God of Greenery

Chapter 4 The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals

According to the biology teacher, apart from the fact that his hair grows too much and looks unattractive, Jiang Xiaolin's extraordinary physical fitness is actually very likely due to the benefits of returning to his ancestors.

Primitives survived by hunting, and to fight all kinds of wild beasts in the wild, they naturally needed superhuman physical fitness in all aspects.

The average life expectancy of primitive people is not because their physical fitness is lower than that of modern people, but because the living environment of primitive society is too harsh.

On the contrary, the living environment of modern people is becoming more and more comfortable. In addition to the more and more developed brains, the physical fitness is actually deteriorating and getting worse.

Why are blacks the best overall in modern sports, followed by whites and yellows the worst?
It is because the living environment of black people has been the worst and worst since ancient times, and they have retained the most primitive human genes in order to hunt and survive.

On the other hand, the people of the yellow race represented by Huaguo have the most developed agricultural civilization and the most comfortable life on the whole, so they retain fewer primitive genes.

Therefore, apart from having more hair, Jiang Xiaolin's genetic return to his ancestors has gained too many benefits in terms of physical fitness.

With the authoritative explanation from the biology teacher, the students no longer discriminated against Jiang Xiaolin, and some even envied his body.

Jiang Xiaolin also liked sports more, and won unanimous praise from everyone in football, and his reputation spread outside the school. He occasionally received invitations from some amateur teams to play amateur games as a foreign aid.

During the summer vacation this year, Jiang Xiaolin was invited by a local winery to play a friendly match with a team from an enterprise in another county.

Even in the match against adults, Jiang Xiaolin did not lose the wind in the slightest. He still scored two goals and had an assist in that match. He was the youngest but best player in that friendly match.

As a result, as soon as the match was over, someone approached Jiang Xiaolin, claiming that he was a part-time scout for several European professional football clubs in Huaguo.

He highly praised Jiang Xiaolin, saying that Jiang Xiaolin is a once-in-a-century football genius. With his body and speed, it would be a waste of money not to play professional football.

The scout said that he could introduce Jiang Xiaolin to play football abroad and guarantee that Jiang Xiaolin could be sent to one of the clubs where he worked part-time. It is a hundred times better to come out to work.

How can Jiang Xiaolin, who is only 16 years old, has a single parent, a poor family, and is unable to study but is eager to stand out?

So, I took the so-called scout home to persuade my mother to go.

Although Jiang Xiaolin's mother, Jiang Liantao, was a little skeptical, she was just an ordinary vegetable vendor from a mountain village with little experience and knowledge.

Thinking that my son is not good at studying, it is very difficult to get into an ordinary university.If you can play football and become famous, becoming a professional player is actually a good way out.

Of course, the fake scout's eloquence and all kinds of deceitful fake documents also played an important role, which was quite deceptive. Neither Jiang Liantao nor Jiang Xiaolin saw any flaws.

So, under the persuasion of the liar, Jiang Liantao took out the more than 4 savings she had earned from selling vegetables for ten years, which she planned to leave for Jiang Xiaolin's marriage, and borrowed a few thousand from her friends to make up 5 for Jiang Xiaolin The cost of going abroad is RMB [-], including agency fees for scouts, trial training fees, air tickets, board and lodging, etc.

Then Jiang Xiaolin and the liar boarded the plane to Holland.

As a result, when the two got off the plane in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the liar disappeared on the excuse of going to the toilet.

Jiang Xiaolin's money was also taken away by the scammers.In addition, he was speechless and had little knowledge, so he could only be a vagrant beggar, begging hard in Amsterdam to survive.

Fortunately, within a few days, he met the kind-hearted Chinese restaurant owner Song Zhicheng, was taken to Chinatown, and survived by cleaning dishes in the restaurant.

Later, after hearing Jiang Xiaolin's experience of being cheated, Song Zhicheng, the boss who is an Ajax fan himself, took him to the youth training camp of Ajax in the Eredivisie for a trial training.

Before going to Ajax, Jiang Xiaolin was full of confidence, thinking that even if he had some shortcomings, joining the Ajax youth training camp should be no problem.

You know, he is a well-known football player in his hometown and county!
During the trial training, Jiang Xiaolin passed the physical test smoothly, but when he was allowed to participate in the training match, he suffered an unprecedented blow.

Because he did not have any youth training experience in professional teams before, Jiang Xiaolin was assigned to the U11 echelon to participate in the training match.

With a height of 182cm and a weight of 80kg, Jiang Xiaolin stands out from the crowd on the U11 training ground. He thinks that he will easily kill a lot of children, and he still imagines how many goals he can score before going on the field.

As a result, throughout the first half, Jiang Xiaolin ran after the ball like a headless chicken, but barely touched the ball.

The opponent's defenders can walk him like a monkey, and even break through him directly.

Occasionally he ran out of space and a teammate passed the ball. He stopped a little farther and was cut off by the opposing player.

Even if you hold the ball, you can't take three steps, and you will definitely be stabbed away by the opposing player.

There was a shot, and he also hit the plane under the interference of the opponent.

There is a saying on the Internet, "Don't use your hobbies to challenge others' ability to eat".

This trial training gave Jiang Xiaolin a deep understanding of this sentence, and he fully realized the gap between Huaguo county-level amateur players and Dutch giants-level youth training players, as well as the difference between amateur and professional.

Jiang Xiaolin's trial training at Ajax ended in failure as a matter of course, and he was declared out after only half of the training match.

Although his physical fitness is very good, Jiang Xiaolin, who has reached the age of 16 without any professional training, made Ajax's youth training coaches see no future for him.

Can't let him join the U7 echelon and learn from scratch?
Even if they agreed, Jiang Xiaolin himself couldn't afford to lose that face.

Later, Song Zhicheng did not take Jiang Xiaolin to a professional team for trial training, but to an amateur team in Amsterdam for trial training.

However, even if they are both amateurs, the level of Huaguo county-level amateur players is still far from the level of players participating in the Dutch regular amateur league.

From the Dutch Amateur Super League to Amateur A, B, C, and D, Song Zhicheng led Jiang Xiaolin to try out six or seven amateur teams, and finally let Jiang Xiaolin join with his personal friendship with Van De Nuo Purmes.

But as a world-renowned football powerhouse, even in the D-level amateur league in the Netherlands, the competition intensity and technical and tactical level are still much better than the friendly amateur matches that Jiang Xiaolin participated in in China.

You must know that there are two levels below the D-level amateur league, and the D-level is not a completely bottom league.

Joining Puermes for more than two months, played four or five games, Jiang Xiaolin didn't even have a goal or an assist.

No matter how bad luck is, this kind of performance is really unjustifiable.

Now that Jiang Xiaolin has finally scored his first goal, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief and not worry about being fired by Van De Nuo.

As for the future, with the system plug-in in hand, Jiang Xiaolin believes that his performance will only get better and better, and eventually he will be able to play in a real professional league, making his mother proud of him.

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