God of Greenery

Chapter 339

The skill of positioning is of little help to the offense. It can only block the opponent's pass or breakthrough route through the position when defending.

The higher the position attribute, the more critical the point and position of the card selection will be, and the more uncomfortable it will be for the other party.

Because Jiang Xiaolin was cruising near the center line before, ready to counterattack at any time, so the players of the Japanese team didn't feel much.

However, when Jiang Xiaolin took the initiative to retreat outside the penalty area to participate in the defense, the frontcourt players of the Japanese team felt a little uncomfortable.

Although Jiang Xiaolin participated in the defense a good number of times, and he didn't have any close-fitting presses or flying shovels, but he just moved slowly outside the penalty area and kept running, which paralyzed the Japanese team's frontcourt passing and cutting. part.

For example, in the 38th minute, Makoto Hasebe prepared to cross the middle after breaking through from the wing, and handed the ball to the midfielder Kengo Nakamura. It was up to Kengo Nakamura to decide whether to shoot or assist his teammates for pass scheduling.

According to the usual tactical training, Nakamura Kengo should run out of the gap to meet him at this time.

As a result, Makoto Hasebe raised his head to confirm the position of Kengo Nakamura, and when he wanted to pass the ball, he found Jiang Xiaolin running from the midfield.

Although it didn't directly block the ball path between him and Nakamura Kengo, the distance was quite close.

As long as he dared to pass the ball, Jiang Xiaolin could stop the ball with one step.

Helpless, Hasebe Makoto could only continue to control the ball at his feet, trying to wait a while before passing.

The result was the delay, which caused him to be flanked back and forth by Yuan Weiwei and Hao Junmin of the Hua Guo team, and then Yuan Weiwei poked his ball away with one kick.

The attack failed.

Of course, the counterattack of the Hua Guo team failed, and soon the ball fell to the feet of the Japanese team, and the Japanese team continued to attack.

Jiang Xiaolin's statistics after running to the backcourt to participate in the defense were not impressive. There were no tackles, no pressing, no successful steals, but it made the Japanese team's offensive speed and efficiency drop by a notch, making it even more difficult. It has threatened the penalty area and goal of the Chinese team.

Moreover, sometimes, if the opponent is not paying attention, it is easy to pass the ball directly to Jiang Xiaolin's feet.

In the 43rd minute, Keiji Tamada of the Japanese team staged such a play.

Because Keiji Yutian was a striker, he was more active in the penalty area, and he was a little far away from Jiang Xiaolin's position. He didn't have an intuitive feeling about the threat of Jiang Xiaolin's positioning skills, and he didn't take it to heart.

In his opinion, Jiang Xiaolin was just a wooden man when he returned to the outside of the penalty area to help defend, and could hardly do much.

Therefore, in the 43rd minute, when he cooperated with his teammates in passing and cutting and trying to tear apart the Hua Guo team's defense, Yutian Keiji first received a cross from the wide midfielder Daisuke Matsui in the ribs of the penalty area with his back to the goal.

However, Yutian Keiji couldn't turn around because there were players from the Huaguo team defending closely behind him.

Therefore, he passed the ball to Kengo Nakamura outside the penalty area.

After passing the ball, he also withdrew from the penalty area to meet Kengo Nakamura, and observed the running position of teammate Makoto Hasebe on the side, and prepared to pass the ball to Hasebe if Kengo Nakamura passed the ball to him. Cheng, let Makoto Hasebe see from the side if he can tear through the Hua Guo team's defense.

The next moment, when Yutian Keiji withdrew from outside the penalty area, Nakamura Kengo passed the ball back under the pressure of Hua Guo's midfielder Zheng Zhi.

At this time, Keiji Tamada was staring at the ball passed by Keno Nakamura, and did not look at Makoto Hasebe on the wing.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin, under the dominance of full-value positioning skills, instinctively and quietly inserted to the side, ready to intercept the ball passed by Keiji Tamada to Makoto Hasebe.

Of course, he didn't directly block the ball between the two, that would be too obvious, and any fool would know that he couldn't pass.

Under the premise of predicting the timing of the opponent's pass and the highest speed he can explode, Jiang Xiaolin stood in a position that can just intercept the opponent's possible pass.

Therefore, Keiji Tamada, who received the pass from Kengo Nakamura, just turned his head and glanced at Makoto Hasebe's position from the corner of his eyes before another midfielder Zhou Haibing of the Huaguo team ran over to press the ball, and passed the ball with one kick. past.

As a result, the moment he kicked the ball out, he realized that a figure of the Hua Guo team suddenly jumped out from the side and got stuck in the path between him and Makoto Hasebe.

But at this time he could no longer retract the kicked foot.

