God of Greenery

Chapter 404

Jiang Xiaolin's equalizing goal made the Chinese and overseas Chinese fans at the scene and the Huaguo fans in front of the TV very excited.

Of course, it also made Uzbekistan decide to continue to attack, and the defensive players couldn't keep up.

Because it is useless for them to defend a tie, they can only attack aggressively.

For the Hua Guo team, such a game is exactly what they want.

As a Central Asian team, Uzbekistan still has a certain advantage in height and physique. Uzbekistan can get some good opportunities when it comes to the routine of crossing from the wing and the ball in the air.

Even if the Hua Guo team plays a defensive counterattack, it is useless. If they can't stop them, they will always be caught by the opponent.

But there is a problem, that is, Uzbekistan players have advantages in height and physique, but jumping is not necessarily the case.

Li Weifeng, Wang Xiao, Zheng Zhi, Zhou Haibing and others are good at bouncing and heading.Even if the Uzbekistan player grabs the first point, it is difficult to hit a high-quality header.

In the 22nd minute, Uzbekistan once played a threatening cross from the wing, and their striker Gilnik grabbed the first point in the penalty area and shook his head to attack the goal.

This ball is close to the goal and is very threatening.

However, under the personal interference of Li Weifeng, Gilnik did not hit the ball within the range of the goal frame, but missed the post, rubbed the post and flew out of the baseline.

The home fans in the stands immediately let out a tidy sigh, regretting that the ball did not go further.

In the 27th minute, Uzbekistan got a free kick from the front side.

This free kick was not suitable for a direct shot, and the penalty kicker hoisted the ball into the penalty area. It was Uzbekistan striker Ansukik who grabbed the first point and completed the header.

However, this time, just like Gilnik's header, under the interference of the defender of the Hua Guo team, although he pushed out with strength, he did not hit the angle and was easily confiscated by goalkeeper Song Zhenyu.

Speaking of which, as the bottom-ranked team in the group, Uzbekistan's explosive attack power in this game is still very impressive.

Perhaps it is the pressure of the bottom of the current points group that gives the players more motivation.

In addition, the advantage of playing at home also allows the players to perform very well, frequently posing a threat to the goal of the Chinese team.

Speaking of it, the strength of the Hua Guo team is similar to that of Uzbekistan. The current rankings of the two sides in FIFA are almost the same, and the rankings in Asia are even closer.

The pressure at the bottom of the group broke out. Considering Uzbekistan's home game, it was not incomprehensible that the opponent was playing against the Hua Guo team, scored the first goal, and frequently threatened the Hua Guo team's goal.

Judging from the performance of the Uzbekistan team during the start of the game, without Jiang Xiaolin, it would not be surprising for the Hua Guo team to lose to Uzbekistan by a large margin in this game.

But the decisive factor was Jiang Xiaolin.

Because of Jiang Xiaolin's existence, Uzbekistan still did not dare to completely suppress the attack even though it already had the mentality of "doing nothing or succeeding".

At least, the two central defenders dare not cross the center line to participate in the attack without authorization.

The same goes for the two full-backs. Even if they can get an assist, at most one person can take turns. The other person must stay behind to help defend and prevent the Hua Guo team from counterattacking.

As for the defensive midfielders and forwards, although the main focus is on offense, once the ball is lost, they must return to defense with all their strength.

As a result, sometimes Uzbekistan was unable to go all out when attacking, and some players were still in the backcourt and failed to run to the front to participate in the attack.

Coupled with the gap in shooting and heading skills of the frontcourt players, even if they get a chance to shoot, they are not as high as Jiang Xiaolin's hit rate on the frame, and they cannot be compared with Jiang Xiaolin's tricky shooting angle.

This is why Uzbekistan's offensive in the first half hour seemed to have been massive, but it always failed to score with last-minute shots.

On the other hand, for the Hua Guo team, the overall number of counterattacks must be lower than the number of Uzbekistan attacks.

However, the counterattack quality of the Hua Guo team is higher than that of Uzbekistan.

In the 20th minute, when Jiang Xiaolin was blocked with the ball and unable to break through, he suddenly passed a kick through the crotch, passing the ball from the crotch of an Uzbek defender who intercepted him, to the At the feet of teammate Huang Bowen.

It's just that Huang Bowen finally hit the ball a little more squarely under the interference of the opponent's returning player, and was thrown by the goalkeeper Yun.

