God of Greenery

Chapter 416 Joining Bayern Munich

After finishing the top ten matches and qualifying for the World Cup, Jiang Xiaolin also completed the "task 11" of qualifying for the World Cup, and won the reward of 50 experience + 50 attribute points + oxtail extraordinary (special skill).

Jiang Xiaolin took a look at Oxtail's extraordinary initial attributes. It has 8 points, which is not bad.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's policy has always been to fill up directly.So, he directly spent 16 attribute points to increase the 8-point Oxtail Extraordinary Skill to the full value of 20.

After adding points, Jiang Xiaolin's experience has reached level 23 251.64/500 million, and the balance of attribute points is 175, which is very rich.

While Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates were fighting for the World Cup qualification, Baker had basically finalized Jiang Xiaolin's transfer.

Not long after Alkmaar won the Triple Crown, Bayern Munich announced the signing of Van Gaal, and the contract came into effect on July 2009, 7.

After signing with Bayern Munich, Van Gaal tried his best to get Bayern Munich to sign Jiang Xiaolin.

Although Bayern is not very rich and powerful, it is still the most financially powerful in Germany.

Moreover, signing Jiang Xiaolin only needs to pay a liquidated damages of 5000 million euros, which is still within the tolerance of Bayern Munich.

Coupled with the fact that Jiang Xiaolin led Alkmaar to a 5-0 bloodbath against Zenit St. Petersburg in the UEFA Cup quarter-finals and indirectly avenged Bayern, all Bayern clubs have a good impression of Jiang Xiaolin.

In addition, the agent Baker, as a German, also played a certain role in it.Obviously, Baker also hopes that Jiang Xiaolin will join the German team and win more honors for German football, especially the Champions League.

The last time Bayern Munich won the Champions League dates back to the 2000/2001 season. Nine seasons have passed, and Bayern needs to speak out on the stage of the Champions League again.

Of course, after talking about all the reasons, they are not as important as the most important reason: that is Jiang Xiaolin's strength.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaolin's club's 108 goals in a single season is the reason why Bayern Munich agreed to Van Gaal's request and offered better conditions than other clubs to introduce Jiang Xiaolin.

So, after Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates from the national team finished the world preliminaries against the Japanese team, qualified from the top ten, and returned to China, Jiang Xiaolin met his agent Baker and the CEO of Bayern Munich. Meinig, Chief Financial Officer Hopfner, and General Manager Hoeness are three top executives.

In order to ensure the introduction of Jiang Xiaolin, Bayern Munich showed absolute sincerity and respect.

After the meeting between the two parties, Rummenigge and others first congratulated Jiang Xiaolin for leading the Chinese team to qualify for the World Cup, and then started negotiations.

Basic conditions Baker has already communicated with Jiang Xiaolin on the phone, otherwise Rummenigge and others would not be able to see Jiang Xiaolin.

When negotiating, Jiang Xiaolin also had a personal team including lawyers, finance, brand building, and security to serve together. This is a private team formed after the UEFA Cup final. It is different from the agent, and it is only for Jiang Xiaolin. Serve.

And this is just the beginning. As Jiang Xiaolin's personal fame and status increase, more and more people will serve him.

In the future, when Jiang Xiaolin wins the Champions League, the Golden Globe, or even the Asian Cup and the World Cup, the number of teams serving Jiang Xiaolin will probably reach dozens of people.

Although the general direction has been set, personal treatment still needs to be discussed carefully.

Because of the liquidated damages of 5000 million euros, many teams can take it out. The difference lies in the personal preference of the players and the treatment given by the team.

In terms of personal preference, it is obvious that after Jiang Xiaolin's mentor Van Gaal joined Bayern, and Baker is German, Bayern can gain an innate advantage.

If we can continue to cooperate with Van Gaal in Bayern, it will be extremely beneficial to Jiang Xiaolin personally and to Van Gaal.

Therefore, as long as Jiang Xiaolin can be persuaded in terms of personal treatment, Bayern will be able to sign Jiang Xiaolin ahead of other European giants.

Bayern Munich, led by Rummenigge, did give a good deal.

In the Champions League, Bayern has not been involved in the Champions League for 9 years, and has not even entered the final!

In the league, Bayern experienced a lot of twists and turns last season, and finally only ranked second in the league, and the championship was taken away by Wolfsburg.

This is unacceptable for Bayern Munich, which claims to be the hegemon of the Bundesliga.

Therefore, in terms of personal treatment, Bayern Munich offered quite good conditions, and finally reached an agreement with Jiang Xiaolin.

On June 2009, 6, Bayern Munich and Jiang Xiaolin held a press conference together in Beiping, announcing that Jiang Xiaolin joined Bayern Munich with a transfer fee of 15 million euros. A signing fee of 5000 million euros must be paid to Jiang Xiaolin.

