God of Greenery

Chapter 44 Perfect Debut

The moment the referee blew the final whistle, a systematic electronic sound came from Jiang Xiaolin's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for scoring 2 goals in this game and gaining 1000 basic experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host's team for winning the game and gaining 1000 basic experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing task 4 and starting the competition and training rating system."

"Ding, the system judged that the host performed well in this game, and the experience reward coefficient is 3. The total experience gained by the host in this game is 2000*3=6000, and the host's current experience is 7/6350 at level 3000."

"Ding, the experience value of the host exceeds the upper limit of the current level, and the upgrade conditions are met. The host is upgraded to level 8, and the current experience value is 3350/5000."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading, rewarding 10 attribute points, and the current attribute point balance is 20."

In the Netherlands Youth League One, the experience given by the system is 250 assists, 500 goals, and 1000 wins.

Jiang Xiaolin scored twice in this game and helped the team win, so he has a lot of experience.

Coupled with his outstanding performance, he was rated as excellent by the system, gained an experience coefficient of 3, and his basic experience was tripled in an instant. As a result, Jiang Xiaolin completed the upgrade after one game and was rewarded with 3 attribute points.

Moreover, after leveling up, new skills can be unlocked again.

However, Jiang Xiaolin has no time to operate the system and unlock new skills.

Because, as soon as the game was over, Langlot, Douglas, Joel, Bruno and several teammates from the Alkmaar youth team gathered around and congratulated Jiang Xiaolin one after another:
"Jiang, congratulations, you scored twice in the first match!"

"AMAZING debut performance!"

"I have been in all echelons of the Alkmaar youth academy, but I have never seen such an amazing debut from you."

"That scorpion wagging its tail is really beautiful!"

"Do you know Hua Guo Kung Fu?"

Jiang Xiaolin was very happy.

The two goals in the official game made him immediately recognized by the vast majority of the team.

In the world of football, strength is more convincing.Other races, nationalities, personalities, behaviors, etc., are secondary factors.

After walking off the court and coming to the sidelines, Jiang Xiaolin was surrounded by Song Zhicheng and others, who congratulated him one after another.

Many Dutch teenagers in their teens also expressed their admiration to Jiang Xiaolin.

Jiang Xiaolin's amazing scorpion wagging its tail made many people remember him immediately.

The other older fans, although they didn't gather around like a few teenagers, did not have a lot of affection for Jiang Xiaolin in their hearts. Many people talked as they left the stadium:

"What's the name of that Chinese man?"

"Call Jiang, that's what I heard from the players on the field."

"It's Jiang. I've seen news about him. The club just signed him last week. He played in the D-level amateur league before."

"This is a super striker buried in the amateur league!"

"In the first game of Heqing League, a substitute scored twice in 45 minutes. I remember him!"

"Actually, it's just one game. It's nothing unusual to score twice. It depends on his follow-up performance. The main reason is that the scorpion wags its tail so beautifully."

"Yes, that action is so genius and so pleasing to the eye!"

"Perhaps our youth team is about to produce a supernova."

In addition to the hot discussion of the fans, Jiang Xiaolin was also pulled aside by a reporter from the official website of the Heqing League for a simple interview.

There is no live TV broadcast in the He Qingjia League, and there are very few media reports after the game, but it does not mean that no one pays attention at all.

The Heqing League sub-site of the official website of the Dutch Football Association will send reporters to collect and edit the news of each game, and report the game and the players of both sides to fans who follow the Youth League.

In today's game, the best performer was without a doubt Jiang Xiaolin who came on as a substitute during the intermission.

Reporter: "Hi, Jiang, I am a reporter from the official website of the Dutch Football Association and the Youth League section. I would like to interview you now."

Jiang Xiaolin said happily: "Yes."

Reporter: "First of all, I want to congratulate you. You scored twice in the game today. May I ask if you thought you could score goals today, and you can score two at once?"

Jiang Xiaolin: "No, before the start of the game, I thought that I would be very happy to be able to come off the bench today. I didn't expect that the coach replaced me during the halftime break, and scored twice. Let the coach down."

Reporter: "Your first goal is really beautiful. I can see that the fans around you have been talking about your scorpion wagging its tail. How did you come up with the idea of ​​finishing the shot in this way?"

Jiang Xiaolin: "I didn't think about it at all, it's just a conditioned reflex of the body. At that moment when the opportunity is fleeting, do you think there is still time to think about how to shoot?"

Reporter: "Indeed, in that situation, you can no longer think about how to shoot. You can only make actions based on your body's conditioned reflex. However, this also shows that your talent is extraordinary."

Jiang Xiaolin: "Thank you!"

Reporter: "Do you have any plans for your future in Alkmaar?"

Jiang Xiaolin: "I didn't think too much about it. My only thought now is to gain a firm foothold in the youth team, so that I can talk about the future."

Reporter: "Okay, thank you for accepting the interview. I hope you will continue to perform well in future games. I will sort out the manuscript after I go back and it will be published in the evening. You can pay attention to the Heqingjia League section on the official website of the Football Association."

Jiang Xiaolin: "Okay, thank you!"

Reporter: "Goodbye!"

Jiang Xiaolin: "Goodbye!"

In addition to the congratulations from teammates, compatriots, fans, and reporters, there was another person who was even more excited about Jiang Xiaolin's brace.

That is Alfred, an expert in human behavior at the University of Amsterdam.

Alfred has reached an agreement with the Alkmaar Club through Horatio's introduction. Alfred can enter the team's work as an assistant coach and conduct long-term close observation and summary of Jiang Xiaolin's training and games.

Of course, this is without salary.

In exchange, Alfred must clearly point out that Jiang Xiaolin is a player of Alkmaar by observing Jiang Xiaolin's thesis.

It's like advertising.

Today, Jiang Xiaolin has entered the roster for the competition, and he may play as a substitute. Therefore, Alfred, who has just completed the handover of school work, naturally hurried over to watch Jiang Xiaolin's performance on the spot.

Crofts did not disappoint Alfred, replacing Jiang Xiaolin at halftime.

In addition to being a little uncomfortable with the rhythm of the game, Jiang Xiaolin quickly entered the state.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolin's tireless running with his strong body on the court, his nimble running without the ball, his genius scorpion tail swing, and his clever follow-up shots, Alfred was like seeing a treasure.

This is simply a born football player.

Alfred felt that his theory had found a basis in reality.

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