God of Greenery

Chapter 324 Van Gaal's Affirmation

This shot perfectly demonstrated Jiang Xiaolin's running position, speed and shooting skills. Although Heerenveen's players have been doing their best to defend, but the moment of negligence just now allowed Jiang Xiaolin to seize the opportunity and receive a pass from his teammates. Shot, and sent the ball into the goal with precision.

Jiang Xiaolin's ability is too perfect and too comprehensive.

After scoring this goal, Jiang Xiaolin has already scored in three consecutive games. No one is worried about whether his injury will recur or whether he will be able to return to his peak state.

Jiang Xiaolin like this is at his peak!

Alkmaar took a 2-1 lead away from home.

This score is even more fatal for Heerenveen, because they can no longer even defend with all their strength.

If they continue to defend with all their strength, even if they really defend the goal, it will be meaningless, because they are now behind in the score, and even if they keep this score until the end, they will lose.

Therefore, in the next game, Heerenveen could only try to counterattack.

And once they counterattack, someone will inevitably press up to participate in the attack, and the formation begins to become loose.Once the ball is intercepted by Alkmaar to form a counterattack, the possibility of Heerenveen losing the ball will be much greater than when he defended with all his strength before.

What's more, the shooting skills and scoring ability of Heerenveen players can't be compared with Jiang Xiaolin at all. Even if they want to counterattack, scoring goals is an extravagant hope.

Sure enough, in the 42nd minute, after two or three attacks, Heerenveen was finally hit by Alkmaar with a quick counterattack.

This is a ball that the midfielder David Mendes snatched from the opponent's front midfielder with a flying shovel, and there was no foul.

Then, Mendes passed the ball to the frontcourt. Although Heerenveen had two defenders to grab the ball with Jiang Xiaolin, Jiang Xiaolin still took the ball with his superior ability to grab points, and relied on himself to grab the ball. The full-value physique, jumping ability, and header ability successfully hit the ball, and accurately sent the ball to the feet of the teammate Hamdouyi who inserted it.

After completing the header ferry, Jiang Xiaolin, who landed on the ground, could run without the ball, throw off the marking players and rush into the penalty area.

Hamdoy was also defended, so he didn't try to pass people to delay the time, but passed the ball diagonally to the side.

Styne Shals, who was cutting in from the side at high speed, received a pass from Hamdoy, made a strong pass, and passed the Heerenveen full-back blocking in front of him with a human ball, and then Drive the ball to the baseline.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolin was about to run without the ball and rush into Heerenveen's penalty area, but in the penalty area, there was only one central defender of Heerenveen: everyone else was left behind by him.

So, after looking up at Jiang Xiaolin's running position, Searles did not continue to bottom, but made a long diagonal pass from a position about 20 meters away from the bottom line, and passed the ball into the penalty area.

The quality of Schals's pass was quite high, and it landed just in front of Jiang Xiaolin's running position.

Although the opponent's central defender occupied the landing point and took off to compete for the top, Jiang Xiaolin, relying on his sprint speed and better jumping ability, made a leap during the sprint and jumped to a height higher than that of Heerenveen's central defender. At a high height, he overwhelmed his opponent, followed the pass of Sarles with a header, and headed the ball towards Heerenveen's goal.

Although the central defender of Heerenveen, who was under Jiang Xiaolin's pressure, interfered with Jiang Xiaolin, Jiang Xiaolin's strong balance ability still allowed him to stabilize his figure in the air and completed the throw. He hit the goal with his head, and then lost his center of gravity and was pulled to the ground.

However, it was meaningless at this time, because the ball that Jiang Xiaolin pushed had already flown into the far corner of the goal.

The goalkeeper van den Bosch, who was defending at the close corner, saw the angle of the header, and didn't even make a save, but turned his head and watched the ball fly into the net.

Because this is a header in the penalty area, the distance is too close, even if it is saved, it is meaningless.

It's not even too late.

So in the end, van den Bosch did nothing but watch the ball go into the net.

Jiang Xiaolin helped Alkmaar to a 3-1 lead with two goals and one assist.

Such an opponent simply made all the players in Heerenveen feel desperate.

After Jiang Xiaolin and others celebrated for more than 20 seconds and the game restarted, the overall morale of the Heerenveen team seemed a bit sluggish, and they had no idea of ​​attacking again. Kemar got another chance to score.

