God of Greenery

Chapter 306 A Difficult Game

Today is Saturday, and many units are on holiday, which is also a good time for fans and spectators to watch the Olympic men's football final between the Hua Guo Olympic Team VS Argentina Olympic Team.

As the game time draws closer, countless fans and spectators from all over the country sit in front of the TV or computer, ready to watch the live broadcast of the game.

Even many spectators, women, and girls who do not usually watch the game, under the influence of their family members, husbands, or boyfriends, sat in front of the TV or computer, and watched the Olympic men’s football final with their family members, husbands, and boyfriends .

True national attention.

Even in the table tennis men's singles final, it could not attract so many viewers and attention.

That's the beauty of football.

As the number one sport in the world, its potential influence in Chinese society was inspired by the Olympic team.

The game is about to start.

At 2008:8 noon on August 23, 12, amidst the cheers of countless Hua Guo fans at the scene and in front of the TV, following the referee's whistle, the Beijing Olympic Men's Football Final between the Hua Guo Olympic Team and the Argentine Olympic Team The official start at the National Stadium (Bird's Nest).

The Hua Guo team was the first to kick off.

Before the start of the game, the players felt the on-the-spot state they felt in the previous games, and the competitive state was very good.

Therefore, after the start of the game, the Hua Guo team did not retreat immediately because the opponent was Argentina, but took the opportunity of kick-off to actively attack Argentina.

And in the team's overall bursting state, the passing and cutting cooperation is quite good.

It's a pity that when Hao Junmin wanted to break through the opponent's full-back, he was knocked down by the opponent's precise flying shovel, and he did not foul.

The opponent tackled the ball first.

It was because of Hao Junmin's poor personal skills that he was tackled by the opponent, not because he was in a bad state.

no way.

Jiang Xiaolin's cheating can only increase everyone's status to full value and reduce mistakes, but it can't help Hao Junmin improve his personal skills to the point where he can easily break through others.

The opposing full-back played better and more decisively and broke the ball at his feet.

However, after losing the ball, the Huaguo team had no more hesitation, and immediately retreated to play a defensive counterattack.

In this game, compared to the previous games, there was a change in the Huaguo team: forward Cui Peng was replaced by midfielder Zhao Xuri.

Therefore, in this game, the Huaguo team did not play a 4231, but a 4321 Christmas tree formation.

The three defensive midfielders have further strengthened the defense strength of the Huaguo team and strengthened the protection of the penalty area and the back line.

The Huaguo team's counterattack force was even weaker, and there were almost only Jiang Xiaolin, Wang Yongbai, and Hao Junmin left.

Of course, this is also impossible.

Facing the Argentine team that can beat Brazil 3-0, the Hua Guo team cannot be too cautious.

The configuration of the three defensive midfielders can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

If it wasn't for Jiang Xiaolin's cheating, turning on the team aura to increase the team's overall on-the-spot status to full value, in fact, even if the three midfielders are useless, they will still be beaten by the Argentines.

Fortunately, now with Jiang Xiaolin's team halo blessing, coupled with the increase in the number of defenders, Jiang Xiaolin was a little more at ease.

I hope the defense can withstand Argentina's attack, and then give him a certain chance to counterattack!
After the possession of the ball changed hands, the situation on the field suddenly became as everyone expected: Argentina suppressed the Hua Guo team to attack aggressively, and the Hua Guo team could only shrink to passive defense in their own half.

This is as early as everyone expected.

As the super dark horse in this year's Olympics, although the Hua Guo team defeated Italy, eliminated Nigeria, and reached the final, the strength of the Hua Guo team itself will not become higher with the experience of a few games.

Therefore, when facing the Argentine Olympic team led by Riquelme and able to beat Brazil 3-0, the Hua Guo team continued to shrink their defense and played a defensive counterattack.

Moreover, after the announcement of the starting roster, everyone found that the Hua Guo team changed the formation from 4231 to 4321, and continued to strengthen the defensive strength of the midfield, which is also understandable.

As for the Argentine team, they naturally bombarded the Chinese team at their own pace.

No matter what tactics the Hua Guo team plays, and no matter how good Jiang Xiaolin is in the Hua Guo team, Argentina will not change its tactics and rhythm.

No need.

After the final match list came out, the entire Argentine team felt that they had won.

Although Jiang Xiaolin's counterattack ability must be paid attention to and stared at, but the fact that Argentina won the Olympic championship by defeating the Chinese team will not change.

