God of Greenery

Chapter 277 Crazy 10-0

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolin was not knocked out by his elbow, Alder was elbowed by him instead, and felt resentful while lying on the ground screaming in pain.

Of course, he didn't get up.

Because his elbow was in the process of fighting for the top, what if the referee thinks it is normal contact?

And he got a nosebleed from the elbow, but it was Jiang Xiaolin's intentional revenge.What's more, Jiang Xiaolin then rushed up and kicked himself.

Therefore, despite the resentment in his heart, in order to get Jiang Xiaolin down, Alder still pretended to be beaten badly by Jiang Xiaolin, covering his bleeding nose and kicked by Jiang Xiaolin, rolling on the ground and screaming .

Of course, as he rolls, with nosebleeds all over the place, it does look miserable.

If Jiang Xiaolin can be directly sent off with a red card, then he has achieved his goal.Even if Jiang Xiaolin couldn't be injured, if he could get rid of him, it would be a success.

Therefore, when the referee came up to ask him about his injury, he ignored him. He looked terrible, and the referee could only signal the New Zealand team doctor to enter the field.

The players on both sides naturally pushed and shouted around the two players, but in the end there was no conflict under the control of the referee.

The main reason was that Jiang Xiaolin elbowed Alder out of the nosebleed, and finally rushed up to kick him. Feeling that the revenge was over, he calmed down and did not stir up trouble again.

Olde is still being treated by the team doctor, but the referee has already shown him a yellow card.

Olde received two yellow cards because of this, two yellows turned into one red, and he was sent off directly by the red card.

Alder didn't make any excuses either, it just depends on how the referee handles Jiang Xiaolin.

The referee was actually a little tangled.

Of course he really wanted to give Jiang Xiaolin a red card, but Jiang Xiaolin himself was the victim, the one who was elbowed by Alder first.

It was impossible to tell whether Jiang Xiaolin's counter elbow was intentional retaliation or subconsciously raised his hand.

As for the last kick that kicked Alder, the referee could see clearly that Jiang Xiaolin didn't use much force, otherwise Alder would not be putting on airs like he is now, but would really be injured.

In addition, this is the home stadium of the Huaguo people. Tens of thousands of Huaguo fans in the stands glared at them, and they all believed that Jiang Xiaolin was the victim.

If the referee dared to send off Jiang Xiaolin with a red card, he would probably face tremendous pressure.

He is biased towards New Zealand, who is also Caucasian within the appropriate range, but he is not a New Zealander, and he has no obligation to help New Zealanders regardless of the consequences and without hesitation.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, the referee made a decision to play [-] rebounds and a yellow card for each.

In the end, he showed Jiang Xiaolin the same yellow card as Alder.

Alder was sent off for two yellow cards and one red, but Jiang Xiaolin only had one yellow card and was able to stay on the field.

Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates breathed a sigh of relief, but Alder and his teammates were naturally dissatisfied.

Alder, who was lying on the ground receiving treatment from the team doctor, immediately stood up and excitedly told the referee that he was maliciously retaliated by Jiang Xiaolin. He was not only elbowed, but also kicked by Jiang Xiaolin while lying on the ground and losing the ability to resist.

Such malicious revenge must be a direct red card.

But the referee didn't favor them this time, because it's useless to deflect any more, and the gap in strength is too great.

Therefore, the referee ignored them and asked the team doctor to quickly help Alder out of the field, and the others dispersed, otherwise he would show a yellow card warning.

Alder was dragged away by the team doctor, and the others retreated cursing.

There is no way, facing the referee, it is difficult for players to gain the upper hand.

The conflict was finally resolved and the game continued.

Jiang Xiaolin was not injured by continuous intentional fouls by Jenkins and Olde, and he was not brought off the field. It also let everyone see that his physical fitness is different from ordinary people. Other New Zealand players also gave up fouling him.

After all, it's a football game, so it's impossible to actually punch Jiang Xiaolin with uppercuts, lowercuts, throat locks, crotch kicks, etc.

That was too obvious.

What's more, they still have one less person to fight. It is more important for New Zealand to consider how to defend their own defense and try not to concede more than 10 goals.

Of course, it's useless to think about it.

The Huaguo team was already in full swing, and Jiang Xiaolin's consecutive intentional fouls also aroused the whole team's desire for revenge. Everyone no longer considered the question of whether to save face for New Zealand, and went all out to attack New Zealand's goal madly. Indiscriminate bombing.

In the 64th minute, full-back Yuan Weiwei suddenly stepped in, received Wang Yongbai's side kick and made a cross from the bottom.

