God of Greenery

Chapter 351 Free Kick

When Jiang Xiaolin comprehended and adapted to the different game rhythms of the UEFA Cup and the Eredivisie League, he showed the Tottenham Hotspur players his terrifying efficiency of scoring 8 goals in the previous 23 games.

Less than 5 minutes into the second half, Jiang Xiaolin suddenly made a false shot from the front of the penalty area, which caused the Tottenham defenders to block his shot path nervously, but Jiang Xiaolin made a false move and kicked A wonderful pass delivered the ball to the penalty area two or three meters to the left of the penalty spot.

Left midfielder Simon Poulsen came in from the wing and volleyed the ball towards Tottenham's goal before the Tottenham full-back cleared.

If it weren't for Gomez's outstanding performance this time, he made a save at the first time and saved the ball out of the bottom line, Alkmaar might have to reverse the score and take a 2-1 lead.

In the ensuing corner kicks, both sides failed to grab the first point, and the ball fell into the penalty area, causing chaos, and even players on both sides fell to the ground.

However, due to the sensitivity in the penalty area, the referee did not blow his whistle, and finally the ball was kicked out of the penalty area by Tottenham's defender to clear the siege.

Although this wave of offense did not score, it still made Tottenham players, coaches and fans feel nervous.

This scene, like the last few minutes of the first half, made Tottenham feel much more threatening than in the first half of the first half.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolin's more and more relaxed performance after scoring a goal, many Tottenham people had a premonition that this game might be a bit difficult.

In fact, the subsequent game let them know that this game against the Eredivisie, the second league, is not difficult, but quite difficult.

Not a while after the last wave of attack, in the 52nd minute, Alkmaar launched another attack from the side. Forward Hamdoy changed positions and pulled the side, and then dribbled the ball near the bottom line to get out of the gap. cross.

Jiang Xiaolin took the lead on the line of the small penalty area and almost hit the ball.

If Jiang Xiaolin is allowed to head the ball, with Jiang Xiaolin's header technique, there is a high probability that it will fly into the goal from such a short distance.

Fortunately, the two central defenders around Jiang Xiaolin, Jonathan Woodgate and Ledley King, pulled together, so that Jiang Xiaolin could not jump to the highest point, and finally failed to reach the ball, and the ball flew to his scalp. After the point, he was finally kicked out of the penalty area by Tottenham's defender to clear the siege.

Under the leadership of Jiang Xiaolin, Alkmaar launched a long-term oppressive attack on Tottenham after the opening of the second half.

It wasn't until the 57th minute that Tottenham launched their first threatening counter-attack of the second half, again with Gareth Bale cutting past two Alkmaar players with pace and technique from the wing, and then Bottom cross.

Pavlyuchenko rushed into the penalty area and almost succeeded in grabbing a point. Fortunately, the goalkeeper Romero made a decisive attack. With his height and the advantage of being able to catch the ball with his hands, he jumped up and punched the ball on top of Pavlyuchenko's head. The defensive Alkmaar players took control and lifted Tottenham's counterattack crisis this time.

Then, it became a situation where Alkmaar was pressing down on Tottenham.

When there are more offenses, even if there is no goal, there will be more free kick opportunities.

Of course, not every free kick is suitable for shooting.

But sometimes, the football field changes rapidly. Even if the Tottenham players know that Jiang Xiaolin's free kick skills are at the peak, and he cannot easily give him a free kick at the front of the penalty area, he can't help but foul for defense.

Marten Martens is the core of Alkmaar's organization, and his skills are naturally very good.

Although individual skills such as deep-fried balls and crotch piercing are not as superb as the full-value Jiang Xiaolin, but because he has more breakthrough skills than Jiang Xiaolin, sometimes he will dazzle the opponent, and he can't help fouling in a panic , There is no time to consider whether this foul will give Alkmaar a chance to shoot in an excellent position.

In the 64th minute, Marten Martens used a sudden pass to win Alkmaar an excellent free kick from the left side of the front of the penalty area.

At that time, it was David Mendes who was inserted in the back row who was holding the ball. He went to the frontcourt to help his teammates pass and transfer the ball.

When he received the ball from the wide midfielder Styne Schals from the right wing, Maarten Martens in the front center suddenly threw away the Tottenham midfielder Didier Zokola who was marking him, and went towards the goal. A run to the left opened up a gap.

