God of Greenery

Chapter 314 Using the Healing Potion

Besides experience, what Jiang Xiaolin values ​​most is skills.

In this Olympics, he can be regarded as sacrificing a lot of his personal attribute points to increase the overall strength of the team (team halo), and finally won the championship.

Even so, he paid the price for his serious injuries.

Jiang Xiaolin naturally attaches great importance to the benefits he can obtain personally, especially in terms of personal skills.

The first thing he looked at was the crotch piercing ability rewarded by the character, and it turned out that his initial attribute of crotch piercing was 15 points, which was not low, but not high either.

Maybe this 15 points is also due to his full dribbling skills, otherwise it will be lower.

This kind of skill is more about skill and inspiration, so Jiang Xiaolin didn't have any scruples, and directly spent 9 attribute points, adding 15 "Cross Crotch" to the full value of 20 points, leaving 121 attribute points.

At that time, as long as the distance between the opponent's legs exceeds the diameter of the football, he can unscrupulously pass through the crotch and increase the success rate of the breakthrough.

In addition, Jiang Xiaolin has a chance to draw a lottery skill when he upgrades from level 20 to level 21.

After Jiang Xiaolin opened the level gift bag to draw a lottery, he was lucky, and the skill he got was "Long Shot".

This is quite a practical skill.

Before Jiang Xiaolin just relied on his superb archery skills, arc skills and the strength brought by his physique to shoot long shots.

But Jiang Xiaolin's long-range shooting power still hasn't reached the highest level. After all, he didn't activate the special "long-range shooting" skill and add it to full value.

Now that this skill has finally been activated, Jiang Xiaolin's long-range shots from outside the penalty area, whether it is power, arc, or hit rate on the door frame, will surely be further improved.

Jiang Xiaolin checked the initial attribute value of "Long Shot", which is 16 points, which is not bad.

Also without any scruples or hesitation, Jiang Xiaolin directly spent 8 attribute points to increase the 16-point "Long Shot" to the full value of 20, leaving 113 attribute points remaining.

In addition to these skill attribute values ​​added by Jiang Xiaolin himself, Jiang Xiaolin also saw that his own "Tackling" skill from 5 points has automatically increased to 6 points.

This may be related to the increase in Jiang Xiaolin's own strength and knowledge, as well as the increase in the defensive skill "Position", and the increased attribute value of the "Tackling" skill, but it did not increase much, only a little.

In addition, on the data panel, there was also a bracket behind Jiang Xiaolin's name, and the word "injury" was marked inside, which meant that Jiang Xiaolin was currently injured and suspended and could not play normal games.

After receiving all experience, drawing skills, and adding points, Jiang Xiaolin's personal information is as follows:
Host: Jiang Xiaolin (injured)
Nationality: Hua

Club: Alkmaar (Netherlands)

Age: 17 years old

Height: 184cm
Weight: XNUM X kg
Rating: 21
Experience: 109.89/200 million

Attribute Points: 113
Archery: 20
Moves without the ball: 20
Tackles: 6
Headers: 20
Long shot: 20
Bounce: 20
Stamina: 20
Physique: 20
Acceleration: 20
Speed: 20
Stops: 20
Dribbling: 20
Short Passes: 20
Long passes: 20
Grab points: 20
Arc: 20
Saves: 3
Stations: 14
Balance: 20
Throw-ins: 9
Crotch piercing: 20
Picks: 20
Scorpion Tail Wagging: 20
Croquettes: 20
Barb Shots: 20
Teamwork: 20
There are 3 bottles of team aura and healing potion in the package.

Although there were three bottles of healing potions, Jiang Xiaolin still didn't use them when he was in the ambulance.

Although the team doctor and the ambulance doctor said that his lower leg was broken, Jiang Xiaolin resisted the urge to use the healing potion.

Because he doesn't know if he will get this potion in the future, and he doesn't know how many serious injuries he will have in his career.

With his scoring efficiency, he will definitely become a key target for opponents on the court in the future, and it must be commonplace for him to be sexually assaulted by his opponents.

Even if the opponent doesn't do it intentionally, the chances of facing serious injury are still considerable.

Therefore, he wanted to wait until the hospital had a detailed examination to see if he had a chance to recover on his own.

If it can be recovered by surgery and drug treatment, it is naturally the best.If you can't, it's not too late to use a healing potion.

No matter what, Jiang Xiaolin, who was confident in his heart, didn't seem very depressed except for a little pain. He even had the strength to ask the team doctor to take out his mobile phone and make a call to inquire about the game situation.

This surprised the team doctor and the ambulance doctor.

You know, Jiang Xiaolin is only 17 years old, and he scored 6 goals and 17 assists in 3 games in the Olympics. How terrifying is this statistic?