With an annual salary of 800 million euros, Jiang Xiaolin surpassed Tony, Arjen Robben and Sweinstedt with 550 million euros and became the highest salary in the Bayern team.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Jiang Xiaolin's status in the arena is necessarily higher than that of Tony, Robben and others.

After all, Jiang Xiaolin played in the Eredivisie before, and he has not proven himself in the Champions League and the top league.

But the key point is that Jiang Xiaolin's dominance in the Eredivisie and the UEFA Cup last season made Jiang Xiaolin's worth far exceed 5000 million euros, which aroused the looting of many European giants and local tyrants.

If Bayern does not give a satisfactory annual salary, even with the factors of Baker and Van Gaal, they may not be able to sign Jiang Xiaolin.

The annual salary of 800 million euros and the signing fee of 200 million euros make Rummenigge, Hoeness, Hopfner and others very heartbroken. We can only hope that Jiang Xiaolin is worth his money and can help Bayern in the league and the Champions League. Get new honors.

Fortunately, in terms of liquidated damages, Bayern has won a pretty good condition, that is, the liquidated damages have been set at a height of 2 million euros.

Moreover, this liquidated damages will take at least two seasons to take effect.

In other words, after the first season, even if someone offers a transfer fee of 2 million euros, Bayern can refuse.

Of course, Rummenigge and others don't think that someone from Jiang Xiaolin will introduce Jiang Xiaolin with a worth of 2 million euros, that would be too scary.

As for after two seasons, it can be dealt with according to the situation.

If someone insisted on taking Jiang Xiaolin away with a liquidated damages of 2 million euros, they would naturally be happy to make a fortune.

It is precisely because of the high liquidated damages and the condition that it will not take effect until two years later, Bayern had no choice but to agree to Jiang Xiaolin's annual salary of 800 million euros.

Otherwise, the liquidated damages will be reduced, and the condition that the liquidated damages can only take effect after two seasons is not added, so Bayern will feel very worried.

After the press conference, the news spread, and all Hua Guo fans were excited.

Because, Jiang Xiaolin finally landed in the five major leagues, landed in the giants, and the transfer fee reached an astonishing 5000 million euros, and the annual salary reached 800 million euros.

You know, Bayern Munich has a very large number of fans in China.

Adding Jiang Xiaolin's personal fans and Bayern Munich's fans together, that's not too much.

Even Jiang Xiaolin fans who are not Bayern fans are happy to see Jiang Xiaolin join a wealthy team and be able to compete in the Champions League.


Although I don’t know that Ronaldo will transfer to Real Madrid this summer, and the transfer fee will create a sky-high price, but after all, the contract there has not been signed, and Jiang Xiaolin’s transfer fee is currently the 6th highest transfer fee in world football. Name, Asian star No.1.

In addition, Jiang Xiaolin's annual salary of 800 million euros has also become the No. 5 annual salary of football players after Messi, Kaka, Adebayor, Tevez and others.

You know, as Kaka, who has won the Champions League, World Cup, Golden Globe, and World Player of the Year, his annual salary is only 1000 million euros, and Jiang Xiaolin is only 200 million euros less than Kaka.

With such treatment, Jiang Xiaolin has been regarded as the world's top star.

From the moment Jiang Xiaolin signed with Bayern, although he has not proved himself in the top league, the Champions League, and the World Cup stage, and has not yet won the Golden Globe Award, the World Cup and other super honors, Jiang Xiaolin has already been with Kaka and Ronaldo. , Messi and others are at the same level as the world's top superstars.

The annual salary of 800 million euros is almost 8000 million when converted into RMB.

Adding various bonuses, and Jiang Xiaolin's huge business income backed by the Huaguo market, no one doubts that Jiang Xiaolin's annual income is [-] million yuan.

And Jiang Xiaolin was actually just 18 years old.

It's no wonder that the Huaguo media and fans have fallen into a collective climax.

Even in the European media, there are many newspapers and TVs that use this news as the front page headline to report to the audience and fans.

"Jiang Xiaolin joins Bayern Munich for 5000 million euros, and joins hands with Van Gaal in the top league! "

"Bayern Munich's high-priced transfer fee signed Jiang Xiaolin, the hero of Alkmaar's Triple Crown, aiming at the Triple Crown! "

"Jiang Xiaolin's 5000 million euro transfer to Bayern became the world's sixth most valuable, and his annual salary of 800 million also entered the top five highest annual salary in world football! "

"Jiang Xiaolin, a Chinese player who just turned 18, joined Bayern Munich with a sky-high transfer fee of 5000 million euros and an annual salary of 800 million to become the world's top superstar! "

In Huaguo, all the fans were so excited that they vented their excitement on post bars, forums, and QQ groups.

"Damn it, Jiang Xiaolin is awesome, with a net worth of 5000 million and an annual salary of 800 million, all in Euros!"

