God of Greenery

Chapter 290 Dull Game

The locker room of the Hua Guo team was full of laughter and laughter, but the Italian locker room seemed a bit dull.

In fact, the score was 1-1, and the two sides were on the same starting line. Reasonably, they should be in the same mood.

But the time of scoring is different, which leads to different psychology of the players on both sides.

The Huaguo team went from falling behind to equalizing the score. Psychologically, they were on the rise. Naturally, they were ecstatic and very happy.

On the other hand, Italy went from leading to being equalized, and it was the last moment of the first half. They didn't even have time to take the lead again, so they ended the first half aggrieved, and naturally appeared extremely disappointed and unwilling.

This is impossible.

More importantly, according to the comparison of the strength of the two teams, Italy's strength is obviously stronger than that of the Chinese team.

After halftime, Italy was only one goal ahead of the Hua Guo team. It was a bit unreasonable, let alone being tied.

Therefore, the Italian players seem to lack confidence.

The head coach is also extremely headache.

He could see that the players of the Hua Guo team were indeed not strong, they were indeed at the Asian level, but the overall state of the Hua Guo team was very good.

If one or two players are in good condition, it's okay to say, but the entire Huaguo team is in good condition, which is amazing.

When the whole team is on the spot, everyone can achieve the best results whether they play individually or cooperate collectively.

This makes it difficult to break into the Hua Guo team's penalty area even with Italy's offensive level.

Scoring a goal in the first half was a bit of a fluke.

After thinking about it for a while, the head coach began to arrange the tactics for the second half, asking the players to move their formation backwards in the second half, and to stabilize the defense first.

They also come to play defensive counterattacks.

This is Italy's traditional style of play and advantage.

Facing an Asian team, the head coach simply didn't want the face of the World Cup champion, and only cared about the result.

If the 1-1 draw can be dragged to a penalty shootout, then Italy will undoubtedly win.

Except for Jiang Xiaolin who was able to score a penalty kick alone, Italy has an overall advantage in terms of other players, whether they are goalkeepers or kickers.

Starting from the results, the head coach's tactical choice is undoubtedly very appropriate.

But the words made the Italian players feel very stunned and unacceptable, and they immediately expressed their opinions.

"Why? With our strength, we actually want to take the initiative to retreat and play a defensive counterattack?"

"Do we need to be afraid of the Hua Guo team and Jiang Xiaolin?"

"The Huaguo team is not as strong as the South Korean team. South Korea was beaten 3-0 by us. Are you still afraid of the Huaguo team?"

"It's just a goal equalized, and it's not a loss. How can we play a defensive counterattack and lose face?"

In particular, some of the players who tend to be racially discriminatory have always believed that football is a sport for whites, and Asians of yellow race are the weakest.

Now it is absolutely unacceptable for them to face the Hua Guo team by actively retreating, avoiding its edge, playing defensive counterattacks, and even dragging it to a penalty shootout, and then using a wretched penalty shootout to win and advance.

However, the head coach did not come to discuss with them, but to convey tactics.

The murmurs and complaints of the players cannot change the decision of the head coach.

The head coach finally said: "I hope everyone realizes the reality. The Hua Guo team in front of you is not a fish. They can beat New Zealand at the same level 10-0, and they can beat Belgium 4-1. This is amazing. Not every team can do that.”

"Let you play Belgium, can you guarantee to win more than 3 goals?"

The players fell silent for a moment.

Even if everyone is confident that they are stronger than Belgium, no one dares to say that Italy can win Belgium by more than 3 goals.

The head coach continued: "It seems that everyone can realize that it is not easy to beat Belgium 4-1."

"Although the Huaguo team lost 1-3 against Brazil in the final round of the group stage, it was not a game where they played with all their main players, and at that time the Huaguo team had already qualified ahead of schedule, and the last game was basically in the Perfunctory, didn't play hard, and the state is not good."

"In today's game, I believe that after 45 minutes of personal contact in the first half, everyone can see that the overall on-field state of the Hua Guo team is very good, much better than ours."

"Although our players are stronger in personal strength, their state is not as good as that of the opponent. It really cannot be said that they will definitely perform better than the opponent."

"Think about the Hua Guo team's goal. If Jiang Xiaolin's ability to break through Criscito and pass a long pass arc is a manifestation of personal strength, then the running position of the opponent's midfielder Wang Yongbai is not as good as fish. Jumping to the top is obviously the pinnacle work under the state of bursting."

