, four goals in 25 minutes, six goals in a single game...

Even though he already knew Jiang Xiaolin's offensive talent was very good during the trial training, otherwise Van Gaal would not have signed Jiang Xiaolin, and would have directly signed him into the first team.

But Van Gaal never expected that Jiang Xiaolin would score twice in the first game of the devolved youth team, and in the second game he showed such a monstrous performance of six goals in a single game.

Is this still the 16-year-old boy who was playing in the D-level amateur league that year?

Scoring six goals in a single game is probably something that many striker superstars have never done in their entire lives.

Van Gaal, who was distressed by the weak attacking front line of the first team and the four-game losing streak, was heartbroken, and an urge to immediately transfer Jiang Xiaolin to the first team arose spontaneously.

However, Van Gaal hesitated again when he thought of the shortcomings that Jiang Xiaolin showed during his trial training.

The Eredivisie league and the youth team league are completely two worlds. Jiang Xiaolin can score goals in He Qingjia, but he may not be able to gain a foothold in the Eredivisie league.

The technical and tactical level of the Eredivisie League is much higher than that of He Qingjia, and the pace of the game is much faster. The players and coaches are even more cunning and experienced.

Jiang Xiaolin's shortcomings may not be prominent in the Heqing League, but he will definitely be targeted and used by opponents in the Eredivisie League.

Even if Jiang Xiaolin staged a performance of six goals in a single game, Van Gaal still didn't dare to transfer Jiang Xiaolin to the first team immediately.

There are too many examples of outstanding performance in the youth team, but unable to adapt after entering the first team, and being eliminated in the end, in various teams in major leagues.

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