Therefore, after the possession of the ball changed hands, Argentina didn't care about Jiang Xiaolin's counterattack at all, so they pressed on and bombarded the Chinese team indiscriminately.

Argentina has such self-confidence, and also has such technical and team strength to complete this plan.

Even if the Huaguo team piled up more defensive players to strengthen their defensive strength in the backcourt, even if the overall on-the-spot state reaches 100% full value, it is still quite difficult to defend.

This is caused by the large gap in technical strength.

In the 3rd minute, Messi, known as the successor of Maradona, broke through Zheng Zhi and Zhao Xuri with small skills in the middle like fleas, and played a trick on these two defense generals of the Huaguo team.

After Zheng Zhi and Zhao Xuri were continuously broken by Messi, the Hua Guo team's defense was in chaos. Li Weifeng had to give up marking Riquelme and rushed out of the penalty area to intercept.

But Messi didn't give him another chance to get closer. He flicked the ball to the right and then split it to the right.

The unguarded Argentine forward Aguero received a pass from Messi outside the penalty area on the right, and then faced the full-back Yuan Weiwei who was rushing to the side with a spike, and then successfully entered the penalty area to prepare shoot.

It's a pity that before he took a shot, central defender Feng Xiaoting rushed over in time with a flying shovel and knocked him down with the ball.

The ball was kicked out of the penalty area by Yuan Weiwei in time to clear the siege.

Aguero lay on the ground hugging his feet and rolling. The Argentine player Riquelme and others believed that the ball was fouled by Feng Xiaoting and should be a penalty.

But the referee ignored it and signaled Aguero to get up by himself, and the game continued.

Not getting a penalty made the Argentines a little annoyed, but it didn't affect their performance.

After all, Feng Xiaoting did shovel the ball first, and then brought Aguero down. He didn't rush to shovel for a foul.

They put pressure on the referee, just a common method on the football field.

It's better to get a penalty, and it's no big deal if you don't get it.

In the 5th minute, Di Maria switched positions to the middle, and was also preparing to use technology to break through Zheng Zhi.

Zheng Zhi was already quite annoyed at being threatened by the short Messi breakthrough just now.Seeing Di Maria coming again, Zheng Zhi was even annoyed.

"Paralyzed, do I look so easy to bully?"

Zheng Zhi simply charged and knocked down Di Maria, who was stuck in his position and was about to break through him.

Di Maria was a little confused when he fell to the ground: "Why did he hit someone directly?"

Zheng Zhi was given a verbal warning by the referee for charging and fouling without necessity, and awarded Argentina a free kick of about 20 meters.

This free kick angle is good, but the position is too close.

Tall players including Jiang Xiaolin, Zheng Zhi, and Li Weifeng lined up behind the wall under the command of goalkeeper Qiu Shengjiong. The free kick was taken by Argentina's captain Riquelme.

As a result, although Riquelme's corner kick successfully crossed the wall, it did not land in time and hit the goal frame, but flew high out of the crossbar.

The ball was too close to the goal to play well.

Even with Riquelme's skills, there is nothing he can do.

After seeing Zheng Zhi's good defensive strength in the middle, the Argentine changed to the wing again.

In the 8th minute, it was still Di Maria. He made a breakthrough on the right and then made a cross pass. Riquelme was heavily marked when he received the ball outside the penalty area.

Therefore, Riquelme didn't take credit for it, but made a fake spike and then dodged the space and passed the ball to the left.

Messi stepped in at the right time, used the sudden change of rhythm to break through Tan Wangsong's defense, then entered the penalty area, and shot hard from the ribs of the penalty area.

Central defender Feng Xiaoting made a flying tackle and failed to touch the ball. Goalkeeper Qiu Shengjiong flew to make a save but failed to touch the ball.

Because Messi's shot went slightly wide of the post and hit the side netting.

Fans with a bad angle even thought that Messi scored the goal for a while, and those Argentine fans began to jump up and celebrate.

As a result, after celebrating for a while, I found out that the ball was not scored, which was quite embarrassing.

Although the goal was missed, Argentina's attack still made the fans of the Huaguo team feel terrified.

Just from the intensity of the attack in the first few minutes, everyone can see that Argentina's offensive is much more fierce than Italy, which is also a world-class team.

It is indeed a South American team.

Technology and offense are almost rooted in the team's genes.

Relatively speaking, Italy, which focuses on defensive counterattacks, is really inferior to Argentina in terms of offense. It is not as sharp as the Argentines, and it is not as good as the Argentines in offensive passing and cutting.

