God of Greenery

Chapter 226

In this game, Nimegen piled up too many people in the backcourt, which can be called full retreat and bus defense.

Even if one or two people were breached by Jiang Xiaolin, others would soon come to complement them.

Under the open play style of full attack and full defense in the Eredivisie, everyone is used to playing fast counterattacks and scoring goals before the opponent has time to retreat.

Playing positional warfare and attacking tough battles like playing Italian teams is really not what the Dutch team is good at.

Just like the confrontation record between the Dutch national team and the Italian national team, the Netherlands is at an absolute disadvantage. Italy's defensive style of play is more restrained than the Netherlands' offensive style of play.

The reaction in this game is that although Alkmaar has the advantage of the scene, he has almost no way to defend against Nijmegen's bus, and it is difficult to even have a chance to shoot.

Even though Hamdoy took a long shot from outside the penalty area in the 12th minute, it was an anti-aircraft shot and failed to pose a threat to Nimegen's goal.

Although Alkmaar's players tried their best to play exquisite coordination, pass the ball into Nijmegen's dangerous area, and send Jiang Xiaolin a wonderful pass that could threaten the opponent's goal, they have been unable to do so.

Jiang Xiaolin's expression turned serious.

He thought that the team's 92% on-the-spot status was good enough to win this game and the two-round final.

What he didn't consider was that Nimegen also attached great importance to this final. Everyone came to the game with the belief and attitude that they must keep the two-goal advantage.

Therefore, Nimegen's overall state is not bad.

Moreover, Nimegen is the leading party after all, and has more psychological advantages than Alkmaar's players.

As long as they watch 90 minutes without conceding more than two goals, they can win the final and qualify for the UEFA Cup.

If Alkmaar is unable to score a goal for a long time, the longer the game is delayed, the more impatient the Alkmaar players will be and the worse their performance will be, while the Nijmegen players will have more confidence and the greater the advantage.

The current situation is somewhat dangerous.

Although it was only ten or so minutes into the first half, because Alkmaar was behind and fell behind by two goals.

The importance of this game is very high, and the psychological pressure on the players of Alkmaar is indeed not small.

According to the system's explanation, the team's presence state that Jiang Xiaolin saw when he clicked on the team halo was only the presence state at that moment.

That is to say, that state is only the numerical response of the on-the-spot state at the beginning of the game.

If the game goes well, that state can be maintained, or it will increase.

But if the situation cannot be opened for a long time, as time goes by, the mental state of the players will fluctuate, and Alkmaar's overall state may decline, which will eventually lead to the failure of the final.

Fortunately, Alkmaar's head coach, Van Gaal, is not an ordinary person. He had already taken this situation into account when he arranged the tactics of this game yesterday.

After all, Nijmegen leads by two goals. Van Gaal has expected that Nijmegen will adopt defensive counterattack tactics with a high probability, and in order to maintain the advantage of two goals, there is a high probability that Nijmegen will use the bus to defend.

Therefore, in response to this possible situation, Van Gaal has already told the players and coaches how to deal with the team if no goal is scored after the opening 15 minutes, and the opponent continues to put up the bus.

Soon, the time was close to 15 minutes, and Alkmaar still hadn't opened up the situation for a long time, and even Jiang Xiaolin hadn't gotten a chance to shoot.

The team members all looked a bit unsightly, and they kept looking at Junker on the sidelines.

Juncker is really not suitable to be the head coach.

He actually memorized Van Gaal's instructions firmly, and it took 15 minutes to change the lineup, and he even looked at his watch on the sidelines.

It seemed that he would never give instructions to change formations before the time was up to 15 minutes.

Is he so rigid, insisting on waiting 15 minutes before changing players?
Although players don't know the time on the field, Jiang Xiaolin feels that the morale of the team is already in danger.

So, he gritted his teeth, and without waiting for Junker to issue a clear order, he exited the penalty area and told Marten Martens to change positions with himself.

Martens has already become a little impatient, wishing so much.

He also wanted to change formation.

So, as soon as Jiang Xiaolin made a move, Martens moved forward without any resistance and entered Nimegen's restricted area, leaving Jiang Xiaolin the position outside the restricted area.

Junker on the sidelines saw the players complete their tactical change, moved their mouths, but did not say anything after all.

Sure enough, with his ability and courage, he really can only serve as a teaching assistant for others, and it is completely impossible to be on his own.

As Jiang Xiaolin and Martens completed the switch, other players on the court also followed suit.

The two full-back positions pressed forward, with the purpose of suppressing the defensive players in Nijmegen's penalty area.

The defensive midfielder and two full-backs also stepped up to support Jiang Xiaolin.

According to Van Gaal's tactical arrangement, after Jiang Xiaolin and Martens switched positions, Jiang Xiaolin was asked to strengthen his long shots from outside the penalty area.

Facing the defense of the bus, it is more common to strengthen long-range shots outside the penalty area, and Van Gaal's tactics are no exception.