Although the ball was passed a little behind, Jiang Xiaolin, who rushed in front, missed it, but Wang Yongbai, who followed up behind, grabbed the first diving goal.

In the end, the angle was a little more positive, and the goalkeeper Spley subconsciously reached out to block it, and then popped out of the crossbar.

Although the goal was missed, it still shocked the New Zealand players and excited the Hua Guo fans.

Everyone did not sigh when the ball missed, but continued to shout in the stands:

"Hua Guo team come on!"

"National Olympics, come on!"

"Team Huaguo must win!"

"9-0! 9-0!"

Hao Junmin took a corner kick, and the Hua Guo team failed to grab the first point, and was cleared by the New Zealand defender who pushed out of the penalty area.

Not long after, the Huaguo team made a comeback.

In the 66th minute, Jiang Xiaolin, Wang Yongbai, and Hao Junmin played a small-scale three-person cooperation. Finally, Hao Junmin received Wang Yongbai's wonderful pass from the ribs of the penalty area and hit a high-quality shot.

The ball passed through the penalty area like a sharp arrow, avoided the feet of two New Zealand players to clear the siege, and rubbed the post into the lower left corner of the New Zealand goal.

Goalkeeper Spree, despite his best saves, was unable to catch the ball and could only watch helplessly as the ball went into the goal in front of his eyes.

Wang Yongbai assisted Hao Junmin to score the Hua Guo team's ninth goal, and the Hua Guo team led New Zealand 9-9.

The blood-red 9-0 on the big LCD screen of the stadium is the medal of the Chinese team and the shame of the New Zealanders.

In the stands and in front of the TV, countless Chinese fans and spectators cheered and celebrated enthusiastically, while the New Zealand fans and spectators were dejected.

Even though they knew before the game that it would be difficult to face the hosts, no one expected to be beaten by the Hua Guo team.

Such a score makes people feel deeply desperate.

On the court, after Hao Junmin and others finished celebrating, they returned to their half-court captain Zheng Zhi and shouted: "Everyone keep up the good work, score another goal, and completely nail New Zealand to the pillar of shame."

"it is good!"

Everyone readily responded, and everyone was full of fighting spirit and high spirits.

Originally, everyone put in effort in the second half and didn't want to kill New Zealand.

But the opponent suddenly increased the foul intensity in the second half, and even used lethal tactics against Jiang Xiaolin twice in a row, trying to get Jiang Xiaolin off the field, which made the teammates feel very angry and insisted on scoring 10 goals. , making New Zealand the laughing stock of the world.

After the game restarted, the New Zealanders naturally knew what the Hua Guo team was up to, and began to fight hard to guard the final bottom line.

Losing has already lost to this point, and they have nothing to do.

But they still want to keep the bottom line of 9-0, and they don't want to be scored in double digits by the Hua Guo team.

Therefore, they seem to have regained their fighting spirit, actively fighting in their own half, trying to block the Hua Guo team's attack, and no longer concede the tenth goal.

However, their state was not as good as that of the Huaguo team, and they were sent off one more time, leaving one less man to fight.

Although desperately shrinking the defense, it is still powerless, and the Hua Guo team always passes the ball to the dangerous area, posing a threat to the penalty area and the goal.

Helpless, the New Zealand players could only use foul tactics to contain the Chinese team's offense.

In the 69th minute, Jiang Xiaolin broke through outside the corner of the right penalty area and caused a foul by defender Nelson, winning a free kick for himself.

However, the free kick was in a biased position, and it was a bit awkward. Jiang Xiaolin's last free kick went slightly wide of the post, scaring the New Zealand fans with a bad angle and almost having a heart attack.

Although the goal was missed, Jiang Xiaolin's free kick still scared the New Zealand players enough, and they never dared to foul at the front of the penalty area.

But no fouls can't stop the Hua Guo team's 100% on-the-spot teamwork.

So, at the 73rd minute, the game finally ushered in the climax that Huaguo fans were most looking forward to.

This is an attack launched by Zheng Zhi unloading the ball after the New Zealander made a clearance and kicked the ball to the midfield.

Zheng Zhi first dribbled the ball forward for a few meters. After encountering New Zealand midfielder Elio's interception, he cooperated with Zhou Haibing in a two-for-one match, and then passed the ball to Tan Wangsong who was inserted from the side.

Tan Wangsong made a breakthrough with the ball from the side, and made a pass from the bottom. As a result, when the New Zealand full-back came up to intercept the ball more than ten meters away from the baseline, he crossed the ball to Hao Junmin who was nearby.