Seeing this, David Mendes did not hesitate, and directly passed the ball with a low kick and sent it to Martens.

As Alkmaar's playmaker, Martens is naturally Tottenham's main target, and no one will miss Jiang Xiaolin and him.

Therefore, although his sudden lateral movement just now gave him a gap to receive the ball, Didier Zokola, who was thrown off by him, has turned around and rushed over, trying to block his route into the penalty area with the ball.

Moreover, Tottenham right forward Aaron Lennon, who was helping to defend nearby, saw Martens receiving the ball, and ran over to prepare to surround Martens with Zokola.

As long as Martens stops the ball for a while, not only his way to the penalty area may be blocked, but he may also be caught by two opponents.

He doesn't have Jiang Xiaolin's easy and freehand full-value dribbling skills, and he can't guarantee that the ball at his feet will not be poked away by his opponent.

Therefore, in the face of the ball passed by Mendes, Martens first made a fake action of catching the ball, which relaxed the vigilance of Zokola and Lennon, making them think that they could catch up with him and stop him, but did not do it. Make a dangerous shoveling move.

As a result, the moment the ball reached his feet, Martens raised his foot and passed the ball without stopping the ball at all.

Then he immediately turned around and chased after the ball.

This turn of the ball was beyond the expectations of Lennon and Zokola, and it was impossible for them to stop Martens.

Even the flying shovel couldn't shovel him.

Lennon is not a professional defensive player, so he subconsciously slowed down and handed over the task of intercepting and defending Martens to other teammates.

But Zokola did not give up, he immediately turned around and chased after Martens with gritted teeth.

Martens caught up with the ball and adjusted his pace as he dribbled forward, but couldn't go full speed.

Because the defender Kluka in the penalty area of ​​Tottenham stepped forward and blocked the way Martens was advancing, preventing him from advancing at full speed.

However, at the moment when the two sides approached, Martens stepped on two bicycles in a row with his skillful technique, shaking the nervous Kluka away a little, and then Martens threw the ball into the penalty area, trying to catch up Go up to finish a shot or cross an assist.

At this moment, Didier Zokola, who had already caught up, didn't know what was going on in his mind, so he stretched out his hand and pushed Marten Martens!
Martens, who had just finished riding his bicycle, was actually a little unstable in his center of gravity. Unexpectedly, Zokola behind him pushed directly, and his strength was not small.

Matens suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground, and the ball was naturally broken by Kluka.

But the referee's whistle blew and the referee fouled Didier Zokola for pushing behind him.

Zokola reflexively rushed to less than half a meter in front of the referee and shouted: "I didn't foul, this is just normal physical contact."

The saliva was sprayed on the referee's face.

This immediately annoyed the referee. Originally, he only punished Zokola for pushing the man and did not want to give a card, because Zokola's foul this time was not a bad one.

As a result, the foul action was not bad, but then rushed to the referee and sprayed the referee, which made the referee feel that his dignity and status of law enforcement had been challenged.

So, while reaching out his hand to block Zokola's approach, the referee reached out and took out a yellow card. He showed Zokola and gave him a yellow card.

Zokola was shocked and panicked when he was sentenced to a foul and gave his opponent a free kick with an excellent position and great threat. Now he was shown a yellow card by the referee, and he felt even more angry.

Zokola subconsciously approached the referee again, and questioned him again. Fortunately, the Tottenham teammate next to him quickly stopped him and pulled him away.

Otherwise, let Zokola continue to contradict the referee. If another yellow card is shown, two yellows turn into one red, and he is sent off directly, then Tottenham will lose.

You must know that although Zokola plays the midfielder position, he is actually an all-round midfielder with excellent offense and defense, and he is also very important to the defense.

Therefore, his teammates quickly pulled him away.

Although he made a mistake and gave Alkmaar a free kick, Jiang Xiaolin did not score [-]% from the free kick.

In this game, Jiang Xiaolin also took a free kick in the first half, but failed to score.

After Zokola was appeased by his teammates and pulled away, Jiang Xiaolin also came up and gave Martens a light high-five, expressing his appreciation for him.

The free kick created by Marten Martens is indeed very good in position and distance. It is just a little to the left of the arc top of the penalty area, facing the left goal post, about 23 meters away from the goal.

For Jiang Xiaolin, who is right-footed, this position is very comfortable no matter whether he is playing close or far corners, and the distance is just right. With Jiang Xiaolin's full-value arc, shooting, and long-range skills, he can hit it well. This free kick will definitely be very threatening.

