God of Greenery

Chapter 310 Leading Again

Soon, 70 minutes of the game had passed, and the physical fitness of the players on both sides reached a critical point.

If it is normal, maybe everyone's physical fitness will not be exhausted so quickly.

But today's weather is too hot, everyone is competing at noon, the bright sun is right above the head, and the visual temperature exceeds 35 degrees.

Moreover, it is also a crucial final, which puts considerable physical and mental pressure on every player.

Under such circumstances, it is understandable that the physical fitness of the players on both sides reached a critical point after the 70th minute of the game.

But this is the stage of the Olympic finals, and it is impossible for any player on both sides to be a deserter.

Therefore, whether it is the players of Argentina or the Hua Guo team, they are sweating profusely, panting heavily, trying to persevere, and no one actively asks for a substitution.

However, as a result of this, the offensive and defensive rhythm on the field began to slow down, and the offensive threat of the Argentine team was also smaller than before.

In the 72nd minute, Di Maria broke through from the side and made a pass from the bottom. He passed a low and flat ball and ran towards the small penalty area of ​​the Huaguo team against the turf.

Yuan Weiwei from the previous point was too late to catch up and failed to shovel the ball out of the baseline to make a clearance.

Aguero, who rushed up from the ribs of the penalty area, fell to the ground and shoveled a shot, but he shoveled the ball out of the baseline three or four meters in front of the goal, and changed direction to clear the siege for the Hua Guo team.

The moment Aguero hit the ball with a shovel shot, many Huaguo fans even suffered a cardiac arrest, thinking that at such a short distance, Aguero would definitely shovel the ball into the goal.

Unexpectedly, Aguero actually shoveled this close opportunity out of the bottom line.

Huaguo fans immediately felt that they had escaped, and they applauded and cheered for Aguero.

On the other hand, the Argentine fans at the scene and in front of the TV suddenly changed from preparing to celebrate to sighing in unison, and even some grumpy fans started to curse.

It's so annoying.

This ball is really harder to shovel out of bounds than to shovel in, but Aguero shoveled it out of bounds.

No wonder everyone wants to curse.

Aguero, who shoveled the ball out of bounds and helped the Hua Guo team in disguise, couldn't believe his eyes, and collapsed to the ground, covering his face with his hands, not daring to open his eyes.

It wasn't until captain Riquelme stepped up to pull Aguero up that the game continued.

In fact, this miss in front of the goal was the result of Aguero's physical deformation after his physical energy was exhausted to the critical point.

Although the players of the Huaguo team also consume a lot of physical energy, but with the blessing of Jiang Xiaolin's overall on-the-spot state of cheating and adding it to full value, at least there will be no low-level mistakes.

Not so with Argentina.

Examples of misses in front of the goal like Aguero are actually the norm on the football field.

After all, not everyone has shooting skills like Jiang Xiaolin's.

Moreover, sometimes bad luck can make people feel particularly helpless.

Just 2 minutes after Aguero shoveled the ball out of bounds, Riquelme got rid of the middle and then crossed the penalty area obliquely. Messi caught the ball and broke through Li Weiguo with stoppages. After that, his low shot in the penalty area was blocked by Qiu Shengjiong's thigh.

The ball is still in the penalty area.

Aguero saw the spot and followed up with a supplementary shot, and was about to kick the ball into the empty goal formed after the goalkeeper Qiu Shengjiong fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, Aguero hit the plane again with a supplementary shot less than 10 meters in the penalty area, flying high above the crossbar.

Even the players of the Huaguo team in the penalty area were frightened and looked at Aguero with a strange face, wondering what kind of bad luck he had today, and missed two consecutive chances to score goals.

If Argentina can't win the championship today, Aguero will probably be scolded to death by the domestic media and fans.

Aguero himself knelt on the ground and didn't get up from the ground for a long time. Obviously he was hit hard, and was finally pulled up by his good friend Messi.

The game continues.

The Huaguo team, which had escaped consecutive catastrophes, also made a counterattack in the 76th minute, and Jiang Xiaolin personally took the ball to break through and counterattack.

Although breakthrough skills are scarce, Jiang Xiaolin's dribbling, speed, body, etc. still have considerable advantages.

Even if he failed to break through his opponent, he kept the ball firmly under his feet and kept heading towards Argentina's penalty area.

When they got to the front of the restricted area, the Argentine was really anxious, for fear that Jiang Xiaolin would break through suddenly and enter the restricted area, posing a fatal threat.