After this Olympic Games, everyone knows that Jiang Xiaolin is definitely a seedling of a world superstar, and if he develops normally, he will most likely become a world-class football superstar like Ronaldo and Ronaldinho.

As a result, this time he encountered the deliberate injury of Argentine defender Garay, and it is very likely that his career will be interrupted. Jiang Xiaolin is not too worried about his injury, and he still has the heart to ask about the result of the game?

After hearing that he had won the game and was sure to win the gold medal, Jiang Xiaolin actually smiled?

How big is your heart?

Or did Jiang Xiaolin not understand the possible impact of this injury on him at all?
The team doctor and the ambulance looked at each other, and they both chose to remain silent, not mentioning the possible impact of the injury to Jiang Xiaolin.

Anyway, things have come to this, everyone can only try their best to save Jiang Xiaolin's career, and hope that winning this championship will make Jiang Xiaolin feel better and help him recover from his injury.

Soon, the ambulance arrived at the hospital, and the team of experts and nurses who had already prepared gave the green light to check Jiang Xiaolin in detail as quickly as possible.

When Jiang Xiaolin's mother, Jiang Liantao, and her agent Baker arrived, the results just came out. Dozens of media reporters, large and small, rushed to the hospital gate, including some mainstream European media, anxiously waiting for Jiang Xiaolin's injury. The report is released.

Jiang Xiaolin, who scored 17 goals in the serious foul that occurred in the Olympic final, was injured. This is something that the world football and countless fans care about.

After the awards ceremony, what everyone was most anxiously waiting for was Jiang Xiaolin's preliminary injury report.

The dean with the inspection report wanted to call the Olympic team leader, Jiang Xiaolin's mother and manager outside to explain in detail, but Jiang Xiaolin, who was lying on the hospital bed, said:

"Dean, don't go out and say it, no matter how serious it is, I can accept it, it doesn't matter, you just say it here, I have the right to know."

Jiang Liantao, who had just finished crying, looked at her nephew Jiang Zhencheng and niece Jiang Xueling uncertainly, but what experience do these two have?
Still, he could only look at Jiang Xiaolin's manager, Baker.

Baker was very decisive. He knew that Jiang Xiaolin was a very thoughtful person, so he asked the dean to tell everyone the preliminary inspection results in front of Jiang Xiaolin.

The Olympic team leader opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end.

Seeing this, the dean announced the preliminary inspection results and basic judgment to everyone in front of Jiang Xiaolin.

Preliminary examination results showed that Jiang Xiaolin's right calf was directly shoveled by Jia Lei, and the injury was serious.

Even with the best experts and the best medical team for surgical treatment and post-rehabilitation maintenance, it is conservatively estimated that it will take one month to walk on the ground and three months to restore sports ability.

Moreover, the possibility of returning to the peak state before the injury is extremely low.Perhaps, Jiang Xiaolin will no longer be able to play strenuous football.

Otherwise, there is a risk of refracture.

That is to say, judging from the expert consultation results of this best orthopedic hospital in Beiping, there is a high probability that Jiang Xiaolin's fledgling career was cut off by Garley.

In the future, at most, he can engage in auxiliary coaching and sparring work. The strenuous exercise of front-line athletes is no longer suitable for Jiang Xiaolin.

This undoubtedly made the Olympic team leader and manager Baker feel like a bolt from the blue, and Jiang Xiaolin's mother, Jiang Liantao, immediately burst into tears, scolding the damned fouler Gale while crying.

In the end, Jiang Xiaolin, who everyone thought would definitely appear disheartened, comforted his mother and said, "Mom, what are you doing? Isn't there still hope for recovery? The medical conditions are so good now, don't worry!"

After comforting for a long time, Jiang Liantao stopped. Jiang Xiaolin asked the Olympic team leader, "Is the Football Committee responsible for my injury in this kind of competition?"

The team leader nodded and said: "Generally, the club or the players are responsible for the injuries, but this time you have made such a great contribution and won the championship and gold medal for the Hua Guo team. Don't worry, the Football Committee will be responsible."

Then, the team leader turned to the dean and said: "Please consult with the best orthopedic and rehabilitation experts at home and abroad, give Jiang Xiaolin the best surgery and rehabilitation treatment, and do your best to restore Jiang Xiaolin to the level of competition before the injury You know, Jiang Xiaolin is now the banner of our national football, and even the sports world, and we must do everything possible to save his career."

The dean nodded solemnly, expressing his understanding.

Although he knew in his heart that the possibility of Jiang Xiaolin returning to his peak state was extremely low, it was not impossible.

