God of Greenery

Chapter 51 Unexpected Breakthrough

After the game started, the players of both sides moved immediately. Ajax No. 9 striker Alex, who was standing outside the center circle, saw Cagle kicking the ball to Jiang Xiaolin, and immediately rushed over to grab the ball.

Although he is a forward, not a defensive player, and stealing the ball is not his strong point, he feels that his level is more than enough to deal with Jiang Xiaolin, an amateur player.

Isn't he just an amateur rookie who can't even pass the U11 training match?
He is a professional player who has received professional training since he was a child. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Alex felt that he should be able to snatch the ball easily, or force Jiang Xiaolin to make a pass error and change the possession of the ball.

Then they can take advantage of the trend to launch an attack, and if they are lucky, they can score a goal at the beginning of the game.

Alex is one of the few people in the Ajax youth team who have prejudice against Jiang Xiaolin's skin color and nationality.

The opinion of other normal people is that Jiang Xiaolin’s technical level during the trial training is not up to the requirements of the Ajax youth team, while Alex and others’ opinion is that Jiang Xiaolin’s status determines that he should not play football .

Normal people talk about things as they stand, while Alex and other people with racial discrimination in their hearts have a subjective assumption that "yellow people are not born to play football".

Therefore, even though Jiang Xiaolin signed with Alkmaar, the Eredivisie team, and scored twice in the last round of the Heqing League, Alex still felt that Jiang Xiaolin was still the same when he came to the trial training. The amateur players are full of contempt for Jiang Xiaolin from the inside out.

Then, just when he was approaching Jiang Xiaolin and thinking that he could make a successful steal, he did not expect that Jiang Xiaolin made a fake move to the right, causing Alex to move a step to the right, and then Jiang Xiaolin A sudden spike sent Alex away.

Just like that, Jiang Xiaolin passed Alex from the left with a spike, left the center circle, and entered Ajax's half.

Alex, who was passed, stopped in the middle circle, turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaolin who rushed into his own half with the ball, his face was full of surprise.

Is this Jiang from Hua who couldn't even pass the U11 training match?

It's only been a few months, why has it changed so much?
Although I am not a professional defensive player, it is not enough for an amateur player to pass the ball with such a smash, right?

Alex had a look of embarrassment on his face.

On the sidelines, Crofts, Freeman, Alfred and others also had expressions of surprise on their faces.

No one expected that Jiang Xiaolin didn't pass the ball, but smashed the ball past the opponent's player rushing up to grab the ball, and it succeeded.

This surprised Crofts and others, and also gave them a sense of accomplishment.

In the view of Crofts and others, this is because Jiang Xiaolin's training in the youth team has had some positive effects.

In fact, with Jiang Xiaolin's dribbling attribute of only 11 points, he shouldn't be able to break through Alex so easily, even if Alex is not a professional defensive player.

The key is that Alex underestimated Jiang Xiaolin too much in his heart, believed Jiang Xiaolin's fake move to the right to break through, and then was unprepared for Jiang Xiaolin's subsequent spike, and was easily broken by Jiang Xiaolin.

Jiang Xiaolin also saw that Cagle had just run out, and before he ran out of the space for him to pass the ball, Alex had already forced him up again, so he tried to break through.

I didn't expect Alex to be so careless about the enemy, but he succeeded in breaking through.

After breaking through Alex, a corridor about 10 meters long appeared in front of Jiang Xiaolin, unguarded.

Although Jiang Xiaolin's dribbling attributes are low, it is still no problem to dribble a few steps forward without defense.

Jiang Xiaolin took the ball a few steps forward, and the opponent's No. 12 midfielder pressed Jiang Xiaolin from the front.

But Jiang Xiaolin didn't try to break through the opponent.

Jiang Xiaolin knows his level of dribbling and breakthrough.It was just a matter of luck just now, and he caught Alex, the No.

Don't think of such a good thing happening again.

In addition, Jiang Xiaolin also saw that Cagle ran out of space.

So Jiang Xiaolin didn't wait for the opponent's No. 12 player to approach, and kicked the ball to the front of Cagle on the right front.

But the pass was still not good, the angle was a little off, and there was not enough advance, so Cagle, who was running forward, could only slow down and stop to catch the ball.

Then, as soon as he received the ball, he was immediately stuck by the opponent's player, and he could no longer dribble the ball forward.

But at this time, Jiang Xiaolin, who had passed the ball, had already run to the gap in the backcourt of the Ajax youth team.

Jiang Xiaolin's various attributes make him completely different when he runs without the ball and when he holds the ball.

When holding the ball, Jiang Xiaolin has poor stoppage, poor dribbling, poor breakthrough, poor vision, poor passing, and poor control of football.

But Jiang Xiaolin, who runs without the ball, has a strong body, good physical strength, quick start, fast acceleration, high flexibility, and his ability to see the gap is unmatched by the team.

Therefore, after passing the ball, Jiang Xiaolin suddenly changed direction and ran away from the posted No. 12 player, and then accelerated to the empty position at the front of Ajax's penalty area.

After training together for two weeks, Cagle naturally knew some of Jiang Xiaolin's superior abilities.

Therefore, although Jiang Xiaolin's pass was not good, which caused him to fail to run with the ball, he still firmly controlled the ball at his feet, took two steps horizontally, and passed the ball at an angle. A few meters in front of Jiang Xiaolin's running route.

Jiang Xiaolin's speed is the highest in the team, so Cagle's pass has given a lot of lead, and the direction of the ball rolling is already close to the top of the penalty area.

This is naturally the defense zone of the central defender of the Ajax youth team.

Cagle's pass seems to be closer to Ajax's No. 5 central defender Barry.

Barry's eyes lit up, and he rushed out of the penalty area, ready to clear the ball before Jiang Xiaolin.

But Cagle made a big pass because he knew Jiang Xiaolin's speed, while Barry underestimated Jiang Xiaolin's speed.

His impression of Jiang Xiaolin was still the same as when Jiang Xiaolin came to try out a few months ago, but he didn't expect that Jiang Xiaolin is no longer what it used to be.

The two rushed towards the rolling direction of the ball at the same time, but it was Jiang Xiaolin who stretched out his foot to touch the ball first and stabbed the ball towards the penalty area.

The ball rolled past Barry's feet and rolled towards the ribs of the penalty area.

Barry was a bit slower, not only failed to grab the ball, but also failed to intercept it. He saw Jiang Xiaolin poke the ball away first, and then squeezed past him like a tank. Barry reached out and didn't stop Jiang Xiaolin. .

Jiang Xiaolin's body is too strong.

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