The ball was kicked out by him, and then Jiang Xiaolin snatched it up and intercepted it easily.

Jiang Xiaolin who got the ball immediately turned around and rushed towards the Japanese team's half with the ball.

Yutian Keiji's face changed drastically, and he rushed towards a flying shovel diagonally, trying to stop Jiang Xiaolin's counterattack, but Jiang Xiaolin just waded the ball out, and then jumped up easily to avoid Yutian Keiji's flying shovel, carrying the ball Go away.

All the members of the entire Japanese team couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and returned to defense one after another.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's speed has soared, and the only one standing in front of him is Yuichi Komano, the left back of the Japanese team.

Koma Yeyou retreated and stuck in defense, trying to stop Jiang Xiaolin's speed and dribbling.

However, Jiang Xiaolin just passed the ball with a simple man in the process of advancing, and he waded the ball from Yuichi Komano's inside line, and then he himself passed Yuichi Komano from the outside line.

Yuichi Komano also tried to turn around and pull Jiang Xiaolin down, ending Jiang Xiaolin's counterattack with a tactical foul.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's perfect physique and balance ability made Komano Yuichi's calculation come to an end.

Although he grabbed Jiang Xiaolin's hand, he was thrown away by Jiang Xiaolin in an instant, causing him to lose his center of gravity and fall to the ground.

Jiang Xiaolin quickly caught up with the ball and rushed towards the Japanese team's half from the wing with the ball.

As a striker and the main force of the Huaguo team's counterattack, Jiang Xiaolin suddenly ran to the backcourt and successfully intercepted midway this time. It was so unexpected that even Japan's midfielder Endo Yasuhito couldn't keep up with his rhythm.

When Jiang Xiaolin broke through Komano Yuichi, crossed the center line, and entered the Japanese team's half, Endo Yasuhito was already behind Jiang Xiaolin.

Fortunately, the two central defenders of the Japanese team Tori Wang Tanaka and Shuhei Terada did not lose their positions and were always on guard against the Hua Guo team's counterattack.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolin intercept the ball and counterattack, the two quickly retreated, and tried their best to get stuck in the route where Jiang Xiaolin might cut in to shoot.

However, Jiang Xiaolin did not cut inside after passing the center line.

He fully displayed his full speed. After breaking through the opponent's full-back Yuichi Komano and no one intercepted or defended from the side, he kicked the ball far away every time he took the ball, and then he played the ball at the fastest speed speed to catch up.

This way of dribbling forward is very exciting under Jiang Xiaolin's full speed bonus.

Without running diagonally and cutting in, even with the ball, the speed is faster than the two central defenders of the Japanese team.

Jiang Xiaolin quickly passed the last back line of the Japanese team formed by Tori Wang Tanaka and Shuhei Terada at a distance of about 30 meters from the bottom line.

Then Jiang Xiaolin began to slowly adjust his route, and ran inward with the ball towards the corner of the penalty area.

Left Zhongwei Sitian Zhouping could only desperately return to defense, and leaned a little in the direction of Jiang Xiaolin's inward cut, trying to rush to stop Jiang Xiaolin's route into the penalty area.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's speed was too fast.At the corner of the penalty area, Jiang Xiaolin took the ball and passed Zhou Ping Terada.

Terada Shuping tried to throw his whole body out, and intercepted Jiang Xiaolin with a flying shovel, but failed. He could only fall to the ground and watch Jiang Xiaolin dribble the ball into the penalty area.

Jiang Xiaolin rushed into the penalty area with the ball from the left corner of the big penalty area. Goalkeeper Nobu Kawaguchi attacked to the corner of the small penalty area, ready to attack Jiang Xiaolin's shot.

Another central defender, Tori Wang Tanaka, was not thrown away by Jiang Xiaolin because he returned to the defense in a straight line. He also returned to the penalty spot in the penalty area.

If Jiang Xiaolin tried to dodge the goalkeeper and cut in the middle to shoot again, King Douri Tanaka would have a chance to stop Jiang Xiaolin or interfere with his shot.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's shooting skills made it unnecessary for him to be so troublesome.

When Jiang Xiaolin dribbled the ball into the penalty area and observed the goalkeeper's position, he had already seen Nouka Kawaguchi lowering his center of gravity and spreading his legs.

Therefore, when approaching Kawaguchi Nenghuo, Jiang Xiaolin did not stop and adjust, nor did he try to smash the ball in the middle. Instead, he directly poked the ball with his toes while running, and poked the ball between Kawaguchi Nenghuo's legs. past.

Because Jiang Xiaolin made a sudden kick while running, and did not swing his thigh to volley, so the shot was very sudden, which caused Noho Kawaguchi's reaction to be a step slower.