"Although I had a premonition, when this day really comes, I still feel very excited!"

"Our Huaguo football also has the world's top superstars!"

"It's unbelievable!"

"I'm so excited! Bundesliga, Champions League, we Hua people are here!"

Fans in Germany, especially Bayern Munich, also expressed their welcome to Jiang Xiaolin.

"Wow, Jiang Xiaolin joined Bayern, so excited!"

"65 goals in the league in a single season, 108 goals in the club in a single season, averaging more than 5 goals per game, I am excited to think about it!"

"Bayern will definitely set off an offensive frenzy next season, so look forward to it!"

"I have decided that I will go to watch every Bayern game in the future!"

Indeed, as long as many people think of Jiang Xiaolin's scoring efficiency and number of goals in the Eredivisie, they will feel very much looking forward to it, so they rush to buy season tickets.

And that's just the Bayern fans themselves.

And many local Chinese and overseas Chinese in Munich who did not buy Bayern season tickets also hurriedly started buying season tickets for next season, which ushered in a wave of season ticket sales for Bayern next season.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaolin's joining has greatly stimulated the ticket sales in Munich.

Presumably, with Jiang Xiaolin joining and starting to play football in the future, the team's ticket and peripheral sales will be more prosperous, and the popularity in China will also increase. Bayern's top brass Rummenigge and other talents are finally in a better mood.

Qualifying from the World Cup and joining the giants Bayern Munich has greatly improved Jiang Xiaolin's reputation and social value.

Coupled with being backed by the Huaguo market, Jiang Xiaolin's popularity has a substantial bonus compared to stars from other countries.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin's vacation was basically in vain, ushered in a new wave of various domestic and foreign world famous brand endorsement activities, as well as interviews with TV stations and so on.

In the entire month of June, Jiang Xiaolin only stayed in his hometown for five days, and during these five days, he also participated in two days of activities at his alma mater and the government. In fact, he only had three days to rest quietly at home and spend time with his mother.

It was also during this time that Alfred, a professor at the University of Amsterdam and a human behaviorist who joined the coaching staff of Alkmaar and observed Jiang Xiaolin closely in the name of a teaching assistant, published a book called "Why Jiang Xiaolin Succeeded" ! "

In this academic book, Alfred analyzed in detail why football is the most popular and most common first sport in the world.

In addition to venues, sports methods, etc., Alfred believes that the most important reason why football has become the world's number one sport is because football is the sport closest to the hunting behavior of primitive human society.

Football is like a prey, being chased by players from both sides.

And scoring a goal was described by him as a success in hunting prey.

As for the club's team song and team flag, he also interpreted them as totems similar to primitive society tribes.

Fans' worship and pursuit of the team is also interpreted by him as a belief similar to primitive people.

As for the players on the court, he interpreted them as front-line combatants who went out to hunt in the primitive society. Among them, the star players were like the most powerful heroes in the hunting team, who could directly fight and kill wild beasts.

And Jiang Xiaolin can achieve such a great success, it depends on his physical quality in all aspects, because of his gene returning to his ancestors, he has become the most perfect gene for football. Advances in new technologies have been rapid.

For example, Jiang Xiaolin didn't know how to take free kicks at first, but now he has become the world's top free kick master.

There is also reverse footing. Before Jiang Xiaolin was a right-footed player, but now he has quickly become balanced with both feet. This is why Jiang Xiaolin's genetic reversion to his ancestors makes him appear to be the most suitable for football.

After Alfred's book was published, it aroused heated discussions among the media and fans all over the world.

Only then did everyone know that Jiang Xiaolin's success was due to his genetic reversion to his ancestors.

Moreover, according to Alfred, genetic reversion is not all benefits. Some people will grow longer hair, but they are not athletically talented, and some people will appear to have a low IQ.

Only Jiang Xiaolin's genetic reversion to his ancestors perfectly integrated his body and athletic talent into football.

This is a unique talent in the history of human football. Let alone a hundred years, it may be another 1000 or 1 years, and there will be no second case.

Therefore, according to Alfred's judgment, as long as he is not injured, Jiang Xiaolin's future achievements at the club level may be higher than those of the football king Pele, Maradona, football emperor Beckenbauer and others.

Of course, Alfred of the national team did not dare to speak nonsense.Because of the level of Chinese football, Alfred really has no confidence.

In Jiang Xiaolin's opinion, it is still a bit difficult for Jiang Xiaolin to lead Huaguo football to win the World Cup.

Even so, the media and fans finally understood why Jiang Xiaolin was so good and why he made such rapid progress.

At least there is an obvious explanation.

Jiang Xiaolin naturally wouldn't try to defend himself.

Although Alfred's explanation was far-fetched, it undoubtedly removed the suspicion for himself, and using the system in the future would be more justified, and no one would doubt it.

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