If the country is willing to come forward and coordinate the best experts at home and abroad to conduct consultation and surgical treatment on Jiang Xiaolin, then Jiang Xiaolin may still return to his peak state before the injury.

Then, everyone discussed and decided that the Olympic Hospital, the Olympic team leader, and manager Baker would hold a press conference to announce Jiang Xiaolin's injury to the outside world and strongly condemn Gareth's malicious foul.

The hospital started calling, faxing, and inviting the best orthopedic experts from home and abroad to come over in person or conduct video conferences to analyze Jiang Xiaolin's condition, determine the operation method, the surgeon, and the postoperative recovery plan, etc., trying their best to save Jiang Xiaolin. career.

Then, everyone was invited out, Jiang Xiaolin was managed by professional nurses, Jiang Liantao, Jiang Xueling, and Jiang Zhencheng were arranged in a hotel inside the hospital to provide follow-up care for Jiang Xiaolin.

Of course, there might actually be only Jiang Liantao and Jiang Xueling. Jiang Zhencheng should be going back to study in two days.

When everyone left the ward and asked Jiang Xiaolin to rest and wait for the operation arrangement, Jiang Xiaolin heaved a sigh of relief, opened the system package helplessly, and used a bottle of "Healing Potion" according to the operation method prompted by the system, leaving 2 bottles .

This is no longer possible.

Jiang Xiaolin was seriously injured this time, not to mention whether he could return to his peak condition, Jiang Xiaolin couldn't afford to wait just for time.

It took at least three months for him to return to his peak state. How could Jiang Xiaolin wait so long?
He has to hurry back to the club to participate in next season's competition!
If during his recovery, the club is eliminated from the UEFA Cup and Dutch Cup, completely losing the possibility of competing for the minor treble, it would be depressing.

Therefore, he can only use the healing potion cheated by the system. On the one hand, it can ensure that he can return to his peak state without interrupting his career, and on the other hand, it can also speed up his recovery time.

After using the healing potion, Jiang Xiaolin only felt that the pain in the injured area was less severe, but he didn't feel any other changes.

Of course.

If the healing potion made Jiang Xiaolin's injury heal in an instant, then he might not be able to play football and would have to be dragged by scientists to slice and study.

According to the system's explanation, this thing can't heal his injury at once, nor can it make him return to peak state immediately, but the potion can mobilize his immune system and self-recovery resources in all aspects of his body, and carry out the best and most effective recovery within a reasonable range. Fastest self-healing.

Moreover, in the process of surgical treatment in the hospital, it will also affect the performance of the chief surgeon, allowing the doctor to perform at his best level unconsciously, so as to achieve the best surgical effect and rehabilitation effect for Jiang Xiaolin.

At that time, to the outside world, Jiang Xiaolin's recovery from his injury is also the result of the doctor's extraordinary performance and superb medical skills.

However, only Jiang Xiaolin knew about the healing potion.

For the hospital, the Olympic team, and agent Baker, Jiang Xiaolin's injury is very serious. It is very likely that Jiang Xiaolin will never be able to play football again, and a rising Chinese football superstar may disappear.

Even if it is not serious, Gareth will be condemned, let alone a foul that may destroy a rising star, it will naturally be condemned and complained by the Hua Guo delegation most strongly.

Therefore, at the press conference held by the hospital, after the director announced the general situation of Jiang Xiaolin's injury, the Olympic team leader and Jiang Xiaolin's agent, Baker, condemned the Argentine defender Garay in the most severe way and said that he would Appeal to FIFA to give the most severe punishment for Gareth's serious foul.

After the reporters asked about the possibility of Jiang Xiaolin's recovery, the press conference ended, and then the major TV stations and websites announced Jiang Xiaolin's injury as quickly as possible.

It was not long after the football awards ceremony ended, and fans and audiences across the country were still immersed in the excitement of the Olympic team's historic victory.

But at this time, Jiang Xiaolin's injury report suddenly appeared, and quickly grabbed the headlines of the major media.

"Jiang Xiaolin's injury check was released, and his calf was severely fractured! "

"Experts predict that it will be difficult for Jiang Xiaolin to return to his peak state!" "

"The hospital will try its best to perform surgery on Jiang Xiaolin, but there is a high probability that Jiang Xiaolin will interrupt his career!" "

"Garay kicked Jiang Xiaolin's career off!" "

"Jiang Xiaolin, who scored 6 goals in 17 games in the Olympics, may end his career!" "

"Jiang Xiaolin has a broken leg and is seriously injured. His career may be ruined. Garay is not competing, but killing people!" "

"Strongly recommend that Garley be arrested and sentenced for intentional wounding, to give Jiang Xiaolin justice! "

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