After 1 minute of stoppage time, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the first half. The two sides entered the intermission with a score of 1-3. Alkmaar, who played away, led by two goals.

During the half-time break, Van Gaal praised the performance of the whole team, especially Jiang Xiaolin's initiative to withdraw from the penalty area, frequently changing positions with two full-backs to cut in and shoot from the side.

Van Gaal affirmed Jiang Xiaolin's move from the team level, thinking that this is a good tactic that is very suitable for Jiang Xiaolin and conducive to the team's victory.

In the future, the team will strengthen tactical training in this area. When Jiang Xiaolin can find an opportunity in the penalty area, he will enter the penalty area and wait for the opportunity to shoot.

If the opponent's defense in the penalty area is too tight, they will take the initiative to withdraw from the penalty area and strengthen the long-range shots from outside the penalty area. Anyway, Jiang Xiaolin's strength and shooting skills, long-range shots are also very threatening.

If the area directly facing the goal outside the penalty area is also heavily defended by the opponent and cannot get a chance, then Jiang Xiaolin will switch positions with the two wingers. Either the winger breaks through and makes a pass, or the winger breaks through and cuts in to shoot. There is always an opportunity.

If the opponent really concentrates all his strength on marking Jiang Xiaolin alone, so that he really can't find a chance to shoot, then the opponent's other places will definitely be open at this time. Jiang Xiaolin only needs to use his superb passing skills Just send the ball to your teammates.

Just like he assisted Poconioli to score the first goal.

As long as you practice and use this set of tactics, according to Van Gaal, they will be the Eredivisie champion this season!

Van Gaal's tactical analysis in the locker room during the half-time break affirmed Jiang Xiaolin's approach and strengthened the execution of other teammates' tactics.

Everyone is ready to use it vigorously in the second half and win a big away game.

After a 15-minute break, the two sides changed sides and fought again.

Perhaps it was inspired by the words of the head coach during the halftime break. Heerenveen launched a sudden and aggressive attack at the beginning of the second half, trying to reproduce the sneak attack results in the opening stage of the first half.

However, Alkmaar was prepared this time, and naturally he would not allow Heerenveen to successfully attack again.

Although because of Jiang Xiaolin, Alkmaar's offense has attracted more attention.However, in fact, as the top team, Alkmaar's defense is also remarkable.

Although not the team with the least conceded goals so far, it can also be ranked in the top three with the fewest goals conceded.

At least, the number of goals conceded is much less than that of Heerenveen.

If Heerenveen wants to break through Alkmaar's goal, except for the sudden attack during the opening period, it is still difficult at other times.

This is the current situation. Although Heerenveen invested a lot of players to attack, they were still unable to break through Alkmaar's goal.

On the contrary, because the score was behind and had to take the initiative to attack, Heerenveen's backcourt exposed a large gap, just like a racetrack, ready for Jiang Xiaolin to gallop at any time.

Although Heerenveen left two central defenders and a defensive midfielder to defend Jiang Xiaolin and Hamdoy in the backcourt, the two fullbacks only provided assists in turn and always left one behind to assist in the defense, but it was of no avail.

Because Alkmaar's offensive ability is much better than that of the Huaguo Olympic team.

Not to mention the ability of the teammates in the backcourt to seize opportunities and pass the ball, Hamdoy's coordinated running position alone can share most of Jiang Xiaolin's pressure and provide Jiang Xiaolin with more and greater counterattack opportunities.

You know, before Jiang Xiaolin joined Alkmaar, Hamdoy was the team's top scorer.

Heerenveen dared to relax the defense against Hamdoy, and everyone concentrated their efforts to guard against Jiang Xiaolin alone?

Then, the result of Jiang Xiaolin and Hamdoy counterattacking at the same time is that they have more counterattack possibilities and make it more difficult for the opponent to defend.

In the second half of the game, after Heerenveen aggressively attacked for a few minutes but failed to score a goal, Alkmaar finally seized a counterattack opportunity.

This was Heerenveen's helpless long shot from outside the penalty area, and the ball was limply sent directly to goalkeeper Romero's arms.

Romero, who got it, did not throw the ball again because he found that it was too slow. The previous few throws failed to pass the midfield, and the ball was lost by the opponent's pressure.

This time Romero simply kicked the ball into the frontcourt and into Heerenveen's half.

