God of Greenery

Chapter 230 The Final Kill in the Last Second

When the time entered stoppage time, the players and fans of Nijmegen cheered up, while many players and fans of Alkmaar began to express disappointment.

It's really that Nimegen's bus defense is too difficult to break through.

The ball that Jiang Xiaolin assisted Martens before can be said to be a classic work of teamwork, and it is difficult for Alkmaar to replicate it.

Moreover, Nimegen also pays attention to the defense in this area. No matter who enters the penalty area, they will be strictly guarded and will not be negligent.

Under such circumstances, with 3 minutes of stoppage time, most people do not have the confidence to break Nimegen's tortoise shell.

Only a few players such as Jiang Xiaolin, Hamdoy, Martens, and Yaliens are still attacking unremittingly.

With the passage of time, the game has come to the last minute, and even the referee is frequently looking at his watch. It is estimated that the whistle for the end of the game will be blown at any time.

The commentators in the commentary booth are also commenting that Nijmegen will win the UEFA Cup play-off final. Although Alkmaar won the game, they will still lose the two rounds with a total score of 3-4 final.

Moreover, it was a very unjust loss to the referee.

If it weren't for Alkmaar's two consecutive major misjudgments by the referee in the first round of the game that directly changed the score, then Alkmaar would have at least won a draw in the first round.

Then win at home in the second round, Alkmaar will be able to win the entire final and successfully qualify for the UEFA Cup next season.

Some commentators and guests have even said that "the game is basically over, and the winner is Nimegen".

As a result, just when everyone thought the game was about to end and Alkmaar was about to be eliminated, Alkmaar launched almost the last attack.

The biggest hero of this attack is not from the striker, nor from the attacking midfielder or avant-garde, but from the central defender, Hector Moreno.

In the last game, he gave his opponent a penalty because of the referee's misjudgment.

Although the main reason for the penalty was the opponent's diving and the referee's misjudgment, Moreno was also under a little pressure.

Therefore, the normal game performance is very active, and Nimegen failed to break through his defense line in a few limited counterattacks. It can be regarded as the defense guarantee for Alkmaar to maintain a high-pressure attack in this game.

I thought his performance today was qualified.

Unexpectedly, he chose to rush to the frontcourt at the last moment of the game and made great contributions.

This time it was Styne Schals who took the ball from the wing and wanted to find a player in the center to respond, but Martens and Hamdoy in the center, and even Jiang Xiaolin who had withdrawn from the penalty area, were all caught by Nimegen The defensive players are staring at each other.

Around these dangerous elements, there are always people watching closely.

However, Hector Moreno, who quietly advanced from the back line in the last row, has not attracted attention for the time being.

Because it is impossible for Nijmegen to arrange someone to mark Alkmaar's central defender.

And other defensive players have mission targets that need to be marked, and a super striker like Jiang Xiaolin even needs two people to mark close to him, with someone beside him to help defend.

Therefore, Hector Moreno's back plug was unnoticed for a while.

As a result, at the moment when Schals made a cross from the wing, Hector Moreno, as a central defender, not only crossed the center line and rushed to the frontcourt, but also drove straight in, directly rushing into Nijmegen's big penalty area .

Jiang Xiaolin was going to snatch the ball from Shars' cross, but there were too many people following him.

Then, Jiang Xiaolin found Moreno's back plug.

As a central defender, Moreno's heading skills are also very good.Otherwise, it is impossible to protect one's own goal in the penalty area.

Surrounded by two or three opposing players, Jiang Xiaolin chose to dodge to the side, taking away two of Nijmegen's defenders and freeing up space in the middle of the penalty area for Hector Moreno.

Then, Moreno rushed into the penalty area without marking, jumped high near the penalty spot, grabbed the football before Nijmegen's No. 24 centre-back Elabi, and smashed the ball towards the goal. .

After Jiang Xiaolin took away the two defenders, Alabi thought that the ball would definitely be cleared by himself.

Unexpectedly, Alkmaar's central defender Hector Moreno rushed up in the open battle and ran into Nijmegen's penalty area.

After Arabi saw Moreno, he wanted to move forward to grab the ball but it was too late.

Moreno jumped in front of him and headed the ball towards the goal, and then the two collided and fell together in the penalty area.

But at this time, no one cared about the situation of the two of them. Everyone was more concerned about whether the ball that Moreno pushed could fly into Nijmegen's goal.