One advantage of Alkmaar's long-range shooting is that Jiang Xiaolin's shooting power is strong and his shooting skills are fine.

Jiang Xiaolin's long-range shots have a greater chance of hitting the goal frame than others, posing a threat.

Of course, the scoring rate of long-range shots is not too high, even if Jiang Xiaolin hits the goal.

On the one hand, because the distance becomes farther, the probability of hitting within the range of the door frame naturally decreases.On the other hand, it is much easier for the goalkeeper to save.

After all, in the face of a long-range shot from outside the penalty area, the goalkeeper has more reaction time than a shot from inside the penalty area.

One gift, one drop, the long-range scoring rate will naturally decrease, even Jiang Xiaolin is no exception.

However, Van Gaal's tactical arrangement is naturally not so monotonous, there is only this trick.

What if Jiang Xiaolin's long shot didn't work until the end of the game?Could it be that Alkmaar is just waiting to die?
Therefore, the tactical arrangement arranged by Van Gaal has other backers.

But now that Jiang Xiaolin and Martens have just switched positions, it's better to take a few long-range shots to try their feet first.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin withdrew to the outside of the penalty area and began to move about 30 meters away from the goal.

Although there are also Nimegen's midfielders assisting in the defense, but after all, the area is too large and the number of people is much smaller than in the penalty area.

Moreover, the defensive ability of these frontcourt players is much weaker than that of the defenders, and the defensive pressure on Jiang Xiaolin is much less.

For example, the same fried meatballs that Jiang Xiaolin used to break through Nimegen's frontcourt players were much easier than breaking through the backcourt players.

So, not long after withdrawing to the outside of the penalty area, Jiang Xiaolin got a pass from the full-back Ariens.

Jiang Xiaolin just simply smashed the ball, without even making a fried ball, he broke through the traitor Lance who rushed up to interfere with him.

Lens wanted to reach out to hold Jiang Xiaolin, but Jiang Xiaolin's strength was stronger than him. Instead, Lens was brought down by Jiang Xiaolin and fell to the ground. His hands slapped him in the face, like a foul.

Unfortunately, the referee ignored him.

After the bombardment of Van Gaal in the last game, although Van Gaal was also punished, Van Gaal will continue to come back to coach after the three-game suspension, and his salary will not be affected.

But the referee is different. He was bombarded by Van Gaal and made a fuss in the media, which embarrassed the refereeing circle and the Football Association a lot.

On the surface, he was only suspended for a few games, but who knows if the Football Association still believes in his ability to enforce the law, and let that unlucky referee enforce the Eredivisie?

If they are distributed to He B and He B, the income will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the referee team of this game is very cautious in enforcing the law, for fear of being caught by Van Gaal and bombarded again.

Moreover, this game is still Alkmaar's home court. Under the pressure of more than 1 home fans, the referee will inevitably favor the home court, which is understandable.

What's more, Jiang Xiaolin's breakthrough was clean and neat this time. The referee could see clearly whether he raised his hand to hit Lens.

Therefore, no one paid attention to Lance's rolling and screaming on the ground.

Jiang Xiaolin took the ball a few steps forward, entered the 30-meter area of ​​Nimegen's goal, and met another forward Hemu who came to interfere with his defense.

However, the moment Hemu approached him, Jiang Xiaolin made a fake movement of deep-fried meatballs, and broke through Hemu in an instant.

Jiang Xiaolin's full-value fried balls are very effective against unprofessional defenders like Hemu.

After breaking through Hemu, Jiang Xiaolin was only about 27 meters away from the goal.

Nijmegen midfielder Davis wanted to rush forward to defend Jiang Xiaolin, but Jiang Xiaoli would not give him a chance to approach.

Jiang Xiaolin flicked the ball to the right, dodged an angle, and then swung his thigh to shoot.

This is the purpose of Van Gaal switching Jiang Xiaolin and Martens, allowing Jiang Xiaolin to shoot long shots from outside the penalty area.

Jiang Xiaolin kicked the ball fiercely, and the ball flew off the ground in an instant and flew towards Nimegen's penalty area.

Davis turned and took off, trying to block the hole, but failed. The ball flew past his shoulder, then crossed the penalty area and flew towards the upper left corner of the goal.

Under the nervous gaze of about 2000 Nimegen away fans, Jiang Xiaolin's long shot from outside the penalty area flew out of the goal through the post.

Even though Jiang Xiaolin missed the goal, the players and fans of Nijmegen were still in a cold sweat.

This ball is very threatening, as long as it is slightly deflected a few centimeters into the goal, it may cause a goal.

Next, Nimegen's midfielders paid great attention to the interference with Jiang Xiaolin. Even the midfielder Yunbakar moved forward to mark Jiang Xiaolin and prevent him from taking long shots.

However, the area outside the penalty area is really too big, and Jiang Xiaolin's speed, physical strength, and off-the-ball movement are all very good.

It is really too difficult to stop Jiang Xiaolin's long shot.

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