It wasn't until the 10th minute that the Huaguo team made their first counterattack.

This is a pass when Riquelme was about to split the side in the middle, and Zhou Haibing saw his intention, and started the flying tackle ahead of time and intercepted it.

The ball intercepted by the shovel fell to Zheng Zhi's feet.

Zheng Zhixian, a man of high art, daringly used a spike to dodge Riquelme's tackle and won the applause of the whole house.

Then, the moment Jiang Xiaolin crossed the center line, Zheng Zhi passed the ball.

Moreover, the pass was not bad, it was not intercepted by Argentina, and it landed at Jiang Xiaolin's feet smoothly.

However, there are Argentine players Pareja and Garay in front of Jiang Xiaolin who are retreating and defending, and behind him is the midfielder Mascherano who is chasing him.

As long as Jiang Xiaolin is stopped by Pareja and Garay for a while, Mascherano can catch up and interfere with Jiang Xiaolin's possession of the ball, or even steal it.

With the lessons learned from Nigeria in the semi-finals, the Argentines will not easily give Jiang Xiaolin such an easy chance to counterattack.

Jiang Xiaolin obviously knew this too.

He has no time to entangle with Pareja and Garay. Once the speed slows down, he will be caught up by Mascherano and even other players who are chasing behind him.

That ball is lost.

So, in the process of dribbling forward, Jiang Xiaolin saw the opportunity and swung the ball vigorously, wading the ball through the gap between Pareja and Garay, and then planned to go around from the other side of Pareja In the past: the ball was divided.

The idea is good, but the opponent will not give Jiang Xiaolin such an obvious opportunity.

If Jiang Xiaolin was allowed to break through, wouldn't it be a one-on-one again?
Even the most idiotic person now knows how powerful Jiang Xiaolin is. How could it be possible for Jiang Xiaolin to get such an obvious single-handed opportunity?
Therefore, when Jiang Xiaolin was about to bypass Paleha from the outside, Paleha directly stretched out his hand and forcibly pulled Jiang Xiaolin down.

Even with Jiang Xiaolin's strong physique and full balance, he couldn't get rid of Pareja's foul.

He was pulled directly to the sky by Pareja and fell to the ground.

The referee whistled, but Pareja was not shown a yellow card.

This aroused great indignation among the Hua Guo players.

You must know that what Pareja destroyed was an opportunity that might form a single sword.Even if it is still far from the penalty area, the referee should give Pareja a yellow card as a warning.

But the referee only gave a verbal warning to Pareja and did not give a card.

The Hua Guo team's protest was useless, the referee insisted on his own opinion, and everyone could only calmly step aside, leaving the possibility of kicking a free kick to Jiang Xiaolin.

But Jiang Xiaolin failed to score the goal.

Because Pareja fouled Jiang Xiaolin with a purpose and a plan.

It is too far away from the goal here, more than 30 meters away, a little farther than Jiang Xiaolin's 152 km/h free kick in the semi-finals.

With such a long distance, the goalkeeper naturally has more time to save.

What's more, Jiang Xiaolin's 152 km/h shot in the semi-finals was also the product of extraordinary performance.

It is also difficult for Jiang Xiaolin to replicate that speed by himself.

Let alone 152 km/h, Jiang Xiaolin couldn't even reach the speed of 100 km/h.

Although Jiang Xiaolin had used his greatest strength in this shot, the speed of the ball never exceeded 100 km/h, and it was still within the goalkeeper's save range.

Argentina's goalkeeper Romero naturally knew Jiang Xiaolin's strength, and had studied Jiang Xiaolin quite deeply, so he never dared to make any careless moves.

In the end, although Jiang Xiaolin's 32-foot free kick hit the goal frame, he still failed to score and was saved by goalkeeper Romero.

Always too far away, giving Romero enough time to save.

The Huaguo team failed to grab the first point in the subsequent corner kick, and was pushed out of the penalty area by the Argentine defender to clear the siege.

After experiencing this counterattack, the Hua Guo team quickly retreated and continued to be beaten by Argentina in their own half.

In the 15th minute, Messi rushed left and right inside and outside the penalty area of ​​the Hua Guo team like a flea. After breaking through the defense of three players in a small area, he was tripped by Li Weifeng in the penalty area.

The Argentine players and fans were in an uproar, thinking that a penalty was about to be awarded, but the referee signaled Messi to get up: no penalty.

The referee believed that Li Weifeng did not foul.

Messi fell to the ground only because of his own poor physique.

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