After he saw Jiang Xiaolin poke the ball out, he realized that Jiang Xiaolin had already shot. Subconsciously, he closed his legs and sat down *, trying to make a final struggle to stop the opponent's shot.

However, it was all in vain as the ball slipped between his legs and into the goal behind him before he sat down.

In the 43rd minute of the first half, Jiang Xiaolin stopped the ball passed by Keiji Tamada to Makoto Hasebe through an unexpected position in the backcourt. The penalty area faces the goalkeeper and shoots through the crotch.

At the same time as he scored twice, Jiang Xiaolin increased the Hua Guo team's goals to two, and the Hua Guo team led the Japanese team 2-0.

In fact, when Jiang Xiaolin finished cutting off the backcourt and dribbled the ball towards the Japanese team's half, many people, whether it was the commentators in the commentary booth or the Huaguo fans in the stands, had already stood up.

As long as Jiang Xiaolin counterattacks with the ball, everyone will feel very excited.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin did not disappoint everyone this time. He used his own speed to directly pass the entire defense line of the Japanese team, and then went into the penalty area to score a goal.

And still wear a crotch for the goalkeeper.

Under Zhang Xiaolin's extreme hurricane speed, everyone watched the adrenaline surge and was very excited.

So, when the ball finally entered the goal of the Japanese team, the entire football field of Tianhe Sports Center exploded in an instant, and everyone applauded and screamed wildly in celebration.

The Huaguo commentator in the commentary booth also roared with the loudest voice:
"The ball has gone in! The ball has gone in! The ball has gone in..."

"Jiang Xiaolin scored again!"

"Scorers scored twice, Jiang Xiaolin scored twice, helping the Chinese team lead the Japanese team 2-0!"

"It's too strong! Jiang Xiaolin's counterattack speed made it impossible for the Japanese team to stop them. They could only watch Jiang Xiaolin score a goal!"

The commentator excitedly conveyed the good news that Jiang Xiaolin scored twice and helped the Huaguo team lead the Japanese team 2-0 to countless Huaguo fans and audience in front of the TV. The fans and audience in front of the TV were also very excited and excited.

It's so rare!
Facing a top Asian team like the Japanese team, the Huaguo team was able to take a 2-0 lead in the first half. This is a scene that Huaguo fans have not seen for a long time?
Especially since Jiang Xiaolin missed the three rounds of the top ten matches, so that the Hua Guo team could only rank third in the group, and did not enter the ranks of the top two qualifying groups.

Jiang Xiaolin scored twice, and it is possible to lead the Huaguo team to defeat Japan, reverse and overtake their opponents, and become the second place in the standings, so everyone feels even more happy.

You must know that the top two will be able to directly qualify for the World Cup in South Africa.

If they can qualify for the World Cup in South Africa this time, everyone believes that under the leadership of Jiang Xiaolin, it is absolutely impossible for the Hua Guo team to score a goal and lose a game in the group stage.

Therefore, whether it was the scene or the fans in front of the TV, they all celebrated vigorously. Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates on the court were also very excited and celebrated fiercely for a long time.

In the end, the Hua Guo team's celebration lasted for more than half a minute, and then the referee intervened to end it under the protests of the Japanese team players.

At 1-0, the Japanese team may still have the fluke mentality of equalizing and reversing.

But when the score became 2-0, the players of the Japanese team became a little anxious.

It is easier to recover one ball, but it is very difficult to recover two balls.

Therefore, after the game restarted, the Japanese team's offensive rhythm became much faster, and it seemed that they wanted to score at least one goal before the end of the first half to get back a point.

But the Hua Guo team's defensive and counterattack tactics are not so easy to break through, and the Japanese team is not an offensive world giant like Brazil, Spain, Argentina, and the Netherlands.

They are only a little stronger in Asia, but they have nothing to do against the bus tactics of the Hua Guo team's full defense.

What's more, Jiang Xiaolin himself also retreated to the outside of the big penalty area to participate in the defense. Just like before, he used his full positioning skills to constantly interfere with the Japanese team's pass and cut cooperation, which made them feel very uncomfortable and their offensive efficiency was also low. a lot of.

Until the end of the first half, the Japanese team did not break through the Hua Guo team's defense, nor did it pose a threat to the Hua Guo team's goal.

In the 45th minute, striker Okubo Yoshito's only long-range shot from outside the penalty area did not hit the goal frame and flew high over the crossbar.

After 1 minute of stoppage time, the referee blew the whistle to end the first half. The two sides entered the intermission with a score of 2-0. The Hua Guo team, which was playing at home, temporarily led the Japanese team by two goals.

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