That's why Jiang Xiaolin gave Martens a high-five in advance, as if celebrating in advance.

For this ball, Jiang Xiaolin has very high confidence.Not to mention 80%, he is [-]% sure that he can reach the dead corner and keep goalkeeper Gomez out of reach.

Tottenham players are also aware of the threat of Jiang Xiaolin's free kick. When Jiang Xiaolin placed the ball, goalkeeper Gomez was also directing his teammates to line up in the wall nervously, letting the tallest teammates shoot from the near corner It was tightly sealed.

Then, Gomez stood a little bit in the middle of the goal to prevent Jiang Xiaolin from hitting the far corner.

When both sides were almost ready, the referee blew the whistle for free throws.

Jiang Xiaolin raised his head to confirm the position of the goalkeeper Gomez, took a deep breath, let out a long breath, and then started to run up, preparing to hit the close corner.

As a result, just when Jiang Xiaolin took a few steps to run up, stood on his left foot, and was about to take a shot with his right foot to hit the upper left corner of the goal, he lowered his head to check the goalkeeper Gomez's position for the last time before shooting, but suddenly Goalkeeper Gomez was found moving to the left from the gap.

Gomez dives into the near corner early.

He guessed Jiang Xiaolin's intention to hit the close corner.

Jiang Xiaolin was shocked, this was the first time he saw the goalkeeper moving so early.

If he kicked the ball as originally planned, Gomez, who had accurately predicted and shifted in advance, would definitely be able to save the ball.

There was no other way, Jiang Xiaolin, who had already rounded his thigh, could only awkwardly adjust the position where he touched the ball, and instead of arcing, he volleyed the ball towards the far goal.

The ball goes up into the air, but it doesn't fly very high, it's a low and low ball.

Because it was a temporary change of style of play and route, Jiang Xiaolin didn't hit the ball with power, it was just an ordinary shot.

The ball neither arced nor went over the wall. Fortunately, the wall itself did not completely seal the goal, but left a short gap at the far goal.

The ball flew past the rib of Tom Huddlestone, the midfielder standing on the far right of the wall, and flew towards the goal.

Huddlestone, who jumped up and was about to hit a high-altitude curve ball, realized that Jiang Xiaolin was hitting a low-level ball after jumping up. He was shocked, but he couldn't move his body to block Jiang Xiaolin's attack when he was in the air. ball up.

The ball flew past him and headed towards the far end of Tottenham's goal.

Huddlestone hopes that his teammate and goalkeeper Gomez, who was guarding the far end before, will not move his position, so the ball is actually not a big threat.

However, when Huddlestone turned halfway in the air and awkwardly looked at the goal from the corner of his eyes, he found desperately that Gomez had already stood at the left end of the goal, froze on the goal line, and did not move.

Gomez was also rather desperate.

He knew that Jiang Xiaolin's free kick technique was very good, whether it was arc or shooting, he was the top in football, and he was very threatening.

In addition, the position and distance of the ball are very good, he can only make predictions and moves in advance.Otherwise, after Jiang Xiaolin kicked all the balls out and then made a save according to the path of the ball, it would be almost impossible to save.

Therefore, after guessing that Jiang Xiaolin would hit the near corner, Gomez moved before Jiang Xiaolin kicked the shot, preparing to move to the near end and then save Jiang Xiaolin's ball that hit the near corner.

Unexpectedly, he moved a little earlier and was discovered by Jiang Xiaolin.

And Jiang Xiaolin's foot flexibility is also amazing. He even forcibly changed the kicking position and route during the shooting process, and kicked the ball to the far corner.

Although Jiang Xiaolin forcibly changed the position of the ball and the way of shooting, the consequences of this period were that he lacked strength, speed, and angle.

Although the ball flew to the far end, the ball was not in a tricky way. It was neither an upper corner nor a lower corner, and there was no arc. m position.

If he hadn't moved his position just now, the ball would have been easy to throw.

But there are no ifs in the world.

Gomez, who moved to the near end in advance, found that Jiang Xiaolin's shot was going to the far end, and the ball was not very threatening. He judged that Jiang Xiaolin had temporarily changed the kicking position, but he still couldn't turn around and throw back.

It's not that I don't want to do it, but that I can't do it. The body does not allow Gomez to do this kind of action that is contrary to the laws of physics.

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