Hao Junmin, Wang Yongbai, Cui Peng, and Jiang Xiaolin played a wonderful small-scale cooperation inside and outside the New Zealand penalty area.

Although the New Zealanders were crowded in the penalty area and tried to use crowd tactics to block any space for the Hua Guo team to shoot, the power of the Hua Guo team's 100% on-the-spot state was too great. Can't stop it at all.

In the end, Jiang Xiaolin ran out of a narrow space on the left side of the penalty spot in the penalty area. Wang Yongbai, who had his back to the goal at the top of the arc of the penalty area, received a cross pass from Cui Peng and suddenly knocked the ball with his heel and passed the ball to Jiang Xiaolin's running position. in the vacancy.

This time the heel cooperation was so ingenious, Jiang Xiaolin just saw that there was a gap in that place and ran in quickly. He didn't expect that Wang Yongbai would come to the heel kick to make a wonderful pass.

Of course, Jiang Xiaolin didn't expect it, and neither did the New Zealand players.

Everyone was underprepared for Wang Yongbai's heel pass.

But Jiang Xiaolin's reaction was faster than theirs.

Because it was originally aimed at the gap, and then hoped that the teammates would pass the ball.

No matter what method Wang Yongbai used to pass the ball, Jiang Xiaolin didn't need to stop the ball to make adjustments. He just volleyed the ball to the lower left corner of the goal.

The ball passed in front of the toes of New Zealand defender Hogg, who was flying to tackle, avoided the intercepting foot extended by another defender Tinkel, grabbed the palm of the goalkeeper Spree, and slid into the goal by sticking to his feet lower left corner.

Jiang Xiaolin's superb shooting skills allowed him to hit a dead corner steadily in the face of this fleeting opportunity, which made the goalkeeper Spree helpless.

Jiang Xiaolin scored the 10th goal of the game for the Hua Guo Olympic team, helping the Hua Guo team lead New Zealand 10-0.

The double-digit goals completely nailed New Zealand to the pillar of shame.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaolin's personal goals in this game also reached a terrifying 6 goals, which made people dumbfounded.

In fact, before the goal, there were almost no fans sitting in the entire Olympic Sports Center.

All Huaguo fans are standing, waiting for the arrival of Huaguo's 10th goal.

So, when Jiang Xiaolin received Wang Yongbai's heel pass and raised his leg to shoot, everyone raised their voices to their throats.

When the ball went into New Zealand's goal, all Chinese fans in the Shenyang Olympic Sports Center erupted instantly.

Everyone excitedly and unconsciously screamed, screamed, clapped, and cheered wildly.


"Oh my god, the ball went in..."

"Finally scored!"

"The 10th ball!"

"We finally scored the 10th goal!"

"Jiang Xiaolin bull*!"

The entire stadium was filled with excited shouts, which could be heard several kilometers away from the Olympic Sports Center.

This was the loudest celebration from the fans during the game.

Because the score of 10-0 is too much to stimulate people's adrenaline.

Even the well-informed commentator screamed frantically in the commentary booth:

"The ball is in! The ball is in!"

"Crazy goal!"

"Jiang Xiaolin scored the 10th goal for the Hua Guo team, and also his 6th goal in this game!"

"Double-digit scores, this is a result that no one expected."

"And the Hua Guo team did it!"

"This is a miracle, this is the craziest day in Huaguo football!"

"I never thought that Huaguo football could score such a score against an evenly matched opponent."

"Jiang Xiaolin is doing a good job, and all the Hua Guo players are doing a good job!"

"The key to this ball is Wang Yongbai's heel pass at the end. It's so delicate!"

"Today's Hua Guo team's heroes include not only Jiang Xiaolin who scored six goals in a single game, but also all Hua Guo team members!"

"Everyone in the Hua Guo team played very well today, which led to the result of the Hua Guo team leading New Zealand 10-0."

"Let's cheer with all our heart!"

"This is the most celebratory day for Huaguo football!"

Indeed, not only the scene, but the entire land of Huaguo, erupted and cheered because Jiang Xiaolin scored the 10th goal for the Huaguo team.

Even the audience who usually don't watch the game cheered and celebrated for this crazy score of 10-0 under the influence of other people around them.

There were also people who went online immediately, venting their admiration for Jiang Xiaolin and the Chinese national team in post bars, forums, blogs and other places.

Today, the Huaguo National Olympic Team gave all Huaguo fans the biggest surprise, and it was the happiest day for all Huaguo fans and audiences.

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