"And such a state of being overwhelmed is common in the Hua Guo team. All players are in very good state."

"Such a team, I hope you will pay attention to it from the bottom of your heart, and stop treating it as a fish belly."

"Only judging from the current score, we are not qualified to regard it as a belly."

"What's more, the opponent is still the host, and has the combat power bonus of the home court."

"You must respect your opponents, and you must not have the slightest contempt. In the second half of the game, I will play according to my tactics and play our best defensive counterattack. If you can score a goal, let it go. If you can't score a goal, try to drag it to a penalty shootout .”

"Go to the penalty shootout and we'll win."

The head coach gave a long speech, which finally made most of the players wake up, and had to admit that they underestimated the enemy before.

It is also necessary to treat the Hua Guo team in an equal position.

After changing the mental state, and then working backwards from the results, everyone knows that the head coach's tactics are the most suitable for the current situation.

What's the use of saving face?

If you lose to the Hua Guo team as the World Cup champion, it will be really embarrassing.

As for winning the Hua Guo team by defending and counterattacking, or even delaying the victory until a penalty shootout, what does it matter?

As long as you can win, you are winning.

If you can reach the final and win the gold medal, it will be a wise and powerful decision. How can you lose face?

In this way, after the head coach's preaching and tactical adjustments, the mental state of the Italian players was finally adjusted, and they began to face up to the Hua Guo team, and they were ready to play defensive counterattacks according to the head coach's tactics in the second half.

The 15-minute intermission time passed by in a flash, and soon, players from both sides played again, changing sides and fighting, preparing for the second half of the game.

After the official start of the second half of the game, the fans, reporters, commentators in the stands of the Hua Guo team, as well as countless viewers watching the live broadcast in front of the global TVs were shocked to find that the Italian team, the world champion, was not defeated by the Hua Guo team in the first half. The goal at the last moment of the field stimulated the aggressive attack, but shrunk back and played a wretched defensive counterattack.

Of course, in fact, this is Italy's dominant traditional style of play, which is the foundation of their foothold in world football, and it is really not related to wretchedness in other competitions.

However, in this game, in the face of the Hua Guo team, which was obviously weaker than itself, Italy chose such a defensive counterattack tactic, which undoubtedly made people feel very surprised and despised.

Many fans were dumbfounded and commented:
"Damn it, Italy didn't retaliate and score goals, but instead retreated and played a defensive counterattack?"

"Is there any mistake? Italy faced the Hua Guo team and took the initiative to retreat and played a defensive counterattack? Is this afraid of the Hua Guo team?"

"Blind my eyes, the Huaguo team actually forced Italy back to the backcourt and played a defensive counterattack. When did the Huaguo team have this ability?"

Of course, many Huaguo fans were very excited and proud when they couldn't figure it out.

After all, they forced the world champion team back to their own half and took the initiative to fight back.

This means that the strength of the Huaguo team makes the opponents afraid, and they dare not attack aggressively, for fear of being counterattacked by the Huaguo team!

When was the Hua Guo team able to play against the world champion team like this?
Although this opponent is only the world champion U23 Olympic team, not the real 2006 World Cup champion Italy's senior national team, the opponent's strength is not fake.

Able to beat the Korean team 3-0 in the group stage, the strength of the Italian Olympic team is undoubtedly at the same level as Brazil, Argentina, the Netherlands and other teams among the top eight teams, and it is among the favorites to win the championship.

As a result, such a favorite to win the championship was forced by the Hua Guo team to dare not take the initiative to attack, but to take the initiative to retreat and play their traditional defensive counterattack tactics.

This made Huaguo fans feel both excited and proud, with a feeling of elation.

What the fans see is only superficial things, they are naturally happy, feel very proud and elated.

But the Hua Guo Olympic team, including players and coaches, frowned.

Italy's tactics in the second half were beyond everyone's expectations, and also put the Hua Guo team in an embarrassing dilemma.

Italy has withdrawn, what should the Chinese team do?
This is a problem that the Hua Guo team has to face.

After a round of attack, the Hua Guo team is definitely not comparable to Italy, even with Jiang Xiaolin, it is useless.

After all, Jiang Xiaolin was alone.