Seeing that Moreno, who is the center back of Alkmaar, suddenly appeared in Nijmegen's penalty area, and grabbed the first point of the ball from Schals' pass, and headed the ball towards the goal in front of Elabi. Many Nimegen fans couldn't help screaming in horror.

Moreno's header looked powerful and threatening because of the momentum he then rushed in from outside the penalty area.

It's a pity that although Ellaby failed to grab the ball, he still interfered with Moreno's header at the moment of collision with Moreno, causing Moreno to hit the ball at a slightly positive angle.

And the goalkeeper, Babosi, happened to be standing in the middle of the goal.

As a result, Moreno's ball failed to break through the ten fingers of goalkeeper Babos and flew into Nimegen's goal.

Although Moreno's ball was very powerful, resulting in a high speed, Babos, who was standing on the goal line, jumped up subconsciously and reached out to touch the ball.

However, Moreno's ball was too powerful and too fast. Although Babos touched the ball with his first reaction, he failed to completely lift the ball out of the crossbar.

The ball flicked on the palm of Babos, changed its line upwards, but hit the crossbar with a bang, and instead of flying out of the baseline, it bounced back into the penalty area.

Moreno's header still failed to score.

However, just when some nervous Nijmegen fans breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the danger was over, Jiang Xiaolin, who had just led two Nijmegen defenders to the side, threw away the defenders like a ghost. Like appearing before the ball in the penalty area.

It is also due to Jiang Xiaolin's full value grabbing points and off-ball running ability.

These two abilities will not allow Jiang Xiaolin to judge whether Moreno's header can be scored, nor will he judge whether Babos can save the ball.

However, these two abilities allow him to intuitively judge the most likely landing area if the ball fails to go in and Babos doesn't fully hold the ball in his arms and hits the crossbar and bounces back to the penalty area.

Naturally, this area is not [-]% accurate, otherwise Jiang Xiaolin would definitely score more than two goals in a game, he just rushed to the area with the highest probability among all possible landing points based on intuition.

As a result, in the last game, after his bad luck was scored an own goal and another goal was conceded, in the last second of this game, the goddess of luck favored Jiang Xiaolin.

When Jiang Xiaolin changed direction to throw off the defender and ran to the landing area, the ball bounced off the crossbar by Barposto landed right in front of him.

Jiang Xiaolin almost didn't need to make any adjustments, and just lightly kicked the ball towards the goal.

Goalkeeper Babos lost his balance and fell to the ground because he saved Moreno's close-range header. Jiang Xiaolin faced a huge empty goal.

This situation is not surprising to Jiang Xiaolin's full marksmanship.

Although the speed of the kicked ball was not fast, it firmly passed Babos's body and flew into Nimegen's goal.

At the last moment of the game, Jiang Xiaolin, relying on his full-value grabbing ability and off-the-ball running ability, predicted the landing point of Babosi's ball before everyone reacted, and shot lightly. , and kicked the ball into the empty goal.

Alkmaar took a 2-0 lead in this game, and the total score became a 4-4 tie.

If the game ends with this score, then Alkmaar will eliminate Nijmegen with the advantage of more away goals in the case of a tie with the total score, and win the final victory of the Eredivisie Cup play-off final this season. Get qualified for the UEFA Cup next season.

Therefore, many of the more than 1 home fans at the AFAS Stadium couldn't help but lamented when they saw Moreno's header was hit by Barposto on the crossbar and bounced back to the penalty area.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaolin appeared at the landing point in the next second, and kicked the ball back to Nimegen's goal with a light kick.

At this time, Babos was still lying on the ground, so he was naturally helpless against Jiang Xiaolin's shot.

As a result, all the fans inside and outside the AFAS football field went crazy.

Countless people cheered and screamed unconsciously.

The commentators in the commentary booth also stood up excitedly, shouting excitedly with the microphone:

"The ball is in! The ball is in!"

"Jiang scored again!"

"Lore, Jiang scored a true lore goal!"

"The game is almost over, and the referee is already looking at his watch frequently. I didn't expect Jiang to score at such a moment."

"The lore at the last second is simply crazy!"

"Jiang is really amazing!"

"And it's a goal worth a fortune!"

"This is Jiang's supplementary goal at the last moment of the game."

"Jiang's shot saved Alkmaar and sent Alkmaar to the UEFA Cup next season."

"Niemegen is more tragic. They maintained the lead until the last moment. Seeing that the victory was about to be won, they were sent into the abyss of hell by Jiang's supplementary shot."

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