Therefore, Mascherano, who had been stuck behind Jiang Xiaolin and was unable to intercept the ball, decisively shoveled Jiang Xiaolin from the side when he was still some distance from the penalty area line. He took the initiative to receive a yellow card and gave The Huaguo team took a free kick about 28 meters from the goal.

It's not too far away, but not too close either.

After all, Jiang Xiaolin was still unable to hit a super violent shot over 100 km/h.

Although this free kick finally bypassed the wall and entered the range of the goal frame, it was still easily saved by the goalkeeper Romero.

The Huaguo team also failed to grab the first point in the subsequent corner kick, and was cleared by Argentine central defender Garay who pushed out of the penalty area.

After the short-lived counterattack, the rhythm of the Argentine's pressing the Hua Guo team was restored.

Although due to physical reasons, the Argentines also ran a lot less, but the skills of the Argentine players are solid, and it is still difficult for the players of the Huaguo team to grab the ball.

In the 78th minute, after Messi took the ball from the left, Zhou Haibing was shaken by a false pass and then passed the ball to the center.

Captain Riquelme kicked the ball, the ball soared into the air, drew an arc in the air, and went straight to the upper right corner of the goal.

Goalkeeper Qiu Shengjiong has already surrendered, obviously beyond his reach.

Many Argentine fans are already on their feet, ready to celebrate.

As a result, the ball hit the crossbar and bounced off the baseline.


Another disappointing threatening shot for the Argentine.

Today, the Argentine team created a lot of shooting chances, but they were always so unlucky, and they didn't score when they gained power, which made people feel so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

Of course, it is extremely fortunate for the players and fans of the Huaguo team.

However, the Argentine team did not give up.

Just 1 minute later, Argentina made a comeback.

Messi demonstrated his extraordinary ability to combine man and ball in the dense crowd at the front of the penalty area. Through Matthews' fake moves, changes of direction, and spikes, he broke through the defense of three people in a row, entered the ribs of the penalty area, and got out of the way Gain shooting space in the gap and kick the ball.

As a result, the ball hit the outside of the near post and bounced off the baseline.

After finishing the shot, Messi also had a panting and unlovable expression.

Although Jiang Xiaolin added to the full value of the Hua Guo team's on-the-spot status, the gap between the individual players of the two sides is too large, and Argentina created a lot of shooting opportunities.

However, these shooting opportunities only converted one goal, and all the others became meaningless statistics.

This kind of luck really makes people feel very depressed and helpless.

In contrast, while the players of the Hua Guo team were beaten by their opponents and exhausted physically and mentally, they also felt that their own luck was against the sky. So many times when they were about to lose the ball, they did not lose the ball in the end.

Perhaps, in this Olympic Games, as the host, the Hua Guo Olympic team really has great luck?

Otherwise, how to explain that everyone is in full form at the beginning of the game, and they have reached the final with upsets all the way, and the Argentine always misses the goal in the game?
Thinking about it this way, the players of the Huaguo team will be much more mentally motivated.

Coupled with the fact that there is less and less time near the end of the game, everyone is more energetic.

Because for the Hua Guo team, entering overtime or even a penalty shootout may not be a good result.

Argentina does not have the terrifying penalty shootout rate as Italy.

In the penalty shootout with the Argentine team, the Huaguo team is not without the possibility of winning.

Just looking at the Argentine players who scored so many shots in the game and only scored one goal, it is conceivable that they did not wear shooting boots in this final.

Perhaps, in the penalty shootout, many players will directly kick the ball away, and the Hua Guo team is likely to create a miracle.

Of course, the first thing is to keep the goal firmly within the regular game time, and the Argentine cannot be reversed.

At the same time, if possible, try to fight back.

Because the score between the two sides is now 1-1, and the game time is getting shorter and shorter.If another goal is scored at this time, it is entirely possible to defend until the end of the game and win the championship with the advantage of one goal.

Maybe the Hua Guo team really has a lot of luck today.

Just when everyone was thinking this way, trying their best to defend their goal and fight back to get the lore goal, in the 81st minute, the Hua Guo team got an excellent counterattack opportunity.

Originally, this was still the Argentine team's possession of the ball, passing back and forth in the midfield and planning to mobilize the Hua Guo team's defense line and formation out of loopholes before passing it into the penalty area to form a threatening attack.