But the threat of this ball is still very large.

After several counterattacks that ultimately failed to result in a goal, the Huaguo team finally launched a successful positional attack.

The attack was initiated by goalkeeper Song Zhenyu.

In the 31st minute, Uzbekistan's offense failed to pass into the penalty area to pose a threat. In the end, an impatient midfielder shot a long shot from outside the penalty area and fired an anti-aircraft gun.

Then, when goalkeeper Song Zhenyu made a goal kick, most of the people on both sides moved to Uzbekistan's half, waiting for Song Zhenyu to make a goal kick.

This time Song Zhenyu didn't pass the ball from the backcourt to attack slowly, but directly looked for Jiang Xiaolin's position and kicked out.

And this time Song Zhenyu's big foot was also lucky, it didn't drive small, it didn't drive too big, and it didn't drive crookedly, it happened to be near Jiang Xiaolin.

As a matter of course, Jiang Xiaolin used his speed, physique, and grabbing ability to successfully seize the first landing point, and then took the ball off the shoulders of the opponent's two players. Shao Jiayi.

This attack was not a counterattack, but a positional attack initiated by Song Zhenyu's goal kick, so there was no situation where no one was marking Shao Jiayi.

Uzbekistan midfielder Yamedamien stepped forward to intercept Shao Jiayi.

But Shao Jiayi is one of the best avant-garde players in China. From Munich 1860 to Cottbus, he has been in German football for 7 years, and his skills are very good.

If it weren't for being limited by the problem of always being hurt, Shao Jiayi's achievements would be even higher.

Facing Yamedamien's interception this time, Shao Jiayi did not stop to transfer the ball, but boldly used technology to break through the opponent.

Yamedamien thought that Shao Jiayi would transfer the ball under his defense, but was a little caught off guard by Shao Jiayi's breakthrough, and was broken through by Shao Jiayi's fake move by Matthews.

Although he immediately turned around and chased after him, he was always stuck behind by Shao Jia's hand, half a body behind Shao Jia, unable to form a steal.

While holding Yamedamien, he dribbled the ball forward on the wing. About 20 meters away from the baseline, Shao Jia faced Uzbekistan full-back Danisov, and the midfielder Huang Bowen who came to meet him. Made a two-for-one hit-the-wall fit.

Without the ball, Shao Jiayi accelerated his sprint, and temporarily left Yame Damien and defender Danisov behind him, and received the ball from Huang Bowen after hitting the wall with the cooperation of Danisov.

Although Yamedamien and Danisov immediately chased up and tried to interfere with Shao Jiayi's cross, Shao Jiayi didn't give them a chance.

After receiving Huang Bowen's pass, Shao Jiayi just took two steps to adjust the ball, looked up at the situation in the middle, and kicked the pass.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolin had rushed into the penalty area in good time, and Shao Jiayi's pass was aimed at Jiang Xiaolin.

Of course, in the actual game, especially when encountering this kind of positional attack, the opponent's penalty area is absolutely ready, and a dangerous player like Jiang Xiaolin will not be allowed to stand in a fixed place and get a chance to compete for a header.

No matter how strong Jiang Xiaolin is, he is only one person.

If Jiang Xiaolin is surrounded by two or three opponents, some will fight for the top and others will pull, it will be very difficult for Jiang Xiaolin to grab the ball.

This is also the reason why Jiang Xiaolin can't grab the first point every time he takes a corner kick or a cross from his teammate and becomes a threat.

Therefore, in order to successfully compete for the top in the penalty area when the opponent is ready, it is necessary to use Jiang Xiaolin's ability to run without the ball and grab points in sports battles, and to get rid of some defensive players in order to grab the ball.

It was the same this time, Shao Jiayi's pass was not directly in front of Jiang Xiaolin's running position, but slightly forward, in the area between the corner of the small penalty area and the line of the large penalty area.

This is an offensive routine that has been practiced in training.

But to compete successfully, several conditions must be met at the same time.

On the one hand, Jiang Xiaolin's running position needs to achieve the unexpected effect, be able to shake off some or all defensive players, grab the ball in the gap and form a header.

On the other hand, Shao Jiayi's passing skills must be in place, and he must be able to pass good balls that match Jiang Xiaolin's height and bounce.

Otherwise, if you are short, you will be destroyed by the opponent's front player, and if you are tall, you will fall behind.In addition, you can't fall behind, let alone get close to the goal.