With Jiang Xiaolin, a striker who is good at grabbing points and fighting for the top, it is a pity not to drive the ball to the frontcourt and let Jiang Xiaolin fight for the top.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaolin seized the spot where the ball landed with his keen ability to grab points, and then used his strong body to firmly occupy the spot. The two defenders of Heerenveen next to him couldn't push him away.

Of course, don't dare to push too hard, it will be a foul.

After Jiang Xiaolin occupied the landing point with his strong body, he grabbed the first point with his superior jumping and header ability, and ferried the ball to Hamdoy not far away.

Although Hamdoy was also closely guarded by an opponent's full-back, it was no problem to receive the ball.

After unloading the ball, Hamdoy didn't try to break through the full-backs who were closely marking him, because Jiang Xiaolin had already fallen to the ground and was about to run towards Heerenveen's big penalty area.

Therefore, Hamdoy didn't turn around at all, and directly passed the ball diagonally to the front of Jiang Xiaolin's running, letting Jiang Xiaolin chase.

Jiang Xiaolin really did not disappoint Hamdoy.

It started immediately after landing, and Jiang Xiaolin, who rushed to the frontcourt at the fastest speed, threw off the markers around him and rushed towards the ball passed by Hamdoi.

Although another Heerenveen's defensive midfielder, Mika, returned to the defense in time, followed the ball passed to Hamdoy and rushed over, preparing to clear the siege in advance.

Even, Mika's position was still in front of Jiang Xiaolin who was delayed for a while because of the overhead ball.

But Hamdoy felt that Jiang Xiaolin's speed would be faster than Mika's.

Sure enough, when Mika was about to approach the rolling ball, Jiang Xiaolin ran past him like the wind: Jiang Xiaolin completed the overtake of Mika.

As long as Jiang Xiaolin successfully counter-offsides and gets the ball, there will be a chance to go to the meeting alone, and Heerenveen will lose the ball.

As soon as Mika's expression changed drastically, he gritted his teeth, and was about to make a side shovel foul and make a tactical foul to block Jiang Xiaolin's one-handed ball.

But as soon as this idea appeared in his mind, it was suppressed by Mika himself.

Because Jiang Xiaolin's calf was broken by a shovel from behind his opponent in the Olympics more than two months ago, which caused an uproar in the world football world. The shoveler Garay was also banned by FIFA for one year. Football-related events and games, not even friendlies.

This is a very severe punishment. Maybe Garay may lose his status and ruin his career because he has not played a game for a year.

What's more, it was the Olympic final, Garay was playing for his country, and Argentina was only one goal behind.

After the shovel, it is possible for Argentina to score a goal in the remaining time, equalize the score, drag the game into overtime, and complete the reversal.

But now Mika is facing a markedly different situation.

Heerenveen is already behind by two goals, so what's the point of shoveling Jiang Xiaolin down?With Alkmaar's strength, Jiang Xiaolin did not crush Heerenveen like Jiang Xiaolin.

Heerenveen is also unlikely to complete the reversal.

What's more, even if it's reversed, so what?This is not the Olympic final, reversed skills to win the championship.

Even if Alkmaar wins this game, it will not decide anything.

But Mika himself may face condemnation from the media and fans, and may even be banned by the Football Association.

Because Jiang Xiaolin had just recovered from an injury, if Mika injured Jiang Xiaolin again, the pressure he would face would probably be even greater than that of Gareth.

It's just too sensitive.

If Jiang Xiaolin wants to go it alone, he can do it alone. Anyway, he is two goals behind, so what's the difference between two goals and three goals?
After figuring this out, the idea of ​​fouling someone with a side shovel flashed in Mika's mind, but he finally gave up and didn't implement it.

He just stretched out his hand and pulled Jiang Xiaolin as best he could, trying to pull him down.

In this way, if it succeeds, although it is considered a foul, it will not have any risk of harming Jiang Xiaolin, and will not make him a target of public criticism.

Of course, Mika also knew that with Jiang Xiaolin's physique and balance ability, although the possibility of him pulling Jiang Xiaolin down was possible, it was not high.

Sure enough, although Mi Ka grabbed Jiang Xiaolin's clothes corner, Jiang Xiaolin broke free in an instant, and then left in a hurry.

Mika couldn't even foul Jiang Xiaolin anymore.

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