Unexpectedly, perhaps because the game time was too long and the weather was too hot, Jiago, the midfielder holding the ball, made a mistake when Jiang Xiaolin approached and pressed.

He misplaced the ball that should have been passed to full-back Monson and rolled into the gap between Monzon and Hao Junmin.

Hao Junmin, who was at full capacity on the spot, reacted quite quickly, a little faster than Monson. Seeing this, he immediately started to rush towards the ball, and then kicked the ball to the position in front of Jiang Xiaolin near the middle circle before Monzon.

Jiang Xiaolin had already turned around and rushed towards Argentina's half.

Gago's mistake not only caused Monzon to lose the ball, but even Mascherano, who was defending Jiang Xiaolin, was caught off guard and was easily thrown away by Jiang Xiaolin.

Jiang Xiaolin, who got rid of Mascherano, received a pass from Hao Junmin in the middle circle, and without stopping the ball, he just kicked the ball through the gap between the trailing central defender Pareja and Garay .

And one trip is more than ten meters.

Then Jiang Xiaolin increased his speed to the limit, followed the ball and rushed towards the gap between the two.

He wants to break through by force.

Pareha and Galei's expressions changed drastically, and they moved closer to the middle together, preparing to close the door to stop Jiang Xiaolin.

But at this point in the game, their physical fitness was no longer comparable to that of Jiang Xiaolin, who was at full strength.

In addition, the speed was crushed, which made Jiang Xiaolin a lot slower both in starting and in speed.

When the two were about to close the door, Jiang Xiaolin had already rushed to them and squeezed through the middle, just like Ronaldo used his speed and body to break into Longtan alone.

Pareha and Galei tried their best to pull Jiang Xiaolin, trying to hold Jiang Xiaolin back, but they failed in the end.

Jiang Xiaolin knocked the two apart, got rid of their pull, and chased the ball without hesitation.


In the 81st minute, the Huaguo team suddenly got a chance to counterattack because of Gago's pass error.

Watching this scene, the adrenaline of all Huaguo fans at the scene and in front of the TV surged. Countless people stood up, looked at Jiang Xiaolin nervously, and muttered: "Goal! Goal! Goal!"

The Huaguo commentator at the commentary booth also stood up excitedly and said:


"Jiang Xiaolin broke through!"

"Jiang Xiaolin relied on his superhuman speed and body to break through the blocking interception of the opponent's two central defenders, and rushed past!"

"Single-handed! Jiang Xiaolin got a chance to go to the meeting alone!"

"The Hua Guo team may score again!"

Amidst the excited shouts of the commentator, Jiang Xiaolin caught up with the ball he just waded out at a place about 10 meters away from the penalty area line, and dribbled the ball towards the Argentine penalty area.

Two or three meters behind him were the Argentine defenders Pareja and Garay, who were chasing after him, but they had no effect on Jiang Xiaolin, and they couldn't even make a foul.

Jiang Xiaolin's speed was too fast for them.

Argentina's goalkeeper and Jiang Xiaolin's club teammate Sergio Romero's heart was beating rapidly, but he had no choice but to attack into the penalty area, preparing to intercept Jiang Xiaolin's shot.

Even though he knew he was going to be lobbed by the opponent, he couldn't do anything about it.

This is the helplessness of the goalkeeper when facing a single-handedly.

Sure enough, before entering the penalty area, Jiang Xiaolin saw that Romero had already attacked near the penalty spot, and Jiang Xiaolin decisively lobbed a shot from outside the top of the penalty area. The goal falls.

It is indeed a lob.

Romero also expected that Jiang Xiaolin would definitely shoot a lob.

But he still couldn't help it.

Even though Romero tried his best to take off, he still couldn't catch the ball flying over his head, and then he could only turn his head and watch the ball fly into the goal he was guarding.

In the 81st minute, the Hua Guo Olympic team took advantage of a pass error by Argentine midfielder Gago, and Jiang Xiaolin scored another counter-attack goal, leading Argentina 2-1 in total.

Before the ball flew into the goal, all Hua Guo fans stood up.

The moment the ball flew into the goal, there were deafening cheers, applause, screams, and roars from more than 9 Huaguo fans in the Bird's Nest.

Countless people were excited to vent their excitement, celebrating Jiang Xiaolin's goal and Hua Guo team's lead again.

Outside the stadium, all over the country were also caught in a sea of ​​cheers.

The entire land of China was erupting for Jiang Xiaolin's goal and for the Hua Guo team to take the lead again.

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