When Italy changed to defensive counterattack and established a numerical advantage in the backcourt, it relied on Italy's excellent chain defense.

Not to mention Jiang Xiaolin alone, even if the entire Hua Guo team attacked, it was unlikely to penetrate the Italian defense.

Under the defense of the defensive counterattack tactics and the blessing of the full state, the defense of the Huaguo team can compete with Italy's non-dominant offense.

But the offense of the Huaguo team cannot be compared with Italy's defense.

It's not a level thing at all.

And if you don't attack, you can only stare at Italy across the center line, and neither side can do anything to the other!

But the result of dragging on is undoubtedly unfavorable to the Hua Guo team.

Italy can see that they will win the penalty shootout, and the players and coaches of the Huaguo team will naturally see the outcome of the penalty shootout.

For a while, the Hua Guo team seemed to be in a dilemma.

There is nothing to defend, and Italy will not attack.

I dare not attack, for fear of being counterattacked by Italy.

In terms of defensive counterattacks, Italy is definitely sharper than the fully-formed Hua Guo team.

If you don't pay attention, you will fall into the way of the Italians if you are not careful.

As a result, the Huaguo team could only use Jiang Xiaolin, Wang Yongbai, Cui Peng, Hao Junmin and other players in the frontcourt to attack Italy with limited dribbles.

Moreover, once the ball is lost, Wang Yongbai, Cui Peng, and Hao Junmin must retreat immediately.

However, with only four players participating in the offense, the Chinese team did not pose any threat at all to Italy, which retreated and switched to defensive counterattack.

Of course, the same goes for the Italians.

The Hua Guo team only had four players in the frontcourt to attack, and the midfielder and back line still maintained a complete defensive formation, and the three central midfielders retreated immediately when they saw the situation was wrong. It was also difficult for Italy to counter the Hua Guo team.

But the Italians are in no hurry.

After the head coach's reprimand and tactical arrangements during the intermission, the players have fully comprehended the game's style of play.

In the case of a 1-1 draw, they can sit on the Diaoyutai, wait for the Hua Guo team to attack, and then fight the opponent's counterattack.

If the Hua Guo team does not attack, then the offensive strength will naturally be impossible to break through the Italian defense line. It is great that everyone will drag the time to overtime and to the penalty shootout.

When it comes to penalty shootouts, Italy is almost a must-win ending.

Therefore, Italians sit back and relax and are not in a hurry.

But the Hua Guo team did not dare to attack rashly, and was really afraid that the professional Italian would attack them defensively.

As a result, in the second half of the game presented in front of the fans and TV audiences, the central and backcourt players of both sides defended the defensive line, and a few people in the frontcourt fought around the midfield.

And once the ball is lost, he immediately returns to the defense, and does not give the opponent a chance to defend and counterattack at all.

As a result of both sides playing defensive counterattacks, the game became quite boring.Not to mention the rare times when the ball hits the penalty area, even the times when the offense advances within 30 meters of the goal are rare.

Most of the time, the ball is spinning back and forth in midfield.

Twenty minutes into the second half, neither team had a single shot on goal.

This kind of game caused many neutral fans to boo.

You know, Italy has countless fans all over the world.

For this game that took place at the Workers' Stadium in Beiping, many non-Chinese fans and non-Italian neutral fans originally bought tickets to enter the stadium with the idea of ​​watching a wonderful game.

As a result, I didn't expect that the first half was okay, but the second half of the game played like this.

The two sides seemed to be playing match-fixing to delay the time. They slowly turned and passed in the midfield, and the occasional fight was not very intense. It was not as intense as an Olympic quarter-final match.

For a while, there were boos everywhere in the stands, at least thousands of neutral fans were booing the two teams.

Of course, in addition to the neutral fans, many Hua Guo fans also saw that something was wrong.

If the game continues like this and enters a penalty shootout, Italy, which has rich experience in penalty shootouts, has a psychological advantage, and has a much better player average ability than the Hua Guo team, obviously has a much greater chance of winning.

As a result, more and more Huaguo fans booed along with the neutral fans.

However, they booed when Italy had the ball.Although everyone frowned when the Hua Guo team held the ball, they still remembered their identities and did not boo their team.

This is also the respect earned by the Hua Guo team in the group stage and the first half of the game.

Otherwise, even at home, there is no shortage of Chinese fans booing their national team.

It's not that it hasn't appeared before.

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