God of Greenery

Chapter 216 Ridiculous Punishment

When Jiang Xiaolin received a wonderful pass from Martens in anti-offside and formed a one-shot, whether it was Van Gaal on the sidelines or the Alkmaar fans in the stands, their eyes widened.

Everyone knows that single-handedly fighting against Jiang Xiaolin is generally safe.

Everyone was looking forward to Jiang Xiaolin's one-handed goal, and then equalized the score before the end of the first half. Then everyone would be in a good mood during the intermission, so that they could fight Nimegen to the death in the second half.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaolin did not disappoint those who trusted him.

After receiving the ball, he waded into the penalty area. Facing the attacking goalkeeper Babos, Jiang Xiaolin volleyed the ball into the far corner of the goal.

Van Gaalton waved his fist, turned around and prepared to celebrate with the assistant coach and others.

As a result, in the process of turning around, Van Gaal saw the linesman raise the flag.

Van Gaal's heart skipped a beat, and then he heard the referee blow his whistle, ruling Jiang Xiaolin offside.

Goal invalid.

Suddenly Van Gaal exploded.

He yelled at the referee on the field: "Fake, your **** eyes grow* up? You actually called offside for such a good goal?"

Then, Van Gaal turned his head and shouted to the linesman: "Keep your eyes open, the ball just now was a strike, Jiang can't be offside."

While cursing, Van Gaal pointed his middle finger at the lineman, expressing his serious dissatisfaction.

Amidst Van Gaal's furious scolding, the fourth official came over and warned: "Mr. Van Gaal, please calm down and don't insult the members of the referee team, otherwise I will report to the referee and send you to the stands."

Van Gaal, who had just scolded the referee and the linesman, immediately turned his head and launched an indiscriminate attack on the fourth official: "Are you fucking blind too? The referee team made a wrong call. Can I still protest? Black whistle, All he does is black whistle!"

Naturally, the fourth official could not accept such insults and accusations, and immediately reported to the referee through the headset the fact that Van Gaal abused the referee, the linesman and him on the sidelines and made insulting gestures.

The referee, who was surrounded by Jiang Xiaolin, Martens, Hamdoy, and Yaliens, immediately pushed Hamdoy away and ran towards the sidelines.

Without fear, Van Gaal scolded the referee who was running towards him with staring eyes: "What? You can't scold me for making a fucking wrong penalty. If you have the ability, you send me to the stands!"

Regardless of whether there is a problem with the referee's penalty, the majesty of the referee is not allowed to be provoked.

The referee, who originally wanted to warn Van Gaal, was not to be outdone when he heard Van Gaal's provocation. He drew out a red card during the run, stood in front of Van Gaal, and said:
"In view of your behavior of insulting the members of the referee team, please leave the stadium immediately and sit in the stands!"

The Nijmegen fans in the stands burst into applause, cheers and laughter, happy that Van Gaal was sent to the stands.

The fans of Alkmaar booed and abused the referee, but could not change the referee's decision.

Seeing the red card shown by the opponent, Van Gaal nodded unsurprisingly, applauded the referee, and said, "Just wait, today's matter is not over!"

Then, Van Gaal turned around and walked into the stands without hesitation, paying no attention to the Nijmegen fans who were staring at him around him.

Fortunately, some stadium security personnel immediately came up to separate the two sides, and the fans did not really hurt Van Gaal.

On the court, Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates, who had been whistled offside by the referee and denied the goal, communicated calmly with the referee just now.

As a result, looking at it now, the referee actually sent their head coach to the stands. Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates immediately became excited and felt great anger.

Especially the person involved, Jiang Xiaolin, as a native of China, deeply influenced by traditional culture, is usually reserved and modest, and doesn't cause much trouble.

But at this moment, Jiang Xiaolin couldn't bear it anymore.

Because not only his goal was disallowed, but Van Gaal, who promoted him, was also sent to the stands.

Jiang Xiaolin couldn't help cursing at the referee: "Are you really out of your mind? My goal was disallowed, the coach protested a few words, and you sent Van Gaal to the stands! Is it all shit?"

Jiang Xiaolin didn't even curse in Chinese, but in Dutch.

How could he escape the penalty for insulting the referee so much?

Jiang Xiaolin was shown a yellow card without any surprise.

In fact, if Jiang Xiaolin hadn't considered that the situation was a bit chaotic and was afraid of causing riots, according to the referee's previous temper, Jiang Xiaolin's scolding him like this would not only be a yellow card, it would definitely be a red card.

Haven't you seen that such a big name as Van Gaal has been sent off by him with a red card, let alone Jiang Xiaolin?

Only giving Jiang Xiaolin a yellow card, the referee is already being merciful.

An angry Jiang Xiaolin wanted to argue with the referee, and even wanted to curse a few more words, but was pulled away by other teammates.

However, although Jiang Xiaolin was pulled away, captain Ya Liens stood over again, expressing his great anger.

Because of the last time Hemu flopped and cheated a penalty, Ya Liens was already very angry.

The communication was fruitless, and after the referee insisted on awarding a penalty kick, Yaliens was already on fire.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin's good goal was blown away again, the head coach Van Gaal was sent to the stands, and the goal hero Jiang Xiaolin was also shown a yellow card. No matter from the perspective of personal feelings or fighting for the interests of the team, as a Ya Liens, the captain, must stand up.

However, the anger in Ariens' heart was beyond his control.

The more I talked with the referee, the more I got angry, and Yaliens couldn't help but uttered two bad words, which was caught by the referee, and Yariens was also honored to receive a yellow card.

Ariens, who was even more angry and even wanted to break the jar, was finally pulled away by David Mendes and others.

After a red card from Van Gaal and a yellow card from Jiang Xiaolin and Jalyens, the players in Alkmaar were finally suppressed by force, and no one surrounded the referee to speak.

But the anger in everyone's heart is obvious.

Even the commentator couldn't stand it anymore, he shook his head in the commentary seat and explained:
"The referee's penalty is really ridiculous! There was a lot of controversy about the previous penalty kick. After replaying it, we can clearly see that Hemu dived instead of Moreno fouled. As a result, the referee team has made another ridiculous penalty. .”

"First, Jiang was judged to be offside, and a good goal was blown out. Then, Van Gaal was sent to the stands, and Jiang and Yaliens were given a yellow card. I don't know what kind of hatred this referee has with Alkmaar. The game was blown too far.”

"Van Gaal was not a silent man!"

"We can expect that after this game, Van Gaal will definitely have something to say about several controversial penalties."

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