If it is close to the goal, it may be destroyed or directly confiscated by the goalkeeper.

A goalkeeper who can use his hands in the penalty area can naturally control the ball at a higher height than Jiang Xiaolin, even if Jiang Xiaolin can't bounce at full value.

In other words, even if Jiang Xiaolin's off-ball running position, speed, physique, and ability to grab points are top-notch, there is no guarantee that every attack of the team will be effective, and every cross from his teammates will be grabbed by Jiang Xiaolin.

Still has a certain luck in nature.

In fact, Shao Jiayi and Jiang Xiaolin did not have a good understanding.

After all, due to long-term injuries, Shao Jiayi and Jiang Xiaolin's best joint training in this top ten match has only been training together for a few days, and the tacit understanding of passing and running has not yet reached a good level.

This is also the reason why Shao Jia failed to catch the pass by Jiang Xiaolin several times before.

Either the pass was not in place, or the cooperation with Jiang Xiaolin was not in place.

But this time, the two sides played a high-quality offense with a cross from the wing.

Although there were three defenders staring at Jiang Xiaolin in the penalty area of ​​Uzbekistan, and other people have been paying attention to the defense to prevent Jiang Xiaolin's movement.

But sometimes it is so helpless on the football field-intentional and powerless.

Even if you make up your mind to keep an eye on someone, but the other party is too strong, you can't do it even if you want to.Otherwise, superstars would not be so sought after.

The role of the superstar is to break through the opponent's defense at critical moments and get a chance to shoot.

And this time the Hua Guo team attacked, Jiang Xiaolin played the role of a superstar.

He first snatched goalkeeper Song Zhenyu's big goal kick for the top and ferried the header to Shao Jiayi, then quickly rushed into the penalty area, using his off-ball movement and sudden change of direction to throw away the two defenders, Then he turned forward and leaped high before the Uzbekistan players could react, overwhelming the only defender Ainumov who was competing with him for the top, and grabbed the ball from Shao Jia's side pass. And a powerful header, the ball headed towards Uzbekistan's goal.

As I said earlier, whether it was Shao Jiayi's cross or Jiang Xiaolin's steal, this attack was perfectly performed and cooperated with each other tacitly.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin's header was also quite beautiful.

The speed of Shao Jiayi's pass and the speed of Jiang Xiaolin's header made the ball very powerful and naturally very fast.

More importantly, Jiang Xiaolin's full-scale jumping and heading skills allowed him to forcibly head out of an angle even in the process of competing with the opponent's defender Ainumov in the air.

Although it is not a blind spot, it is also very tricky.

If it was a shot from outside the penalty area, goalkeeper Nestalov might still be able to save it.

But it was a header from inside the penalty area, powerful, fast, and very short.

Therefore, even though the goalkeeper Nestalov had made a shift judgment based on Jiang Xiaolin's running position and made a timely saving action, he still failed to stop Jiang Xiaolin's header in the end.

Amid the huge boos and desperate eyes of the Uzbekistan fans, the ball flew into the goal diagonally above Nestalov's outstretched palm.

In the 31st minute, the Huaguo team completed an efficient and concise attack. Shao Jiayi assisted Jiang Xiaolin to score twice, helping the Huaguo team reverse the score 2-1 and gain the lead.

In this attack, the ball scored quite quickly.

The ball only passed through the goalkeeper, Jiang Xiaolin, Shao Jiayi, and Jiang Xiaolin three times before hitting the goal of Uzbekistan. It was called lightning, and some people felt that they hadn't reacted yet. The goal kick flew into Uzbekistan's goal.

But if you enter, you will enter, which cannot be questioned.

When the referee pointed to the middle circle and blew the whistle that the goal was valid, the commentator of the Huaguo National TV Sports Channel on the commentary stand jumped up from the commentary stand and shouted excitedly:
"The ball is in!"

"The ball is in, it's in, it's in, it's in..."

"Jiang Xiaolin scored twice and the Hua Guo team took a 2-1 lead!"

"Beautiful header, smooth attack, this attack is really exciting!"

"The ball was launched from the goalkeeper with a big kick. After only three passes, the ball was sent to the goal of Uzbekistan!"

"Jiang Xiaolin's scoring efficiency is so amazing that no one can match it! He is worthy of being a scoring machine who can score 52 Eredivisie goals in a single season, the king of efficiency, and the existence of rivaling the king of football Pele."

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